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Author Topic: HRT newbie question  (Read 1376 times)


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HRT newbie question
« on: October 31, 2018, 02:00:47 PM »

It is probably somewhere but I can't seem to find it. Which part of combined HRT can cause nausea? I have just given up taking Femoston 1/5 because I was feeling so sick all the time I couldn't function.

Is it the type of hormone or will I feel sick regardless of the type I get if I am to change and try something like estrogel/utro?


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2018, 02:09:15 PM »

Hormones generally can give nausea, though nausea can emerge with the menopause whether on hrt or not.
Try a transdermal hrt instead as this may suit you better because it isn't going through the digestive system. Nausea will often improve once things have settled - much like nausea in pregnancy.
Maybe try oestrogen patches and then use Utrogestan vaginally - sadly Utrogestan isn't licenced to be used vaginally in the uk but many women do use it this way to avoid side effects. DG x


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2018, 03:17:37 PM »

Thanks. It's weird I have been taking them for a couple months now, first I was on Kliovance for 5 weeks or so, it made me feel better as far as mood and anxiety but I changed because I losing my hair, so that affected my mood in a bad way. 

I asked my GP for Femoston, she put me on 1/5, I've been on that for about 6 weeks and suddenly the nausea started. I have been post menopausal for awhile (5 years or so), i didn't have nausea like that before trying hrt, so I suspect it is the Femoston that didn't agree with me. I stopped taking it and I am feeling better today.

I saw about Utrogestan not being licensed to use vaginally, but also saw that it's not good to use the capsule that way all the time, so if I go for continual hrt, would I need to swap taking the capsules vaginally/orally from time to time?


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2018, 03:34:03 PM »

Using Utrogestan vaginally everyday wouldn't be good. Many women are fine taking it orallyso could be worth trying. However you do have to take Utrogestan on an empty stomach before bed so this can upset the tummy.
Perhaps try Provera pills with oestrogen as either gel or patch?
DG x


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2018, 03:53:37 PM »

Is the progesterone in the provera pill the same as in depo-provera? I would imagine it is. That made me gain so much weight when I had it as a birth control injection. This seems such a minefield, it seems so complicated to get just the right thing. I probably wouldn't be able to use patches because I get dermatitis from most adhesives, so that leaves me with the gel if I am going to avoid the oral combination tablets.

I wonder if antacid tablets like omeprazole or zantac would interfere with utro if taken at the same time or beforehand?


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2018, 03:54:55 PM »

It could be that you were getting less oestrogen on the Femoston. Low oestrogen gave me horrendous nausea x


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2018, 04:54:18 PM »

Thanks Dotty, I will discuss that possibility with my GP but as much as I like her, I am not sure how knowledgeable she is on the subject of HRT so that's why I am asking a lot of questions here. She had never heard of Femoston when I asked her. But now that I am off them, I don't feel sick, it only took two days to sort itself out. I was also getting really bad palpitations since the weekend, I was also more tired than usual, had lots of trouble concentrating (more than usual).


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2018, 05:25:07 PM »

Always best to work out what you think you want before you go see a GP especially if you think they are not that knowledgeable.
I had bad reflux when perimenopausal. I have to say I couldn't tolerate Femoston at all, it just didn't work for me I felt horrible on it.  I don't think that anti-acids affect the Utrogestan.  Sounds like Oestrogel would be a good start as your skin doesn't like adhesives but the progesterone part can vary in side effects (if you are going to get them) hugely women to women).  That is the bit I think most of us play around with more than any other.
I was using the Utrogestan vaginally on a continous cycle for a while.  It is quite normal for it to be prescribed that way although it is not officially licensed that way - quite a few top meno consultants talk about and prescribe it that way.  I think if you can tolerate a continuous cycle then there is no problem in using them this way long-term although some women find that they irritate and so can use them that way long term.  I use Utrogestan on a cycle vaginally as I cant tolerate continuous progesterone despite being post meno.

Dont feel like you are putting the GP out if you dont hit on the right hrt combo for you first time - it very often takes quite a few goes and plenty of trial and error.



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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2018, 08:08:35 PM »

I'm using Utrogestan vaginally every night continuously and it's fine.  I don't know why people think it won't be good.  No irritation or symptoms at all.  It's great.

My gel, Utro. and testosterone have been on place for a few months now, experimenting with doses at the start.  I can finally say that I think I'm coming slowly back to life.


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2018, 08:41:45 PM »

Yes that's just it - some women find it irritates - the bladder or labia if used vaginally over long periods, so it would be a question of trying and see. I'm one who could not tolerate long term vaginal use due to itching and irritation but I put up with it for 12 days per 6-8 weeks as it takes a while to build up and lead to itching etc anyway.

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2018, 12:13:21 PM »

the progesterone part can vary in side effects (if you are going to get them) hugely women to women).  That is the bit I think most of us play around with more than any other.

I only got the hair loss side effect from the progesterone in Kliovance I think. Other than that I was feeling fine, but the hair loss was really bringing me down which made me read up a little and found that there was less of a risk of that happening with Femoston. It wasn't the case for me and I felt worse than without really. No motivation or energy, more tired than usual and then the indigestion, acidity and nausea, anxiety, dizziness, that was all a bit much. Interesting to know that I am not alone who didn't get on with Femoston.

Quote from: Ladybt28
I was using the Utrogestan vaginally on a continous cycle for a while.  It is quite normal for it to be prescribed that way although it is not officially licensed that way - quite a few top meno consultants talk about and prescribe it that way.  I think if you can tolerate a continuous cycle then there is no problem in using them this way long-term although some women find that they irritate and so can use them that way long term.  I use Utrogestan on a cycle vaginally as I cant tolerate continuous progesterone despite being post meno.

How do you mean you can't tolerate continuous progesterone? How does it affect you and how do you know you will be ok with a break rather than stopping completely? Sorry these are genuine questions, I have a lot to learn about HRT and it seems better to ask questions to women who have experience with them than just reading insert leaflets. And when you stop, I guess you have a bleed?

Quote from: Ladybt28
Dont feel like you are putting the GP out if you dont hit on the right hrt combo for you first time - it very often takes quite a few goes and plenty of trial and error.
No worries, I never feel I am putting her out, if my car got fixed and needed tweaking, I wouldn't worry about going back to the garage :) I am just concerned that she might run out of ideas.

I'm using Utrogestan vaginally every night continuously and it's fine.  I don't know why people think it won't be good.  No irritation or symptoms at all.  It's great.

My gel, Utro. and testosterone have been on place for a few months now, experimenting with doses at the start.  I can finally say that I think I'm coming slowly back to life.

That's good to know, I'll see where I can get with the help of my GP, I will also see how I feel without anything for the next two weeks. It would be nice to not have to take anything, but the low mood and anxiety have got so bad at times in the past few months that I had to do something and ADs are not an option as I don't tolerate them at all and I have tried pretty much all of them.


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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2018, 02:38:34 PM »

Hi coldlittleheart  I was put on a continuous regime of Premarin (which is conjuncted horse oestrogen - very old fashioned but suits some) and 5mg Provera progesterone which is medroxyprogesterone) daily.  After 6 weeks I was pretty much suicidal (actually I was suicidal!) Ridiculous anxiety beyond anything I have ever experienced (in fact I was probably sectionable - appalling lows of depression (check out a post called "screaming inside", the ladies here told me what to do and boy did I follow their instructions! - I actually stopped all progesterone for nearly weeks and everything calmed down).  How I know I cant take it continuously is because of what happened then and through my meno journey I realised that I have always had hormonal problems. I had them when I was younger and when I was on the pill although it never got picked up, plus I had a period of nearly 4 months when I was in hospital this year without any hrt at all.  These things all start to form a picture.

Prior to all the chopping and changing I have had, I started on a type of HRT called PrempakC and much to a lot of women's disappointment it was discontinued and I was on it about 9 years. This was through my peri years and it was a cyclical hrt.  When I started chopping and changing I was also given Everol conti and I couldn't take that either same issues with anxiety and depression.  Although I am post meno I know from my experiences that the progesterone part drags me down to a place I cant go.  I have now gone onto a cycle of oestrogel 4 pumps and 12 days of Utrogestan (have just completed month 2) but in those 12 days by day 4 I am starting to sink into the depression, less motivation than before (and that is a part of hrt I am still struggling with but I think I know the answer) bearing in mind my motivation and energy are pretty low.  I therefore know that I need a shorter number of days (7) for my progesterone which can be done but is not the widely and generally acceptable period for taking it except by very clued up gyneas.  I use the utrogestan vaginally so it doesn't go through my stomach as when I was taking pills I used to have to use anti acids. This way I have no stomach or reflux problems.

When I was off my hrt altogether I was a mess - no sleep, night sweats beyond belief and a fuzzy head that couldnt catch a thought if it tried, it affected my speach I couldnt find words. Femoston when I was on it for a couple of months gave me all the issues your report, I used to wake up feeling sick and in panic.  I know I need hrt full stop, I cannot function without it but I am still trying to balance the right regime for me - which is not unusual.  You are always asked to do 3 complete months on any new regime because symptoms you start with do settle after time sometimes.  When I have done my 3 months - I keep a diary by the way - I will report what I think needs to happen to my consultant.  eg shortening the progesterone and probably asking for testosterone (supposed to help with motivation, energy and libido) and see how I get on from there.

I have got rid of my anxiety/reflux/weight gain/sore joints on this regime as it stands.  My hair is thinner but I believe that is to be expected in menopause.  Now I need to sort out the motivation/lethergy/depression - but from my experiences, trial and error and what I have learnt here I know I am on the right road.



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Re: HRT newbie question
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2018, 02:51:12 PM »

hi coldlittleheart,
I too take utrogestan 100mg every night vaginally continuously , no probs at all, no side effects . I changed from oral use because of the sides effect mainly drepression and no libido .
Hope you get sorted , the advice from this forum was invaluable to me .