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Author Topic: Odd period patterns...continuing....whats this one about then?  (Read 964 times)


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Odd period patterns...continuing....whats this one about then?
« on: October 08, 2018, 09:04:02 PM »

Honestly, ladies, this is flippin crazy....when the books said 'any pattern of bleeding was possible', I couldn't have imagined there were so many variables of patterns possible. My last 12 periods have ranged in cycle length from 19 to 40 days. The time actually with blood loss has ranged from 3 days to 17 days. Flow/loss has ranged from pretty heavy to very heavy. They can be stop/start, take ages to get going and then heavier to the end or heaviest in the middle or the start. You get the idea...blah month the same as the last, change all the time in subtle ways.

I've put a few stressed posts on in the past about the bleeding thing, but have been fairly relaxed the last few months about it. This month, something has perturbed me though, and I'm running it by you, I guess just for reassurance. Generally, after the end of period spotting/tailing off has happened, even if it takes 2 darned weeks to stop, thats it until the next period starts. However, this month, for the first 29 of what I think will be a 40 day cycle and had some pink spots for a few hours.

Thought it was the period start, but 3 days later, nothing  more. Is this mid-cycle spotting, break through bleeding, should I be alarmed? What has caused it? Is it to be expected? (Yes, I know hormonal changes, lol, but of what variety) I think I am probably at least 6 or 7 years into this peri-process (now 50) and changes feel like they are ramping up and I'm not liking this ''random spot' thing.

Any thoughts gratefully received.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 09:07:09 PM by Charys »


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Re: Odd period patterns...continuing....whats this one about then?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2018, 09:44:20 PM »

It all sounds pretty normal to me Charys. Its the fluctuating hormone levels. They switch on and off so the body begins a period then the hormones change and the period stops.

The one time you do need to inform your GP is if you ever have spotting or bleeding after sex.

Are you getting many other meno symptoms?

Taz x



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Re: Odd period patterns...continuing....whats this one about then?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2018, 08:40:01 AM »

Hiyer Taz,

Thanks so much for your means a lot to me, as nobody in real life I can ask these questions of. I am highly anxious about 'changes' in general, as had breast cancer 2 and a half years ago (all clear now), and am super alert to problems. Yes, I certainly have all perimeno symptoms and have done for years - the only one I don't have to a major extent is flushes. I am on venlafaxine and have been for a long time, and I believe this helps/alleviate flushes. However, I have had night sweats and flushes in the 24 hours leading to a period. I have terrible insomnnia, crushing mood changes and extreme anxiety - ranging from not seeing the purpose in being alive to complete happiness and 'everything is just fine'. PMT doesn't cover the feelings I have some months, its just beyond what I expected was possible. Also urine leakage when coughing, vaginal dryness...the whole list except the repetitive flushes others seem to get. Looking back at symptoms and diaries I started with the short cycles, some stop-start cycles, and flushes before a period, around 6 or 7 years ago. Some kind members have helped me by describing in detail some of the hormone changes, and what they cause, in the past. I've re-read those posts this morning, and they have helped, but any new change and I get thrown into panic again.

I can't make a judgement on bleeding after sex, as I'm not sexually active. However, I can certainly relate a sudden mood change in the 24 hours before the mid-cycle spotting happened. (or whatever it was lol) Your reassurance is so appreciated.

Many thanks


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Re: Odd period patterns...continuing....whats this one about then?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2018, 10:17:36 AM »

Charys - it all sounds normal for peri menopause I'm afraid.  WE get plenty of help to prepare for puberty but absolutely nothing to help us prepare for the menopause. Have you considered HRT to try and calm things down a bit.  A low dose of HRT is likely to settle you into a better monthly cycle which could make life easier.  You simply don't know how long this stage will last and how long flushes etc will continue into post meno -  quality of life is important.
It could be worth having a chat with your GP, as a scan might throw some light on things - perhaps you have fibroids or a polyp which are easily treated. It may be time to consider HRT.  DG x


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Re: Odd period patterns...continuing....whats this one about then?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2018, 11:01:18 AM »

Thanks for your reply dancing girl. Unfortunately, at this point in time I won't have HRT they don't like to do that after Breast Cancer. As it was I didn't manage more than 6 weeks on tamoxifen, as it made me really depressed (amongst other things) I take on board what you said about the fibroid/polyp issue - I had a scan some years ago which did show a few small fibroids, but not enough of an issue that needed treatment. The reason why I don't think it is likely that there is a polyp/fibroid causing an issue is that some periods follow a totally normal pattern, bleeding less than 7 days and no spotting before or after. Its like one is 'off' the next one 'ok', next one off kilter and next one ok. I read somewhere, possibly on here, and I know this is a stab in the dark - that there are some foods that promote natural progesterone increase? Maybe thats a total fallacy lol


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Re: Odd period patterns...continuing....whats this one about then?
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2018, 12:55:39 PM »

Charys - I'm sorry, I didn't realise you had had breast cancer. To be honest, what you are experiencing is quite normal for peri menopause, so try not to worry.  Hopefully this erratic cycle will come to an end soon and you emerge into post meno with fewer problems. Take care Dg x


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Re: Odd period patterns...continuing....whats this one about then?
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2018, 01:52:33 PM »

No worries dancing girl, I figured you'd not seen that part of it, and I'm just grateful for your response. I just wanted to hear, exactly what you said, that it ends and you come out the other side calmer and more settled lol