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Author Topic: Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......  (Read 1275 times)


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Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......
« on: October 14, 2018, 02:55:37 PM »

Okay so many know I have an appointment with my doctor this coming week. I've had my blood tests done and we thought low progesterone was a possibility but low and behold I started my period early so the progesterone levels were probably fine.  :-\

I KNOW my hormones are a disaster right now. If I had to guess (Since I haven't been told officially yet) I am just entering early perimenopause. I still have "regular" periods.....ha...they are erratic but happen regularly.  Whether that is a couple days later, a few days early or every other week...well, depends on the month.

I was on a contraceptive for almost 7 years. It agreed with me very well until May when anxiety and panic attacks started during my period and sometimes through the whole month but not always. I tried that continuously for a couple months (because the panic attacks were SO much worse during my period) and everything started to calm down but I strongly felt I needed to stop them and get my hormones tested (and had a blood clot clot thank goodness). After stopping them for the last 3 months, things have gotten so much worse!! Less panic attacks because I am better at controlling them but physical anxiety creeps up on me frequently. The physical symptoms of everything is a mess. Blood pressure drops only during certain times of my cycle, hot flushes aren't too bad honestly...I mean, I get really hot and have to kick the blankets off only to be freezing in a few minutes but I don't drench sweat so I can deal (they've been going on for quite awhile but did get better and less frequent on the contraceptive). The burning mouth (seriously did not know that was a thing until reading it on here! I couldn't figure out what in the world was wrong with my nervous system!!) was only around for a bit and some extra zinc seemed to help that (or it was phasing out with a hormone change...never know these days). Honestly, the anxiety/panic is the worst. I don't like everything aching or the strange nerve pinches and muscle cramps. I'm not enjoying the frequent crying...or the constant visits to the doctor because of some new thing that has popped up. Honestly, I can mark off over half the menopause symptoms as something I've experienced in the last few months. And it really did all start with those first anxiety and panic attacks (some minor things seemed to be happening before that but I didn't really give them a 2nd thought until all this started).

So....I'm 36, yes I'm young. I have dealt with hormone problems my whole life it seems but I've always been working like clockwork. Endometriosis runs (very strong) in my family. My father had blood clots when he was younger. I fear blood clots like nothing else. I'd like to avoid anything that might increase my chances.

So I guess after all that long mess....what are your thoughts/opinions/suggestions on what might be a good course of action to discuss with the doctor? I've read about the HRT options and routes of application. I have read that transdermal hormones MAY carry less risk of blood clots. Because of my age and stage of perimenopause, is it better to look at a contraceptive option to smooth out my natural hormone fluctuations going on right now? I know the Mirena is suggested a lot. I have looked into this and it has been suggested in the past. My sister had an awful experience with it (embedded into her uterine wall!) so I do have some concern about trying it.

I want to take care of the body aches/pains/odd feelings that make me feel like I'm dying (sick of feeling older than I am) and especially the anxiety and panic attacks. I want to feel calm and "normal" again. The digestion issues would be great too so I stop losing weight but those might be connected to the anxiety?

Thanks all. I want to go to the doctor as armed as possible.


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Re: Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2018, 03:29:22 PM »

You may have read already:

As oestrogen levels fall muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  Over the counter pain relief should help, discuss with a Pharmacist to get the best possible relief.

Also the body may become dry: inside and out; skin, deep in the ears, eyes, nostrils, vagina ......... at your age replacement is essential to protect bones and heart health.  I can't remember whether you have read the daisy web-site which is apparently geared towards early menopause, but I believe that one has to pay  >:( for information.

Did I suggest already, if not, have a look-see at the UK Osteoporosis web-site too. Ask questions there.

Is there an option to return to the contraceptive method of easing symptoms?   Do you have evidence of endometriosis or clots?

Which symptom would you like to ease first?  Make a list to take ?  I think we've talked about exercise and a good diet ........ which can protect heart and bones.  20 mins. brisk walking daily can help to maintain bone density.  A scan to check density should be taken of pelvis and hips as this is the thickest area in the body. 

4 me periods waxed and waned for 2-3 years.  I would miss several months then they would be back regularly.  The best of that was that I was at last free of pains.  I didn't stop carrying protection for 5 years though  ;)


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Re: Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2018, 06:41:40 PM »

I do eat better these days. Sugar and carbs are not a very frequent item anymore. I have started taking walks with the OH most days. I don't worry about the aches and pains too much except they stop me from doing things I could enjoy...mostly because of the new wonderful ability I have to hurt myself doing things I used to do (even as simple as opening the pickle jar for my daughter!). It's quite easy to strain a muscle these days. Would be nice to have that gone as it makes me feel older than I am.

I NEED the anxiety and panic gone. The mood swings and constant crying would be nice to say bye bye too as well.

As for endometriosis...well, I have not been diagnosed beyond having the symptoms and family history so doctor has just said that most likely (no need for the expensive test to confirm essentially-they'd worry about if/when I get a hysterectomy)., never had one. Just a family history and biggest fear of mine. I am being tested for clotting factors though and so far nothing as shown up-still tests out. Just the 2 positive d dimers and no explanation still (usually shows clot break down, but can also show up for inflammation-none found, infection-none, cancer and autoimmune-none found so far.).

I guess I wouldn't mind my heavy bleeding gone. Sorry if TMI but it's not even like blood, it's like syrup with clots!

I did check out the daisy website a bit. Treatments seem about the same as I'm reading here.

I believe that yes, I could get back on the contraceptive if I ask. Honestly, with this doctor, I believe I can ask for anything I want to try (if I have good reason and no contradictions) and he'll give it to me. So looking to get myself armed with options before going. I know with the contraceptive pill that I had been using, I was allowed to use it continuously if I chose...but insurance didn't care about doctor orders and refused to pay for it to be given continuously and I would need to pay out of pocket for that. Might be different with the new insurance. (Sometimes I am quite jealous of your NHS but some of the struggles you all have with it makes me think twice about that too.) I would like to avoid the pill if possible though, take it easy on my liver for now. I did find out through all this that I have a slightly fatty liver so trying to reverse that. It's due to genetics most likely as I am not overweight and I don't drink or smoke. I do have caffeine sometimes, no often, not a lot....but it's my calming drug right now.


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Re: Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2018, 08:56:24 PM »

Tnx for replying.

Maybe many have a fatty liver syndrome without being aware of it?  The liver regenerates itself and is quite hardy ;-)

One has to weigh up quality of Life against the risks of various medications.  4 me it's a no brainer regarding my mental health.  I would rather have a good daily get up and go Life than worry about a possible 'early' death  ::).   As you are on the young side for peri-menopause, the need to protect heart and bones is the important issue ......

Anxiety has been with me since age 3.  I have coped with various strategies over the years until it floored me in the 1990s when my GP gave me an emergency tablet to take.  Knowing that it works really helps.  Regularly I take an AD and beta-blocka at night and an AD and statin at breakfast. 

Aches and pains are dealt with by over the counter pain relief.  Stops the stress 4 me ....... so why not give them a 'go', maybe 30 mins. B4 activity to help? 

Laxity of muscles is common apparently.  A Consultant in Geriatric Medicine told Mum and me that old people are either upright or not  ::) but he didn't explain the word 'old'  ;D.  My thighs feel weak sometimes whilst I'm walking in that I stumble but that could probably be helped if I did more exercise.  Quads exercises for example  :-X

Earlier I watched someone have his blood taken which was poured into two mugs.  One began clotting within an hour so that when he tipped it onto the bench it was like liver in consistency; the other, which had been injected with the venom of a lizard had failed to 'set'.  IT was to see what is in the venom ........ so clotting factor can be judged but I don't think you need to be too worried.   If you have a cut does it heal quickly?  I was aware when under going radiation therapy that a cut which would usually heal within 24 hours, took 3-4 months sometimes.  Once I had undergone all the therapies my healing went back to what is normal for me.

Does The Pill have long lasting effect on the liver?  It never crosses my mind how anything might affect my innards once I've swallowed it.  However, if a medication makes me queasy ........ :-X

My periods were very heavy for years: with runny blood, clots which would gush from me, very painful.  I had to wear two pads and lay on a thick bath towel at night  :'( nowt is OTT on here.

Let us know how you get on.  Make a list ;-). 


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Re: Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2018, 10:16:16 PM »

Maybe many have a fatty liver syndrome without being aware of it?  The liver regenerates itself and is quite hardy ;-)
That's possible.  ;)Mine was found by accident. I'm glad it can regenerate...I really want to heal it. I just feel like I'm too young to be dealing with any of it. I want to live a long healthy life so trying the best I can.

One has to weigh up quality of Life against the risks of various medications.  4 me it's a no brainer regarding my mental health.  I would rather have a good daily get up and go Life than worry about a possible 'early' death  ::).   As you are on the young side for peri-menopause, the need to protect heart and bones is the important issue ......
Yes and quality of life has definitely gone down. I don't do anything anymore because I never know if I'll feel okay one day to the next. I miss just living my life! Wish I could just turn this all off.

Anxiety has been with me since age 3.  I have coped with various strategies over the years until it floored me in the 1990s when my GP gave me an emergency tablet to take.  Knowing that it works really helps.  Regularly I take an AD and beta-blocka at night and an AD and statin at breakfast. 
Recently been told ADs probably not best for me. I have ADD and treating that seems to work better than ADs when it comes to anxiety. Hoping I don't have to find out after I get this hormonal stuff figured out. But good to know the options are there.

Aches and pains are dealt with by over the counter pain relief.  Stops the stress 4 me ....... so why not give them a 'go', maybe 30 mins. B4 activity to help? 
Mostly just trying to avoid using them because I've seen too many in my family constantly relying on them. Probably worth trying though.

Laxity of muscles is common apparently.  A Consultant in Geriatric Medicine told Mum and me that old people are either upright or not  ::) but he didn't explain the word 'old'  ;D.  My thighs feel weak sometimes whilst I'm walking in that I stumble but that could probably be helped if I did more exercise.  Quads exercises for example  :-X

I'm surprised how fast it hit me though. Need to get back to my strength training as well. ;) I honestly can't believe how fast my skin has changed. I can tell it's not like it used to be. It doesn't take much to do any damage to it. Same with my hair falling out. I thought this was all supposed to be over several years...but feels like it's rapidly happening over just a few months! :o

Earlier I watched someone have his blood taken which was poured into two mugs.  One began clotting within an hour so that when he tipped it onto the bench it was like liver in consistency; the other, which had been injected with the venom of a lizard had failed to 'set'.  IT was to see what is in the venom ........ so clotting factor can be judged but I don't think you need to be too worried.   If you have a cut does it heal quickly?  I was aware when under going radiation therapy that a cut which would usually heal within 24 hours, took 3-4 months sometimes.  Once I had undergone all the therapies my healing went back to what is normal for me.
Mostly they are checking for genetic clotting factors and those that go along with autoimmune disease (still trying to figure out why I have had 2 high d-dimer tests and I think they aren't totally convinced this is hormonal  ::))

Does The Pill have long lasting effect on the liver?  It never crosses my mind how anything might affect my innards once I've swallowed it.  However, if a medication makes me queasy ........ :-X
I've read mixed things on this. I read where it can be protective against fatty liver disease and other things about the synthetic hormones being harsh on it. But have read there is possibly less chance of clotting if I used transdermal hormones.

Let us know how you get on.  Make a list ;-).
Definitely have the list because I have so many questions I forgot at the last visit...mostly regarding my previous GYN visit with another doctor. He told me I had some prolapse going on but this doctor didn't mention it at all.  ??? Interestingly, it was only mentioned while talking to me about getting a hysterectomy...something also not mentioned as being needed this visit as well.
I also need to get a referral for my varicose veins I believe (Only in my right leg...) because of the increase in aching and such I've been getting in that leg.


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Re: Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2018, 07:37:57 AM »

There are birth control pills out now that often work well in peri meno. One is called Qlaira I think?
The point of these is that they have bioidentical oestrogen and I think there is only 2-3 days break from the pills in the cycle, so can be be good at balancing things.
Do ask your doctor about these.
DG x


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Re: Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2018, 11:39:13 AM »

Thank you! I will look into that one.
It is hard because I really did well on the pill I was on until the end. The hormones just agreed with me rather well. Too bad it stopped being strong enough or something. I'm thinking because of my age that contraceptive options will be given? Not sure


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Re: Suggestions, Opinions, Guidance.......
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2018, 12:36:26 PM »

Yes I agree there are a lot more up to date contraceptives available now. I know what you mean about things hitting you quickly. I started Perimenopause February 2009 when I was 43 & at first I thought great no more periods, this is a doddle. Little did I know that by the October I got hit by a ton of bricks with all the horrible symptoms. Anxiety, weepiness & anger by far being the worse. But you do seem young to have to go through this & agree you need some sort of hormones for your age.