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Author Topic: Morning All, struggling with this  (Read 4238 times)


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Morning All, struggling with this
« on: November 05, 2018, 11:36:22 AM »

Earlier this year, I found out I had an ovarian cyst by ‘accident' while having tests for other issues.  Keyhole was planned and changed mid surgery when they found adhesions & scar tissue - so I have a large scar I wasn't expecting!

They removed both ovaries and my right fallopian tube (3 weeks ago); the left fallopian tube went 18 years ago in an ectopic pregnancy which caused adhesions and scar tissue which they also tried to remove/de-attach during the recent surgery.

I am 50, peri has been hovering for about 18 months, erratic periods, occasional (2-4 a month) hot flushes and a bit of dryness.

I had a heel bone scan 2 years ago with results of -1.5 & -1.6 which I was told was fine at the time but I now realise is less than ideal.  Since then I have increased my calcium (I am dairy free) and exercise but I am wondering if I need a DEXA scan – my GP says no

I tried to discuss HRT
•   pre-op and was told it would be prescribed it the day of the operation (it wasn't),
•   then they said I would get it as I left the hospital (I didn't)
•   and then that the consultant would ring me the next day (she didn't). 
•   the next option offered was to see my GP at 2 weeks post op – I saw the nurse who had never seen anyone with no ovaries and a uterus so wasn't sure what I should do; she said I HAD to have HRT, checked with the GP who said I didn't but wouldn't offer me any pros or cons to help me decide.

I have started Femigel – which re-appears in as a tablet shaped slimy lump in my knickers the next morning

Post-op? I am miserable, in pain and pissed off:

Well I would be!! (3 weeks 3 days post op) since the op I have had
•   a chest infection (untreated I fought it off),
•   a horrific throat infection or possibly an allergic reaction to something during the op? Antihistamines helped but the sores took ages to go & looked like chicken pox in my throat.
•   a UTI which has had 2 weeks of antibiotics (cefalexin) and still not gone.

But on the plus side
•   no significant increase in hot flushes, I've had 4
•   only 2 night sweats (but they could have been infection related fever?)

But is that all Menopausal or just reaction to being poorly?

For general information I have CFS, FM, HM and fairly severe IBS which causes multiple vitamin deficiencies so I heavily supplement with B12 & D – and more normal doses of Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Methyl Folate, Iron, Potassium and Vitamin K

Over the last 18m owing to the supplements i have started cycling (electric bike), Yoga and Ballroom dancing - over they last 3 I have had to stop resentfully as my mobility decreased and pain increased

Help? What on earth do I do now? I am seeing the GP tomorrow morning and I feel a bit lost


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2018, 11:43:45 AM »

No wonder you feel lost  :bang:

Firstly - has your urine been sent to a Lab. for testing?  Regardless, the 1st thing to ask for tomorrow is treatment for vaginal atrophy.  ABs will help but won't cure what isn't there ! 

As oestrogen levels drop off the body may become dry: inside and out: skin, nostrils, deep in the ears, vagina  :o.  VA mimics repeated urine infection-type symptoms really well and GPs still don't get that.  Appropriate specific treatment i.e. Vagifem or Ovestin will help.  Both products are used in a similar way: every night for 2 weeks then on 4th and 6/7th nights to ease symptoms of thin vaginal skin.  Some ladies find that the require the 1st product nightly as it is a lesser dose than original made [now 10 instead of 25].  Some ladies find that they require other moisturisers in the vaginal area, i.e. Sylc and Yes - put the names into the search box on here.  Make notes  ;)

Your Consultant is in my opioion, negligent and I would be hot-footing it back with a long list of symptoms!  GPs are that, GPs - Consultants seem to duck behind the 'refer back to GP' option these days  :'(

If you want a DEXA scan then go back and as for a referral.  It should be done on the pelvis and hips as this is the deepest area of bone.  Brisk weight bearing exercise is useful, 10 mins. daily as well as a good diet will help.  There is a UK Oesteoporisis Support Charity. 

Your throat may be the result of intubation during surgery as well as the body being dry.   

Make a list of symptoms to discuss with the GP.  Have a look-see on the Surgery web-site to see if there is a GP with specific interest in womens' problems though he/she probably won't know about menopause! 

Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2018, 12:14:53 PM »

Definitely tested at the hospital and it's amoxy resistant eColi - but I am allergic to Trimethoprim & nitrofuritain (sp?)

VA - I thought the vagifel was for that (just re read my post brain blip I got the name wrong) - any hints and tips for keeping it in?

Definitely don't want to see the consultant again - she glued me together after me telling her I am often allergic to adhesives - thank goodness I didn't react!  But maybe a different one

Will the GP just agree to the Dexa scan?

Thank goodness I don't have too many symptoms!



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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2018, 01:20:49 PM »

GPs often seem reluctant to refer to any speciality these days because it comes out of their budget.  But you can ask.  Point out that having a DEXA of pelvis and hips gives you and he/she a base line from which to work.  Also do ring the X-ray Dept. to see what it costs privately, we shouldn't have to pay but sometimes, in order to get via reluctant GPs, we need to do so  :'(

Do you use the product at night, i.e. gravity will pull anything put into the vagina downwards  ::)

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2018, 01:30:43 PM »

I was doing it at bedtime (only 6 days in) & TMI it comes out after a bowel movement
Last night I did it at teatime and it didn't happen this morning.....who knows

I am happy to pay as I don't think GPs are very preventative


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2018, 02:25:35 PM »

Nowt is TMI on here  :D

So stick to tea-time?  Give the appropriate dept at the Hospital a phone call and see what the charge might be?


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2018, 03:31:36 PM »

Thanks CLKD

I wonder if my low mood is post-op blues or meno - it's very stable low mood no ups just a level poop! feeling

& for reading on here my insomnia is all my menopauses fault too!!



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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2018, 05:11:42 PM »


Maybe - they were all awful pre-supplementation & I know there is no point testing B12 as I take supplements for that and it skews the test

B12, D, Zinc and iron were low last time they were tested but I couldn't metabolise most of the stuff the GP gave me - so I went a but off-piste with them all Magnesium, Potassium, folate and K were all add in to make the others work better (& I went methyl folate as a result of a facebook post and never looked back) - I 'may' not want my GP to look too closely into my supplements as the 'may' not be quite NHS levels ;)

Maybe this new GP will be more keen to investigate the reason behind my deficiencies/IBS and the others; but my old one wouldn't/couldn't do anything - my IBS is defined as "a very fast transit time" by the consultant who blushed when I pointed out that was a symptom not a cause - apparently I went 15 times a day 'just because'.  With supplements it's down to 6 or so which is fab!! 

After over 18m of supplements I started to ride my bike do yoga and get back to dancing not bad after the best part of 20 years of inactivity now after 6 months of no supplemets (because they will interfer with your anesthetic) I am back on them.....who knows how long it will be before I feel the benefit again

My brother lives in Sweden has similar symptoms to be and was diagnosed as having RA....the first test they did on him to make that diagnosis was a stool sample......


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2018, 06:51:07 PM »

No - I am a bit afraid of them as so many foods set off my IBS to be totally safe I need to eat root veg and meat anything elase causes problems & coconut, soya, almond, Milk & eggs cause massive problems

I have changed my calcium to a higer one, so I need to wait a few weeks and let that settle before trying anything else I reckon even the Vagifem was a risk

It was constipation that started this whole thing off & I hesitated to go see the GP as it was such a relief! but other symptoms came out in the conversation and my ovaries & the constipation have now both gone.....


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2018, 10:38:14 PM »

My IBS is slow transit, as a recovering anorexic who ate enough to remain upright, eventually my gut spasm stopped.  Actimel helped and now it is almost 'normal' for me.  I LOVE roasted veg. with baked fish or chicken ;-).  I also find that when I exercise a lot more than is usual, my bowels work proper ..............

I would think that your mood is post op.  Not getting support prior to surgical intervention and even less since me I would be tamping  :cuss:



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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2018, 10:55:07 PM »

I will see how tomorrow goes - I don't want the GP to tell me what to do but I would like some nice clear pros and cons

at 50 I see to be on a cusp


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2018, 11:18:18 AM »

Quietly confident

Today dealing with uti/potential bowel infection/trauma and scar

Blood tests and stool samples and referrals to bladder peeps and Gastro peeps - new GP was furious I haven't seen a specialist for 5+ yrs

Appt next week to discuss meno - can I come on here and read up and ask for advice!! Then come back with an idea of what I want


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2018, 12:29:20 PM »

that's what we're here for ........ maybe make a note of which symptom you would like to ease first, pop it into the search box and see what threads are here? as well as any medication suggested by your GP - B4 changing up the prescription have a read first.

Has your urine been sent to a Lab for 'growing' to see if there are bugs that require/not anti-biotic therapy?  How long do you need to wait for referrals?


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2018, 08:45:52 PM »

Yes the 3rd sample has gone off to be followed by 2 stool samples tomorrow; she thinks a nasty bug combined with bruising at the operation site plus the fact that I have a TVT all led to significant amounts of pain - the bug is fixed, bruising will prob take a while to go and the TVT will be under pressure while it all calms down.  The IBS causes me to wee more often which trains my bladder to be small (I know this) and my IBS is bad so......urgency & frequency

Bladder referral might take a while so she sent it off and we can cancel if it's not needed - Bowel?gastro as long but we aren't cancelling that apparently the way I live isn't acceptable  :-\ bit different to my last GP

She aslo says that sadly because nothing was done on ethe day of the op within 24hrs she things my body went into a bit of a hormone shock and that now it would be better to work out what would be best rather than jump in with 'quick fixes' even if it takes a few weeks

& she agrees that it is probably post op blues atm but that we must keep an eye on my mood going forward

Oh and I mustn't try to stay awake in order to sleep at night - if I want to sleep I should whatever time of day it is - my CFS & insomnia are a very bad combination so that will be my first search


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Re: Morning All, struggling with this
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2018, 08:36:28 PM »

I am reading - gosh you lot write a lot!! :)

So I think I need oestrogen to prevent Oestoporosis and I need progesterone to protect my uterus and I need testosterone to want to have sex?

Does that all mean I will still have periods? Shit!
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