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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Gastric issues  (Read 5604 times)


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Gastric issues
« on: October 24, 2018, 08:19:34 AM »

Hi all.Ive recently after just over a years usage decided to give hrt a rest my bodies so sore and tired of fighting off the various side effects ie bloating throbbing headaches nausea dizziness skin like an oil slick with this last batch I've been trying all under the guidance of 2 top meno experts.the worst part of all this has been the gastric symptoms which id nothing like I have now in such a short space of time and which has been so debilitating.ive had all the tests scans and bloods going and no reason for this pain and discomfort in my gut showing up.
The weights been dropping off me because like lots of you I've been reluctant to eat on the painful days.since trialling the estrodot patches my discomfort and pain and new symptoms escalated so I'm at a stage now where I'm not getting the help and advice I need so have to try and work this out can't seriously tell someone to just persevere after over a year of increase in severity of side effects of now focussing on healing my symptoms if I can and my physio this week suggested I try flax seeds or linseed sprinkled on my foods and after a few days of that and buscopan I'm starting to see a ray of hope.the oil slick skin has disappeared since stopping the oestrogen and the gastric attacks have greatly reduced as has the nausea but I still have a big knot feeling in centre of tummy and sore ribs.great book was recommended to me last week "GUT" by Giulia Enders it doesent half enlighten you about your gut in an easy and fun way I highly recommend it,you wouldnt believe half the stuff your tonsils and saliva do either,well worth a read if your having disgestive issues.x D.D


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2018, 08:50:42 AM »

With small dietary changes, I have reduced my GUT problems enormously. Sadly the medical profession are not good at giving advice about how to manage our digestive system well - it's just the standard thing “a good balance diet with lots of fruit and vegetables”.  WE are all different and what works for one won't work for another. I have a bread maker and put linseeds in each time - really good. 

Cutting our caffeine, fruit juices and highly acidic food has helped me greatly, I also take digestive enzymes and peppermint oil capsules that seem to help. I also eat small meals regularly - I always suffer if I eat too much at once. 
Good luck. Dg x


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2018, 08:53:25 AM »

Thanks for that- this is v timely as i have gp appt re nausea/indigestion also hoarse throat and your mention of tonsils makes me wonder if it's all related.
i can't tolerate hrt so i think mine is my own general hormone fluctuations
hope you continue to feel better :)


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2018, 10:18:41 AM »

Just a thought DD, have you been checked for Gallstones??


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2018, 10:36:21 AM »

Hi shadyglade yes I have I've had my gall bladder my pancreas liver etc all checked last week again and all healthy no signs of stones or disease.
I've emailed my consultant now to ask their opinion it just seems to me an awful lot of posters are complaining of digestive/ gut/ bowel issues but tests are showing nothing really.
Could this be a side effect of oestrogen.i was actually doing quite well initially when I only took one squirt of gel a day then they said to increase it to 2 so I could get my levels up higher and start testosterone but it then I seemed to start with a variety if other problems plus I wasn't absorbing enough according to blood tests so was told to try higher dose estrodot 100 and things have gotten hoping the consultant can help I am so knackered with this pain and I'm hungry but reluctant to eat.xxD.D


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2018, 10:39:31 AM »

Hi Dg yes I'm doing what you suggest thank you.think I just need to trade in this old knackered body lol.D.D


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2018, 10:41:01 AM »

Thank you Vf I hope you get some answers we really could do with some help from the medics on this one.D.D


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2018, 10:57:25 AM »

Droopeydrawers - I think with you it was possibly a coincidence that your digestive issues emerged when you started HRT.  I know that some women seem to find oral HRT upsets their tummy but transdermal is supposed to be fine :-\  I'm surprised it was the oestrogen causing the problems (it's usually progesterone that is the problem), although sometimes the gall bladder can start playing up when starting HRT - but so many of us become very anxious when starting HRT ( the misinformed scares have made everyone very nervous of HRT) and classic symptoms of anxiety are gut issues.
I'm afraid when I stopped HRT was when my digestive issues really flared up - oestrogen is the engine oil that helps to keep our body functioning well on all sorts of levels and as oestrogen drops, then so do many other bodily functions. However if you were oestrogen depleted before starting the oestrogen, then maybe ‘waking everything up again' triggered these issues?

I was given PPIs drugs to help with the burning pain, like you are getting, and they really mucked things up.  PPIs reduce the digestive juices so you aren't digesting properly!!! I now take digestive enzymes, along with adjusting my diet significantly,  and find these strategies have really helped.

Do try adjusting what you eat and how you eat in small ways to find what works for you - I find very small meals regularly through the day is best.  DG x
« Last Edit: October 24, 2018, 11:05:45 AM by Dancinggirl »


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2018, 11:00:46 AM »

Hi DD.  I could have written your post as I'm in exactly the same position.  I've been trying over the last year to find a HRT that doesn't have such debilitating side effects on my digestive system.  The ladies on here have been great in trying to help with different suggestions and I have tried a lot of these but still the stomach pain continues.  I'm fairly sure that it's the oestrogen that causes the problems as I've tried taking various oestrogens first before adding in the progesterone and the discomfort is always there. 

I was taking Prempak C for a number of years without any issues so thought I would give Premarin a try as this is supposed to be similar.  I appreciate that this kind of equine HRT won't be for everyone but it definitely doesn't affect my stomach as much, although it wasn't really managing my symptoms that well either 😏. So, I'm now giving Estradot a try but I only stuck the patch on the day before yesterday and already the stomach pains, gurgling etc etc are back !

I know this isn't much help to you but I just wanted to say that I know exactly how you are feeling and I understand why you would want to give your body a break from it all. I have done this on a few occasions over the last year but, unfortunately, the meno symptoms always creep back 😞

I hope you are feeling better soon.

Rosie63 xx


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2018, 04:02:15 PM »

I'm convinced it's inflammation from fluctuating hormones that made my digestive issues worse through peri.  I had inflammation through my system, even my gallbladder was inflamed, no stones.  I'm now post meno, no period since June 2017.  Still having digestive issues but sometimes it calms right down.  I know it will never be normal as I have a hiatus hernia and diverticulosis but any improvement is a bonus.  I do know stress and anxiety aggravates mine so add in hormones and it all blurs into one.  No hrt for me, just Vagifem.

Hi Sparkle, I remember reading your posts when you were in peri so I'm pleased to see you're now post meno and that some of your symptoms have calmed down (as I remember I had similar ones to yours), gives hope to us all! x


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2018, 04:18:38 PM »

Thanks for your comments ladies I do appreciate it.
You know sparkle I need to say thank you to you too because you've just helped me make a choice.definately no more hrt for me now I've had all the breast pain burning mouth oily skin spots headaches and now gastric pain I can take.give me back my flushes and I'll plod away with only vagifem like you.good choice and I'm sure I can do it this is my second week off it now and I'm fine other than my gut so big thank you everyone and if Dr Louise newson gets back to me about my email query on oestrogel and gastric side effects I'll post and let you know what she says.I trust her.thanks all xx D.D


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2018, 05:02:05 PM »

I hope the digestion issues settle down quickly for you. They aren't fun. Mine still aren't perfect but I got a lot of help from someone at a local health store.
I recommend some digestive enzymes to help take some stress off your system. And a good probiotic.

Very interested to see what you hear back about side effects


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2018, 07:24:43 AM »

Morning ladies.I got a late night reply from Dr newson.
She didn't comment on the possible link between oestrogen and gastric issues.she said maybe cut the patch in half and try that for a couple of weeks it was completely up to me!
I won't be doing that till I get to the bottom  of the pain and discomfort in my gut.i nearly got an online appointment at 7.30 this morning for gp but I was 2 slow and someone else grabbed it lol.I have a gp id prefer to see but he's rarely available the rest are a waste of time.back to the drawing board lol.D.D x


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2018, 07:37:01 AM »

hadnt spotted this thread but looking back at the posts I can see you're trying flax seed. That can be great but can also really irritate your stomach and bowel. I had years where I couldn't tolerate it at all.


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Re: Gastric issues
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2018, 07:51:08 AM »

Morning Robin must admit after the first couple of spoons it certainly got things so fed up I feel like my middle is pushing up through my chest and my ribs and upper tummy are killing.when I last went to gp I saw nurse prsctioner who sent stool sample away.which came back clear,but never examined my tummy or ribs and then I got results no further treatment but the pains still here with me.when I had that bad bout of vomiting and trots back in June.we both had it.i had projectile vomiting for 3 days I've never had anything like that and I've never been right since with this pushing up feeling in my tummy and bouts of nausea and pharmacist said to me last week it could be a hiatus hernia and im thinking now maybe hes not far off.ill need to just keep trying to get an appointment again.theres only one decent gp there and it's nearly impossible to get him.X D.D
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