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Author Topic: Hot sweat/drenched when exercising  (Read 1519 times)


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Hot sweat/drenched when exercising
« on: October 10, 2018, 03:10:39 PM »


I'm 51 on Femoston 2/10, with Vagifem ‘top up' for severe dryness, but recently when ever I start to do any exercise. - even gently waking I get totally drenched and drip with sweat - it's so utterly embarrassing to the point that I dare not go for a walk with my husband and friends as it's horrible to experience and to see - nothing helps.  Does anyone else have this? 

my GP has suggested reducing oestrogen as I may have too much and moving to Femonston Conti but very wary.  However I feel a complete failure in terms of exercise and it's stopping me doing the things that I love with the people who I love.   I‘ve  never had this before, and she thinks it is as I've actually finished menopause but the 2/10 is masking it .  I'm also feeling incredibly bloated and heavy, despite not eating a huge amount.  I've also been diagnosed with early adenomyosis And understand Oestrogen can make it worse (had scans etc and otherwise `oK) Any help/ideas really appreciated as the sweats are dreadful and getting worse.  It's really getting me down



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Re: Hot sweat/drenched when exercising
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2018, 05:00:37 PM »

What is your doc talking about?!! The whole point of HRT is that it is supposed to "mask" menopause ie you go through the hormonal turmoil somewhat less dramatically than if you did not take it. Once you are through menopause ( ie your ovaries have packed up) then it continues to give protection to your bones and heart for as long as you continue to take it. In some women the sweats retsrat when HRT is stopped so they (we!) continue to take it for years.... you are only just at the average age of menopause so still young....

If you are suffering flushes and sweats still in the daytime sounds like the dose is too low for you. Where were you in menopause when you started taking this HRT ie what was your cycle doing - how often were periods etc - and how long have you been taking it.

Is there any pattern to the sweaty feelings relating to the HRT cycle?

How are your bleeds on this regime?

Has your specialist recommended any treatment for the adenomyosis? I was going to suggest a Mirena coil and I see it is mentioned here: - if you had one of these it might help ( provided your specialist agrees) and then you could increase your dose of oestrogen to a level that you feel comfortable (patch or gel rather than tablet). The continuous progestogen would give the continuous protection to your uterus lining that the cyclical tablet HRT does not.

Sometimes there are other conditions which casue sweats eg thryoid malfunction so I presume your doc has ordered appropriate blood tests to rule out other causes - since HRT was working for you and doesn't seem to be now.

Also once you reach menopause oestrogen levels drop quite dramatically over the next two years so it may be that you need a higher not lower dose. Transdermal oestrogen (patch or gel) could neable you to absorb more oestrogen - if this is the problem.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hot sweat/drenched when exercising
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2018, 05:52:14 PM »

Hi Huridty

Thanks for your reply.  I'm not sure what the GP thinks - however she is usually good.   I;ve contacted Dr.Currie for a second opinion.  The flushes are nothing like I have ever known - it's like a comedy programme where water just springs out. - I tried to go for a walk today as we are on holiday and it was impossible - drenched within moments, and I had to turn back for a change of clothing - so embarrassing.    It's only when I exercise, the rest of the time I don't get sweaty but the slightest thing which involves an increased heart rate sets me off.  No pattern that I can recognise.

Unfortunately coils and I are not comparable - tried 2 (12 years apart) and both times ended up with rejection (both removed under emergency procedures) and PID followed both times - the coil was recommended as a result of the adenomyosis,  it just made things much worse and I had a lot of investigation work done last year to check there was nothing sinister .  I seem to have been tested for everything else, and full set of bloods done recently showed everything was fine - did not test hormones as on HRT.  I am progesterone intolerant, so went for the Femonston 2/10 as it seemed to be a good choice and high oestrogen - been in it for 5 years and it's been a life saver, thanks to Dr. Currie.  My GPS are actually really good and want to help, but I think we are all a bit stuck

My periods have really slowed down in the last 12 Months and I get one or two days of heavy bleed then nothing,  but I seem to have most of the symptoms most of the time, and very bloated tummy and tender, and tired and achy most of the time. Think the GP probably thought I had excess oestrogen - but then the ongoing vaginal dryness would not support that theory. 

Not sure if any of that explains  - but it does feel a bit grim right now  :'(


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Re: Hot sweat/drenched when exercising
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2018, 06:34:07 PM »

I understand that sort of sweating.  I've done it since my early 20's after I recovered from glandular fever.  You just have to get over the embarrassment.  Being embarrassed or worried about it makes it worse.  Just take a towel with you and exercise away.  The one thing in it's favour is that your skin gets a really good clean each time, from the inside out.  It tends to pour of out my head, my hair drips and my face runs with water.  I just laugh about it and mop with the towel.  You can't let it stop you enjoying a walk.  You know you will get wet and you can shower and change when you get back. 

I suspect it might be adrenal related. But not sure.  I've never really had hot flushes, but this sweating has been a big part of my life.  From my later 20's until my 40's I didn't do it so much unless I really worked hard.  But it's been so prominent in my 40's and 50's that I never wear makeup anymore.  No point.  HRT and thyroid meds haven't made a difference to it.  If I mop the floor, put the vacuum round, go for a walk etc. I will sweat.  I even sweat in a swimming pool.  If out on a bike I won't really feel it until I stop and then it comes gushing out.

You are not alone but you do have to be it's master and not the other way around.  Just tell everyone it's a hormonal problem you have suffering at the moment and let them get used to it.


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Re: Hot sweat/drenched when exercising
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2018, 07:12:17 PM »

Hi Sue

Thanks so much for your post - it's good to know I'm not alone!  I've never really suffered from this before so it's hard to get used to.  Do you find your weight affects it at all - I.e. if you are heavier or time of the month etc? Due to the lack of exercise I've put on a few pounds and I am sure that won't help

Thanks again x


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Re: Hot sweat/drenched when exercising
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2018, 09:44:53 PM »

Just wanted to say  I have also suffered from excesssive sweating since I was a teenager and I totally understand the embarrassment it causes. At first it was just my underarms but as I hit my mid thirties I started sweating all over but especially my head face and neck which I must admit I was devastated by, as there was no disguising it, any form of physical exercise and even light housework would start it

Doctors couldnt help and there were times I was very very depressed about it all. I remember my mum being the same and apparently there is a condition -hypohydrosis -that has a genetic link. I believe thats what I have. I try not to let it rule my life but it does affect me-ie I cant wear certain clothes and although I enjoy dancing I dont often dance when out because my hair ends up soaking wet:(.

Anyway Nairn I just wanted to say youre not alone in this...x