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Author Topic: Where has the old me gone?  (Read 2041 times)


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Where has the old me gone?
« on: October 22, 2018, 03:37:37 PM »

I think this site is wonderful,only been on a day and already reading everyone's experiences has helped.
I'm not coping very well,used to be the life and soul of the party but now I just want to hide away and not even come out of my house.
The hot flushes and night sweats started 4/5 years ago and I thought,hey,I can get through this menopause,then a few months ago my life just seemed to go downhill,panicking when I feel the slightest flicker of an ache or pain,thinking I'm dying,anxiety like I've never had before.I lost my sister 2 years ago,she was only 62,faulty valve in her heart,she knew nothing of it,was literally here one minute,gone the next,so needless to say,this lingers in my head and I now imagine I feel pains,which I probably don't even have.I make myself feel nauseous with the constant panicking.I do know my adrenaline surges a lot,always before a sweat but sometimes for no reason.
I have such a wonderful life,with a brilliant husband and I feel I'm wasting it all as I can't enjoy today for worrying about tomorrow.
Going back to Dr on Monday,was in with a gut infection,or was it cancer :-\ no,it was def a gut infection so I mentioned my anxiety and she was fab,just speaking to someone helps,although I blubbed a little (which i don't do)but also being on here,you don't feel alone somehow.All these wonderful women,all going through the same awful problems.
So,many thanks,you all do really make a difference to someones life  :)


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2018, 05:05:51 PM »

Join The Club!   :welcomemm:

Have U been to have a heart check up?  Also any members of your close family?

Some ladies find it useful to keep a mood/food/symptom diary.  Also make sure your diet is good, that you have 'me' time, exercise and keep hydrated.  We R allowed treats too  ;)

Lots state nausea prior to flushes.  Eating regularly may help the anxiety as it can ease surges.  For me adrenaline feels like hot water rushing through my veins.

Gut problems may occur.  As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains as well as the risk of a hiatus hernia which encourages heartburn/reflux.  Also the body may become dry: inside and out, so do read the threads about vaginal atrophy.



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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2018, 05:24:32 PM »

Thank you for that, I will mention getting my heart checked,I've had an ecg,does that count?
I will have a treat,lost so much weight with the anxiety,I'm always moaning about my weight but didn't really want to lose it like this.
Oh the joys us women have  ;D I'm just a sweaty angry happy sad happy quivering nervous wreck
Thanks again


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2018, 05:30:16 PM »

Sounds within normal limits for peri-menopause from where I'm sitting  ::)

I would be asking if the condition that your sister suffered with could affect me and my immediate family.  It is known that some teens have sudden death syndrome often whilst playing sport often related to an un-diagnosed heart condition and I think that as much knowledge should be gleaned when ever possible.

This then relates to using HRT if required as it does help heart and bones.  In the mean time think about how much exercise you need each week as brisk walking can help bone density.  Anything rather than oesteoporis!

We have a funny room too  ;)


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2018, 06:21:56 PM »

Hi Birdy & thank you. I panic like you wouldn't believe,not had 6 ecg's like you but 3, we should have a race  :) I've suffered palpitations for years as my other sister (alive)I have slightly irregular beats which was picked up.anxiety through the roof,really is taking over my life.Won't take hrt as there's a history of breast cancer in our family (healthy bunch)same way I won't take cohosh but thank you so so much for the other recommendations, I will go & find them.Hope you get through your days xxx


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2018, 06:24:12 PM »

Well you can put the breast cancer myth to bed! as those old researches have been de-valued [not the word I want, but hey, I'm
menopausal  :-\ ].   

Quality of Life is important.  That bus might be along B4 cancer raises it's head. 


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2018, 06:28:35 PM »

 :)what can I say, I panic about that too  ;D xx


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2018, 06:33:43 PM »

So take care when stepping off that pavement?

What symptom would you like to ease first, have I asked that already ?  :-\

We have a thread "That Old Lady in my House" ........


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2018, 06:42:19 PM »

The pavement?!?!?!what pavement?!?! Is it high?!? Haha just can't handle anxiety.Just bought that ashwaganda that Birdy told me about x


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2018, 06:45:38 PM »

It feels high if one falls of it  ;)


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Re: Where has the old me gone?
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2018, 07:26:52 PM »

Does your advice work for U though, DH used to shout across the room "Take your own advice" when I was counselling on the 'phone  :D