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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Feel so ill  (Read 1545 times)


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Feel so ill
« on: October 16, 2018, 04:45:07 AM »

Ok so it's night number two of not getting any sleep apart from a couple of hours. I don't sleep most nights right through not only from the sweating but nausea and reflux waking me up which has gone on for over a year. I'm on 2 omeprazole for it but I'm getting pain in my chest lately and waiting for an endoscopy. HRT not working still and I can feel my anxiety creeping back in as I now am sure that I have oesophageal damage from all the reflux. Docs are fed up with me, I can tell, I've seen one who keeps telling me fibromyalgia, I went to see another about all my stomach issues as first one just keeps saying Fibro, and another for the anxiety and he gave me duloxotine last visit which are anti depressants for fibromyalgia. I've noticed that I can get a hot flush and reflux at the same time, I don't know if it's coincidence or one is causing the other. I can't get it out of my head that I've given myself Barrett's Oesophagus or worse with the reflux as I'm now down to 8st 12 and look so thin as I'm tall. I eat what I can which I know isn't enough really but the nausea doesn't help either. I'm so tired and have work in a couple of hours and really want to call in sick but feel guilty for not turning in. I'm so lost right now and just feel so ill.


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Re: Feel so ill
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2018, 07:56:10 AM »

I assume you have adjusted your diet and the way you eat? Have you cut down on fat and cut out caffiene, fruit juices? 
I had awful reflux with pain in upper stomach that radiated to my back and this would effect my sleep but having changed what I eat and having small meals regularly - together with taking digestive enzymes with each meal) I have managed to reduce the problem.
Which hrt are you using - oral or transdermal?
I found PPIs helped a bit but really mucked up my digestive system so won't take those again.
You do need the endoscopy to see what's happening but perhaps also query if there are gall stones.
Waking in the night is normal as we age but as long as we can drop back to sleep this isn't really an issue.
Clearly your anxiety over all this is really making everything worse and perhaps the AD for a while might be worth considering.
I do feel that having to work full time when the menopause is giving us so much trouble is highly stressful and the medical profession do not understand this. If they were able to take time to really listen during appointments and explain things properly, then maybe we could go home feeling we are getting appropriate treatment and there would be less anxiety.
Feeling sleep deprived is torture and it is no wonder you feel so overwhelmed. Perhaps take a day or two off to relieve the pressure a bit if you can. DG x


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Re: Feel so ill
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2018, 05:05:55 PM »

My husband had the most awful acid reflux & pain in his chest. Everything he ate caused him problems. In the end it was found he had a hiatus hernia & put on the right medicine is so much better now. Have you been tested for that?

onion relish

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Re: Feel so ill
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2018, 07:17:21 PM »

Paisley- do you mind me asking what meds your husband is on?

My OH takes omeprazole for his hiatus hernia and it doesn't work very well. Your post is making me wonder if he's on the right meds.

Hope you get some help soon, OP.


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Re: Feel so ill
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2018, 02:51:09 PM »

It is known in the medical community not to give that particular drug long-term! [Dr James le Fanu, Daily Telegraph and others]. 

A hiatus hernia is common in ladies of a 'certain' age.  As oestrogen levels drop apparently the muscles may become lax = aches and pains plus the swallowing reflex becomes less 'able' and sometimes allows food back up.  Somethien simple like Milk of Magnesia or Rennies eases symptoms 4 me as well as not eating/drinking too close to bed time.

How do you feel today?


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Re: Feel so ill
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2018, 03:23:47 PM »

I'm afraid many GPs dish out PPIs without any warning about the side effects if used long term. Osteoporosis being one of them!. I know several people who have been on them for years!!!
DG x


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Re: Feel so ill
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2018, 03:55:01 PM »

I think that they believe that PPIs are OK ...........  ::). Recent discussion with patients who have used them without success and go back to their GPs has brought to notice that actually .........


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Re: Feel so ill
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2018, 04:01:59 PM »

Sorry you are feeling so poorly. Have you tried raising the head end of your bed by 4 - 6 inches? I find this really helps with reflux. We recently removed the blocks when moving the bed to decorate and my reflux was awful. I replaced the blocks next day!