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Author Topic: Estring: how long does yours last?  (Read 3088 times)


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Estring: how long does yours last?
« on: October 07, 2018, 07:34:14 PM »

How much mileage do other users get out of the Estring? I have never had the 12 weeks worth that one is supposed to get (more like 9 or 10) but my current one was only inserted 6 weeks ago and I have had nothing but trouble for the last week. I think it has run out of steam already  :-\.
JP x


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2018, 08:49:10 AM »

Same here joaniepat. I've never had the full 3 months and assumed it was just me. I am getting longer than I was initially which I hope means the tissues have improved a bit but it is still quite variable



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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2018, 06:59:37 AM »

Thanks robin, glad it's not just me.

(I think we Estring users are quite an exclusive group! There don't seem to be many users on MM.)

JP xx


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2018, 03:33:41 PM »

Hi Robin,

Pleased it is working well for you. You could be right about the squeamish element!

I'm having a major blip at the moment, so throwing some Vagifem and Ovestin (externally) into the mix until I can change the Estring. Unfortunately I cannot get it out myself and have to have a medic do it for me, which is a nuisance when appointments are so scarce. I just hope the next one works a bit better.

With every good wish, and the best of luck with your upcoming appointment.

JP xx


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2018, 03:48:24 PM »

Thanks Joaniepat,

What a shame you can't just change it. I sometimes have trouble hooking my finger round it to pull it close enough to squeeze together but have fortunately managed to get it out myself so far.

When my atrophy is particularly bad I suspect my dry tissues absorb the estrogen at a faster rate and so deplete the estring quicker. I'm sure it is depleted at that point as it doesn't matter how long I leave it there in case it's a blip things don't improve until I change it.

Hope it's not too long a wait for you to get an appointment x
« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 03:55:53 PM by Robin »


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2018, 09:06:22 AM »

Hi, I use estring too and find I have to change it about two or three weeks before the 3 months, can tell as I'll get a VA flare up.
I often remove mine to clean it, I find if you squat and slightly bear down, it makes it easy to remove. Only ever reinsert it when it's wet.

I use estriol cream externally, but only been able to tolerate it since I had a course of Mona Lisa laser treatment which has really improved the skin quality, so now I can use the cream.


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2018, 07:44:54 PM »

Thank you Robin and Ljp for your feedback.

I just can't get mine out whatever I try, the top of the vagina plus Estring flop away dorsally so I can't get any purchase on it. Perhaps it's because I've had a hysterectomy. At least I have got a GP appt for Friday week, so not too long to go and I'll just press on with the nightly Vagifem and Ovestin in the meantime.

Ljp, I'm really pleased for you that the MLT has improved things. I'm considering it myself but find the thought of it a bit scarey!

Best wishes to you both,

JP xx


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2019, 06:25:57 AM »

Hi Ladies, I came across this thread on a general search for Estring.  I'm coming into my 9th week of using the Estring so reading your comments would explain why I have started to notice my VA symptoms returning.  Do you ladies use anything else in conjunction with the Estring to help with VA? TIA


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2019, 01:45:48 PM »

Hi Lizzie, I need to change my estring every 8/10 weeks and also use vagifem placed low inside daily. Externally I use Yes VM and Yes wash also on a daily basis. Estrogen creams can also be used with estring if you are able to tolerate them
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 01:53:26 PM by Robin »


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2019, 08:23:46 PM »

Hi Ladies, I came across this thread on a general search for Estring.  I'm coming into my 9th week of using the Estring so reading your comments would explain why I have started to notice my VA symptoms returning.  Do you ladies use anything else in conjunction with the Estring to help with VA? TIA

Yes, similar routine to Robin's. Estring lasts 8-10 weeks. Daily Vagifem about half way down, Yes oil-based externally, occasional use of Multigyn Actigel, sometimes use Yes VM vial internally. Am also on high dose of Estradot patches, so throwing everything at it. Bladder and urethra OK now, but vaginal entrance and vulva still problematic. Can't use Ovestin, allergic reaction last time I tried.

Robin, how are you getting on? Is the Vagifem helping?

JP x


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2019, 09:16:26 PM »

Yes it's really starting to make a difference now thanks JP so I'm hoping to continue with it. I even managed an internal exam without tearing and although a speculum wasn't used I'd resigned myself to tearing permanently with any kind of examination so I'm thrilled with my progress so far.  I'm using a high dose patch too and use balance active rather than actigel as I find it stings less. I'm still getting flare ups of soreness and discomfort and bladder issues but there's definitely been a really big improvement.

I'm finding I'm having more problems atrophy wise when I'm using progesterone is that something you've noticed at all?

Robin x



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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2019, 10:54:57 PM »

Hi Robin, I'm so glad to hear you are finding the Vagifem helpful. I am also finding it helps, and am hoping for further improvement if I can get my serum estradiol level up to a respectable figure. I wasn't absorbing enough from the gels, hence the switch to patches.

Well done on surviving the internal exam in one piece! I found my last Estring changeover quite painful; although some doctors are adept at this, others need a good rummage!

What a shame that progesterone upsets the applecart for you. I have had a hysterectomy so am fortunate in that respect.

JP x


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2019, 07:44:32 AM »

Glad it's helping you too JP. I hope you absorb better from the patches. Do you know if they've raised your levels yet? Itw such a shame you have the hassle of someone else having to get the estring in and out. I've developed my technique over time to avoid as much pain and tearing as possible but if you're having to have different people doing it for you then I can see how that would be difficult. I hope they're squeezing it together as they remove it for you JP as it's quite big otherwise.

I'd probably take a hysterectomy if it's ever suggested in the future. I'd be so much better all round without the dreaded progesterone.

Hope the patches work for you 🤞🏻 X


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2019, 09:27:54 AM »

Good morning Robin,

I started 125 mcg Estradot patches on 31 December, so won't know how effective they are until I get bloods done again in April. On 3 pumps of Oestrogel I had serum estradiol levels of <100 pmol/l, and on 2 mg Sandrena still only 140 pmol. I'm aiming for 250 or thereabouts to avoid osteoporosis and (hopefully) improve the VA.

I had my hysterectomy and oophorectomy in 1997 and took HRT quite happily until about 2003/4, when a new GP, who must have been spooked by the millennial studies, refused to prescribe it. So, it was quite a number of years without systemic HRT but I was able to restart in 2016. A bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Best wishes,
JP x


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Re: Estring: how long does yours last?
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2019, 06:24:32 PM »

No wonder you've had a struggle trying to get your levels up after being left without for so long!  That must be frustrating beyond belief when it had been working for you initially.  Fingers crossed these patches do the trick and if not then I would think you'll be able to increase the dose further.

Good luck JP. Would love to hear how you get on with the blood test in April x