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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?  (Read 3057 times)


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Hi Everyone

I've decided to give the Mirena a go - bleeding & spotting every two weeks is starting to drive me a bit mad.

So I was wondering, those of you who have, or who have had, a Mirena, how is or was it for you?

I've also opted to have it inserted whilst awake and not sedated (private health insurance thing here in Australia lol) so was also after a bit of advice re pain relief to take before and after the procedure?

Thank you all in advance - and please, pull no punches, as I want to know everything - good, bad and ugly.....❤️


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2018, 02:02:02 PM »

Mirena with Oestrogel was the best HRT combo I ever had.  I had a premature meno and tried just about every HRT there is to try. I had it for 4 years in my mid 50s in post meno.
Just take a couple of Ibuprofen before the procedure - it can be a bit uncomfortable but it's usually fine.

Hope this works well for you - expect to get a bit of spotting at first and the initial hit of progesterone can make one feel a bit sedated but this wears off in a few weeks - I slept like a baby for the first time in years. 
It gave me the least problems of any other progesterone type. DG x


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2018, 02:06:49 PM »

Hi NorthArm,
I had Mirena fitted nearly 18 months ago.
Fitting not as bad as I was dreading...momentary sharp pain for me. Took my breath away will say, but was over in a few seconds, really.
 I had top Dr at clinic fitting mine and was awake. She waited 5 minutes for me to get my breath back, then she checked with TVS (Trans Vaginal Scan)  to check Mirena was in correct position. Took 2 paracetamol and 2 Ibuprofen hour before insertion.
I had no cramps after and felt fine, though I did take Hubby with me.

I had about two weeks bleeding, about 10 days after insertion. Had to use pads as she said no tampons until after 6 week check, then may not need to use tampons anyway!

Since had no real bleeding, I’m peri so having some short cycles and longer ones. Only ever use panty liners, some dark old blood first 4-5 months when period happening, now I get light to dark beige ‘spotting’ instead of a bleed. Had a show of blood on a liner three months ago, bit of a shock that, but had no more blood!
Sometimes only a few days of ‘spotting’, but at the moment I’ve had it for 12 days.
Bit annoying but can’t imagine dealing with 12 or more straight days of proper heavy bleeding again .

All in all, Mirena has been good. I get dreadfully tearful and can cry all day before ‘period’ but at least I know I’ll be spotting, maybe odd bit of light cramping next day. PMT still I guess.

Oh, use 50mg Estrodot patch too.

Well, that’s my experience NorthArm, hope it helps.

All the best S xx
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 02:10:03 PM by SEU666 »


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2018, 02:20:21 PM »

Hi Northarm,

I have a Mirena, didn't really want one, but was persuaded by my GP, a menopause specialist and a gynaecologist.

Previously had extremely heavy periods to the extent that I could have blood pour down legs. I had previous fibroids for which I had UFE and it was successful.

When menopause hit me like a train I went on Evorel Sequi, but I couldn't cope with the Progesterone side of it. My GP put the Mirena in and I was dreading it, but it was painless.
After about 10 days I got some spotting for a few weeks and then nothing. Had it put in May and no period after mid July.

It's been great, also have oestrogen patches.

Good luck xx


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2018, 07:14:57 PM »

Thank you so much ladies - I'm dreading it a bit I suppose, there are so many horror stories out there! I was on Microlut (levonorgestrel only contraceptive pill) years ago after having my son, and can't remember having any problems with that type of progestin, so hopefully there won't be any of those type of side effects I've had from the other types - Utrogestan and norethisterone...

And I have ibuprofen/codeine blend and paracetamol to take before the procedure....and I'm taking the OH too....

Still, quite anxiety provoking though....I think it's more the thought of something foreign in there, plus I came to adolescence at the height of the ‘copper' iud thing in the late 70s/early 80s.....fingers crossed it should all go well xx


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2018, 07:31:08 PM »

Hi NorthArm
I can completely understand your apprehension. I have always had horrendous periods and tried probably most contraceptive pills but they all gave me side effects. GPs did suggest a coil a number of times but did't like the thought of it. After the birth of my son 6 years ago I really didnt want any more pills so I gave the Mirena a go and its been brilliant from day one and Ive just had it replaced after 5 years. It was uncomfortable to insert for a few seconds and i did have a few gripey pains for a day or so afterwards and very slight spotting. I havent had a period now for 4 years and no side effects. None that ive noticed anyway.
I started HRT in March, Estrogel, but have been trialling patches for the last month.
Good luck!! Xxx


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2018, 07:48:34 AM »

Thank you so much Ali007 - I really appreciate your reply 😁😁 - it's so nice to hear that it won't be too painful afterwards either. I'm just feeling a bit squeamish about it I guess, lol. The gynaecologist has also told me (I have an extremely high pain threshold) that I'll probably not be able to handle the pain - she's a bit of a funny one actually....


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2018, 08:11:03 AM »

I too didn't like the idea of a foreign object inside me that I couldn't take out myself NorthArm.
It took me over a week to ‘have a feel' for the strings, but after that it's been good, and I now only think of it helping me with no heavy bleeding and more easily enabling me to use some added estrogen.
Everyone is different, but try to relax, it's all over so quickly.
I too did much better with Levonorgestrel POP (Noriday) so all fingers crossed for you too.
Let us know how everything goes.


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2018, 08:19:49 AM »

Thank you so much SEU666, I'm also looking forward to using as much oestrogen as I like without having to worry about the rest 😁😁


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2018, 01:51:27 PM »

Hi everyone - never had any problems putting them in or taking them out - have had 2 mirinas but other coils also.  Just took large dose of ordinary painkillers the first time and the 2nd time the GP gave me mefenamic acid pills which are given to people as a pain killer for very bad period pains but I never felt a thing either time nor when they were taken out which was without painkillers. Small amount of bleeding for an hour after but no more.  My problem was that I couldnt tolerate the progesterone in the mirina's when they were in.
I had ordinary old-fashioned coils after I had my children because I had problems with the pill (hormones huh!) and I never had any problems with those ever going in - out or remaining but the mirina couldn't deal with them being in.

I think it can be more painful if you haven't had children so I've read and as with everything the procedure will only be as good as the doctor performing it!  The more relaxed you are Northarm the easier it will be - sure you'll be fine :)


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2018, 07:01:07 AM »

Thank you Ladybt28 - I've had two children, both emergency c sections, the first because his big fat head was stuck and he wasn't going any further! And the second one was because my labour wasn't progressing although I was dilated 4cm for several hours. I think the gynae thinks that because I didn't manage delivery, I didn't have labour...I wonder if she thinks I was ‘too posh to push' (and there's nothing wrong with that either, by the way) - she didn't ask anything about why I had caesars, just wrote it down and assumed I think....I'm expecting it to feel like a labour contraction, only going the other way - she's going to take some cells to check when she does it too.

I'll be as doped up as I can be legally I guess....

And thank you all so much for your lovely advice ❤️❤️❤️


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Re: Mirena Coil - has anyone got / used one and how do / did you find it?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2018, 07:39:59 AM »

I've not had children NorthArm, and th Dr that put my Mirena in said some women who have not had children still don't feel anything....think everyone is different, like how peri/meno affects us all differently.
My bleeding for me was getting heavy but, from what I've read, some ladies would give their 'eye teeth' so to speak to have the amount I had instead of the river running down their leg!

Good luck and update us how you go xx