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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Driving myself crazy...  (Read 1856 times)


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Driving myself crazy...
« on: October 30, 2018, 07:15:48 PM »

Hi All

As some of you may know I have been having some health issues the last couple of years last year I was off work for 6 months with a UTI that wouldn't shift that was eventually treated in hospital and and the fell and hurt my leg and ended up in hospital again on intravenous AB's I was on AB's for 6 months for the UTI and am now also on vagifem at the recommendation of my urologist

Then at the beginning of  September I fell again and sustained a spiral fracture to my Humerus they have gone the natural healing route I am in a splint and truss thing with a sling and the arm is showing signs of healing but it's going to be a long process and of course I am off work again and being the only breadwinner in the house is worrying me

I'm now having gut/bowel issues, about a week and a half after my accident I had a bit of an upset tummy I took some Imodium and it was fine, now I have Spina Bifida and I  dont have full bladder bowel control anyway so occasionally I have had this and it resolves itself. Anyway everything seemed to settle then I had a horrendous few days with wind and my palpitations were a nightmare and again had a bit of an upset tummy which is like softer poo (I'm usually on the very firm possibility a bit of constipation side) again it settled, but since then I've had the urge some days to go more often to the loo and after about ten minutes have to go again with an uncomfortable feeling in my bowel and my lower gut under my left side then it settles, again sometimes it's when I eat I feel a bit yucky and then it gradually goes away or sometimes when I eat that settles it and sometimes I can hear my gut and it settles when I eat something, soI had an appointment with my GP as I noticed what felt like a lump when I was inserting the Vagifem which I thought from reading on this site might be a bit of a prolapse and he has confirmed that there is a slight prolapse.

I mentioned the bowel thing and he did an examination of my tummy and had a feel in my lower bowel and said everything seems ok but if it happens again he might refer me so of course now I'm terrified I might have bowl cancer or some kind of blockage! after googling my symptoms and then today I woke up and my lower back was a bit sore which went away which is probably the way I'm sleeping as I'm not sleeping lying down because of my arm I'm also eating pretty late at night around 10pm with my couple of glasses of wine so ghosts probably not helping either.

I'm stressing my dad and son out and lose the plot at the slightest thing nowadays I'm just so stressed 😥 could it be the stress of everything that is causing this I haven't had any bowel gut issues for about a year which was caused by all the AB's `I was on this all started from when I fell and broke my arm 7 weeks ago.

Sorry it's such a long winded rambling post 😟


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Re: Driving myself crazy...
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2018, 07:34:00 PM »

It's your problem that you can't get away from.

Bowel habits do alter.  Mine did: 10 mins. B4 a bleed even if one wasn't due, I would have to dash to the loo, 'the runs'.  It meant that I was unable to plan any trips around that time of month.  Definitely hormonal!

I have had slow bowel transit for years, helped by various medication as well as regular pots of actimel.  I doubt if you have a cancer or blockage.  But good that your GP is on board and BAD that you are using Dr Google  ;).  Think about your diet since your fall.  Have you changed your eating habits, have you taken pain relief for any aches and pains that may well have appeared: I remember after my heavy fall 11 years ago various parts of me hurt for about a week after.  Especially my shoulders  ::).  Pain relief can affect bowels.

You may have a prolapse or it may be 'within normal limits' if you haven't been feeling down there regularly.  A prolapse could well alter how your bowel and urethra act by pressing differently.  Did your GP recommend female physiotherapy to help ?

Start listening to your Dad and son ;-).  Have that sit round the table chat and come to an agreement where they throw a buzz word at you when you get stressed.  Then stop what you are doing and think - is it worse/better/same.  Is it symptoms muttering or worry letting itself out.



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Re: Driving myself crazy...
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2018, 10:49:15 PM »

Thanks so much for your kind words

I know! I am my  own worse enemy

GP didn't recommend anything

I guess I just need to try and be more positive about things and realise that in life we face lots of trials and tribulations and I can't control that... I just keep thinking what next!

The thing is there are so many people worse off than myself it feels maybe I'm being selfish ☹️

But over the last two years it seems as if it's been one thing after another and as I said being the breadwinner in the house at the moment probably adds to my stress



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Re: Driving myself crazy...
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2018, 07:54:30 PM »

This is about you.  There will always be 'worse' off people but we have to deal with ourselves.  In order to help others we have to be healthy!

The Change throws everything at us!  Add to your SB and limited mobility at times, you probably have to plan ahead a bit further than I do  ;).  Make sure that your family are aware and do start delegating!  They are old enough  ;)

For 3 days chart everything you eat and drink, no cheating.  Then you can see if there is anything that you need to alter in order to kick the bowels back into touch.  Sometimes I find that even things I love to eat have an impact a few days later  >:(  ::)



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Re: Driving myself crazy...
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2018, 12:26:29 PM »

Thanks will do that and see if there is a pattern  :)


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Re: Driving myself crazy...
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2018, 03:02:04 PM »

Do you take ibuprofen? My husband can't take it as effects his bowels.


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Re: Driving myself crazy...
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2018, 05:37:16 PM »


IBS is very common part of peri and meno, my sister struggles with it or did as she hit meno.
I don't know your history or if your on HRT or your age.

I'm going through severe health anxiety for the first time in my life and it's horrible. You can be watching the tv but 70% of your attention is lost to the symptoms and “what ifs”
It becomes an obsession it consumes you it's put me in bed with anxiety and depression.

Doctor google has a lot to answer for.

I hope you get the results that put your mind at rest ASAP x