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Author Topic: New on here and feel like I'm going mad please help.  (Read 1179 times)


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New on here and feel like I'm going mad please help.
« on: October 29, 2018, 09:01:19 PM »

Hi, I had a total hysterectomy and BSO last April and was put straight onto Estradiol 2mg tablet form daily until I am 51. I'm currently 46. I had no support post surgery just felt like had op and here you go take this tablet. I had a couple of GP apps to see how I was getting on taking the oestrogen only hrt and then checked last Xmas but no support surrounding the menopause and symptoms. Anyway I am reaching out to all members to see if anyone else is having the symptoms I am and what to do about it. so before my op about 3 years ago I started feeling sick and anxious before I went on holiday this carried on for a year had various tests camera down my throat, anti acid tablets as I had indigestion as well as feeling nauseous and generally felt unwell. also had gynae problems so eventually got referred which is why I had the op. symptoms seemed better but last September still had anxiety and nausea before I went on holiday. Had a really stressful time at work ( I'm a sister in the nhs) and in the summer fekt really stressed and anxious. then my symptoms really excabated in August this year when I thought I had a virus as went light headed dizzy spells nausea anxiety and this has been carrying on. current symptoms are muzzy head, unable to concentrate, anxious to the point where I feel I'm unable to look after poorly patients as it makes me stressed, flit from one job to another, generally feel like I'm not in my own body, unsubtle to make decisions. I've seen my GP and she said in September that it was mild labrinthytitis and it would just go after a coup,e of weeks. it hasn't and I still feel weird and gave funny turns where my head goes funny slight whooshing in ears and feel unsteady as well as the other things. I've now been to my GP again last Friday and insisted I see a menopause specialist due to my symptoms. I'm wondering if my HRT needs changing/ increasing. my GP said I'm already on the highest dose and she's never heard of it increasing from the dose I'm on also said could I have a blood test to check my levels but she refused and said they would not be able to see my levels?
I'm very confused and wondered if anyone else has experienced any of these symptoms and could share some advice as really feel like I'm going mad :-\ :'( thanks in advance.


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Re: New on here and feel like I'm going mad please help.
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2018, 10:12:17 PM »

Hi EmmaJane if it's any consolation please see my post. I am nuclear scientist and like you feel very unsure of what is happening to me. I have strange feelings in my head and find I can't think straight. This is so unlike me especially at work. I am unclear what to do next. I want to understand what is causing me to feel this way and how I can change things for the better.  I hope you get some helpful advice from other ladies on here.
Best wishes


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Re: New on here and feel like I'm going mad please help.
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2018, 08:02:23 AM »

Hi Emmajane33


Sorry to hear about your ongoing symptoms and problems with your doc.

Yes you should insist on a referral - it is your right to see someone who knows what they are talking about re menopausal symptoms and appropriate treatment.

Unfortunately you are a special case in that you had a surgical menopause and perhaps were still having regular periods leading up to your op? The shock to your system will have been greater the earlier in peri-menopause you were ie when your natural hormone levels were still high.

From what I've read on here it does take a while to settle on the right dose of the right preparation and some women in surgical menopause take much higher doses than this. Your doc is quite wrong not to measure your oestrogen levels - yours is one of the circumstances in which it is advised because you have no idea what they are. Although 2 mg is ostensibly a high dose - the actual levels in your body depend on how much you absorb from the tablet following digestion and metabolism through the liver. I would suggest you might be better off using a transdermal oestrogen ie patch or gel and you would be able to increase the dose until you arrived at the right level for you.

In the absence of flushes and sweats in can be difficult to decide what the right level in but often mood can be a good indicator too.

The other thing is that some women also need testosterone following BSO - and you would usually need to see a specialist for this especially if your doc is not playing ball, as it is prescribed off licence. A good indicator that you are low in this is libido ( although this can also be lowered throught taking ADs and indeed tablet HRT can also lower libido compared to transdermal).

So - if your doc cannot help with this then do go back and ask for a referral - or at least another doc in the practice if you can find one who is knowledgeable about HRT?

At the same time do continue to seek help and an appropriate diagosis for your other symptoms which you can also discuss at a menopause clinic when you get referred. Depending on where you live there are not that many around but you can be referred to the neraest (NHS) one if there is not one in your area.

Hope this helps a little.

Hurdity x



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Re: New on here and feel like I'm going mad please help.
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2018, 09:06:28 AM »

Hi and welcome to mm Emmajane

You are not alone - what you are experiencing is quite common when meno hits -  nobody warns us about what to expect and HRT can only do so much.
I aggree that you should be referred for more specialist advice but it needs to be someone with a good knowledge of menopausal issues - not many gynaes are that clued up!!!  If you are struggling with digestive issues then switching to tranadermal oestrogen would be much better and may well improve your oestrogen levels. Taking hrt orally means a great deal is lost in the liver. Of course they should do a blood test to see what your oestrogen levels are ? If you are on PPIs this could well effect the absorption of the oestrogen.
It is also very common to start getting digestive issues with the menopause - with a total hyster you have been plunged into menopause rather suddenly and this will throw so much off balance in the body.
If they have put you on PPI drugs, these can also give more side effects than the doctors think - they basically stop you producing the vital digestive enzymes needed to absorb food so can cause more problems in the long term - osteoporosis is a common side effect from using PPIs long term. I developed diverticulitis because of the PPIs as I had constant diarrhoea.
I was given little if any advice from the GP or the hospital after the endoscopy and colonoscopy.  -  basically a leaflet telling me to eat lots of fibre - as I was opening my bowels 3-4 times a day, more fibre was not what I needed.   Fortunately my brother - in-laws is an eminent gastroenterologist and he suggested I do a low residue diet for a week or two then gradually add in food types to identify what I could eat and what I shouldn't eat. I still get some indigestion if I eat too much - SO, my top tip is to eat small amounts regularly through the day and eat slowly. Avoid sugary things and reduce fatty foods. Avoid fruit juices, alcohol and caffiene(even decaf tea and coffee can irritate the stomach ) but drink lots if water (small amounts through the day). If you are on PPIs do try to stop these - you may well get more reflux at first as your body may rebound quite a lot and produce too much acid at first. Good old Gaviscon can help and peppermint capsules and peppermint tea can help with nausea and digestion.  I also take digestive enzymes - the NHS choices website recommends BEANO but there are cheaper alternatives.
The most important thing though is to be kind to yourself and learn to relax. This is the toughest thing to do especially as you are a nursing sister with a great deal of responsibility. I do Mindfulness and get out for walks as much as possible. I have also learned to say”NO” to things - you have to put yourself first I'm afraid.
Read up as much factual stuff as you can on this site. You could do an email consult with DR Curry ( who founded this site) for advice ( costs £25) as this might be helpful. 
I think menopause symptoms are frightening and confusing and so many of us have been floored by them - we are here to support you so keep us posted.
BTW - do not stop the oestrogen at 51 - you need thexoestrgen to protect your heart and bones - as you have had a hysterectomy, you can have oestrogen for as long as you feel you need it especially if you are needing to work.  DG x
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 09:13:13 AM by Dancinggirl »