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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hi! New on here.  (Read 1417 times)

Sally S

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Hi! New on here.
« on: October 18, 2018, 04:52:08 PM »

Hello,  I've been trying to cope with what I think are peri-menopause symptoms.  I am now 44 and think it's been going on since I was about 41. Not sure as was on mini pill until February this year.  I was getting recurrent sinusitis (put it down to getting hamsters  and having a reaction to them!) then I was feeling fluey/achy before a very slight period was due (I was on pill). I used to get a very itchy scalp before period was due too!?  I didn't put any of this down to the peri menopause at the time due to my age.  In February I came off the mini pill and my period returned about three months later- very light, just two days.  I am very forgetful and tired and am plucking up the courage to go and ask about HRT.  I've done lots of research and follow The Menopause Doctor.  My question any of you ladies take it with the only symptom being tired and forgetful?  Four years ago I  used to get hot flushes in the night, wake up seeing things that weren't there (!) and I put this down to the sinus infection as I had antibiotics and it stopped.  I get no hot flushes and don't ache but am worried that I may be very low in oestrogen at my age.  I take lots of vitamins/soya supplements, don't drink and am vegetarian but I can't shake the tiredness.  Is it worth taking HRT until I'm early 50's due to osteoporosis/heart disease risk?  I am worried taking it as my father passed away from
Pancreatic cancer and I think, what if the HRT sets a cancer off. I think I need to see my GP!  Sorry for long message but my friends seem to have a stiff upper lip and don't mention it!!


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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2018, 08:18:36 PM »

Hi Sally, there are many symptoms of peri, not just hot flushes. Have a look at the 'advice for husbands' pinned post. Brain fog and fatigue are included. Yes, taking HRT is worth it to protect your heart and bones as well as feeling better. Have a look at the 'treatments' tab too so you are well informed when you see your GP. You may be lucky but many are woefully ignorant about meno and available treatments. My main symptoms were insomnia, fatigue and anxiety - hence the failure by 2 different GPs to dagnose it.

Sally S

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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2018, 08:51:55 PM »

Thank you for replying, Sheila.  I've had a look at 'Treatments' section- that was very useful.  You sound as if your symptoms are similar to mine.....I too, sometimes feel anxious and overwhelmed.....which I think increases my tiredness.  I just thought the GP may not give me HRT unless I had more symptoms but they just strangely disappeared,  so I always put them down to other things.  Tiredness is awful....especially when you work with 20 toddlers and need energy!  Hope you are well.


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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2018, 10:20:32 PM »

Lack of hot flushes can be a problem as it seems many GPs can only recognise meno by flushes and erratic periods. Tiredness can have many causes so thyroid, Vit D and iron should be checked too. My peri was diagnosed by a blood test, I think they measure FSH. My tiredness was awful too, it really isn't worth suffering if you can do something about it. There's no way I could have done your job. Both GPs I saw said it couldn't be peri as periods were mostly regular. I was 56 & 57 which should have given them a clue... then later I saw a consultant who said I couldn't still have periods as I was over 55. It's definitely worth taking a list of all the meno-related symptoms you have, I hope you have a better experiece than I did!


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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2018, 10:26:13 PM »

 :o 20 toddlers  :o ............  ::)


Maybe keep a mood/food/symtpom diary.  Decide which symptom you would like to ease first?  At 44 it would be good to protect heart and bones with HRT - do read our threads about vaginal atrophy!

Do you eat eggs?  What proteins do you eat?  Tiredness can be due to low VitD levels too.  I had a friend who had been vegetarian since age 9 but when she went into peri she craved meat ........ she listened to her body, ate chicken twice a week [stir fried with lots of veg.] and a steak once a month and did feel better after a few weeks.  She didn't require HRT and eventually cut out the red meat. 

I LOVE roasted veggies ;-).  Do you have vegetarian friends of a similar age that you could swap recipes with?

Sally S

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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2018, 07:14:18 PM »

Thank you so much for your reply.  I tend to eat a very healthy diet.....albeit too much chocolate!!  I eat a pack of tofu each day (luckily I like the taste with some teriyaki sauce on it!). I eat lots avocados for the healthy oils and lots of eggs for breakfast. I take multi vits, soya supplements, magnesium, vit D, you name it!!  I rattle when I run!   I haven't any veggie friends but I do like Deliciously Ella's new cook book!  I am on the slim side and think I could definitely be more prone to osteoporosis so I drink a lot of milky drinks, cheese and natural Greek yogurt-but these will only do so much and I'd love to exercise more but I find the tiredness stops me sometimes!  Vicious circle, isn't it.  Thanks so much for your help and I think I've dug my head in the sand for too long and need to see my GP. 😊


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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2018, 07:23:17 PM »

Take that list with you.  Have a look-see at your Surgery web-site to see whether any of the GPs are woman-wise ;-).  Or speak with a Practice Nurse.

Gentle exercise daily is fine.  Running up and down stairs for example, pushing that hoovery-thing around .... all counts.

Chocolate is good for us, particularly black ........... full of minerals ;-).  Chocolate kept me alive.

Sally S

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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2018, 07:36:47 PM »

You're absolutely right-I definitely need to take a list as I'll probably be a bit anxious and forget it all.  I did ask for advice from a nurse at my surgery a few months ago but she said avoid HRT if I could as she'd worked on a BC unit and saw all the women being treated!  I was told to get some fresh air and daylight! The GP who was more peri-menopause wise, has just left to have her BC treated, poor lady. It has put me off going a bit! Thanks for your help.


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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2018, 08:29:00 PM »

As long as you use trans-dermal rather than oral oestrogen I thought the risk was negligible?

Sally S

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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2018, 09:17:29 PM »

Lots of current info states it's a small risk- I would say the nurse at my surgery hasn't the up to date knowledge of HRT use- seems it's a big issue everywhere when advising us.  A video I found very reassuring was by Dr Tina Peers which was featured on Andrea McLean's Instagram page.....lots of other videos on the menopause as well.😊


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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2018, 09:35:54 PM »

I have had most of those symptoms during peri. I went to my lovely female GP around the time I was very dry down below and noticing other symptoms.  I had actually gone to the GP for other complaints about my joints but mentioned the dryness and said my previous GP had told me I was in peri. She did test my hormones but said that they don't go by that nowadays they go on symptoms. She asked what my periods were like and I said still regular but coming closer together. She asked if I wake up with a sweaty chest I said yes sometimes but not all the time and then she offered me HRT. It does seem that all GP's are different a I have read so many stories on here of GP's not wanting to give HRT but I was surprised I was offered it when I didn't even feel like I was having that many symptoms. I did refuse it because i did feel like I wasn't in that bad a state as yet but she said anytime I change my mind to just come back.

Peri can last upto 10 years, so there are many stages and many symptoms to go through but it's definitely worth discussing your symptoms and concerns with your GP.

Sally S

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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2018, 08:02:55 PM »

Thanks for the info, Snooze.  It's reassuring to hear of similar experiences - makes you feel less alone with it all!  You obviously have great GP with up to date info  on HRT if she was willing to prescribe it!  I'd like to give it a go and see if it helps with the fatigue and forgetfulness.


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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2018, 08:07:03 PM »

Why is your Nurse employed Sally S?  How many years ago was she in that particular dept. and what capacity?  I would be going back to ask!


Sally S

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Re: Hi! New on here.
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2018, 08:34:52 PM »

I know, CLKD!  I'd finally plucked up the courage to discuss Peri menopause symptoms and to see if HRT could help and we ended up discussing how she was suffering with the menopause a bit too and didn't know what the answer was!!  She was really lovely and I listened to her but she was not much help!  I came out a bit deflated!  Not sure when she worked in the breast clinic but what she heard has obviously had an effect on her.  Every doctor's surgery needs to have an expert to educate them on the up to date info! X