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Author Topic: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?  (Read 16495 times)


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #60 on: October 14, 2018, 02:03:30 PM »

Seems like I'm the only one who has got worse on the vagifem then.

I think I'm going to have to stop it.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2018, 03:05:38 PM »

Seems like I'm the only one who has got worse on the vagifem then.

I think I'm going to have to stop it.
Hi Blot   I have had irritation intermittently which makes it difficult to know whether it is caused by the Vagifem or whether it comes from not applying the Vagifem every day ( only 2-3 times a week as the GP pharmacist claims is allowed/safe). Yesterday morning I applied one. Later in the day I had some irritation and was going to the loo more often but by the evening the problem had improved a lot. Maybe because I was at a social do and my mind was taken off it? I really don't know. Hoping to speak to the GP tomorrow but missed the last 2 attempts to ring me because the practice can't tell me when she will ring. I easily miss the calls.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2018, 03:45:51 PM »

What do you mean by irritation Katejo?

Its my uretha hurting and feeling like I need a wee constantly, which is what happened when this all started. But I don't think it was as intense as this, or have I forgotten.

Sparkle, I wasn't really that sore in the vagina and outside,  more uncomfortable and aware. Gp never mentioned it when she examined me. Not convinced I have atrophy. It was me who suggested it.

Desperate for answers and appreciate the support.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2018, 03:58:26 PM »

What do you mean by irritation Katejo?

Its my uretha hurting and feeling like I need a wee constantly, which is what happened when this all started. But I don't think it was as intense as this, or have I forgotten.

Sparkle, I wasn't really that sore in the vagina and outside,  more uncomfortable and aware. Gp never mentioned it when she examined me. Not convinced I have atrophy. It was me who suggested it.

Desperate for answers and appreciate the support.
Hi Blot   I mean a feeling similar to  cystitis (particularly on the left side of the vagina) and frequent visits to the loo. I don't have any soreness around the area. If you go to the loo, do you actually pass urine or is there actually none there?


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2018, 04:09:36 PM »

Yes when I go to the loo I do pass urine.  Feels like I've been holding on to it for hours though.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2018, 05:05:37 PM »

Yes when I go to the loo I do pass urine.  Feels like I've been holding on to it for hours though.
  I have just seen the following comment on part of the Patient Forum. This woman seems to have had irritation to start with but then things improved. See the last sentence.

"the same happened to me with getting many UTI's before I was diagnosed with VA.......thankfully I have a wonderful GYN doctor. And yes once we have VA we will have to use Vagifem indefinitely........but grateful it gives us quality if life.....such a blessing.  Yes, it does take time for the Vagifem to heal the vaginal area.....but ladies hang in there and be patient.  Some will experience pressure to pee but in time that goes away as well!

 I also saw a comment from another woman (US I think from her language) who was told by an unsympathetic  doctor to stop complaining about VA because she was far better off than someone on life support!!


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2018, 10:01:08 PM »

I saw a urologist because I had the constant burning urethra and my urine always had nloodvpresent but no infection. I had the usual investigations - kidney scan and cystoscopy. He also stretched my urethra which was most unpleasant and didn't help the discomfort at all.
Nothing untoward was found and he simply told me I probably had interstitial cystitis caused by urogenital atrophy and he recommended I continue with Vagifem.
Intestinal cystitis is a diagnosis given when they don't really know what is truly wrong. It seems that there are many peri and post meno women that suffer with this and it's often dismissed by doctors.
I now have the burning under control most of the time but it flares up really easily. I'm going with my 90 year mum to the Canaries in December and I'm dreading the flight - sitting for over 3 hours will definitely be a trigger even if I get up a few times to move around.
I have to keep my urine really neutral ( so no fruit juices or caffiene), ensure the flora balance is good inside my vagina by using all the products I've mentioned before to maintain a healthy environment - it's a constant process.
I started the thread called ‘The Burning Club' on this forum (do look at it) which really highlights how many women suffer with this.
DG x


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #67 on: October 15, 2018, 06:24:47 AM »

Thank you Katejo and DG.

I'm going to discuss with the doc on Wednesday. A big part of my problems is the anxiety I have over it. If I can relax then things calm down. A glass of wine will do it but I can't go down that route. 

I'm scared of antidepressants and couldn't handle the side effects as well as all this. I'm getting really low though and this is affecting my whole life. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything and I'm avoiding people as I don't want to pretend to be OK. So I do need help in that department.

Yesterday I used the multi gyn just on the outside on the uretha and it helped. So that's good.

I'm sorry you have to keep going over the same things with me DG. I am listening but Im so fed up and I'm constantly looking for reassurance to make me feel better.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2018, 06:29:16 AM by Blot »


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #68 on: October 16, 2018, 05:22:24 AM »

Thank you Sparkle. Glad to hear things improved for you.

I just don't know what's going on with me. Do the symptoms if VA vary from day to day? Yesterday was so good. Didn't feel like I needed to wee all day, just normal pressure when I did need to go, and hardly any soreness underneath. I was at work and distracted i suppose. Then about 9 pm after dinner it all started again and lasted overnight.

I was in two minds whether to cancel tomorrow's appointment as I felt I'd turned a corner. Good job I didn't.  I'm a nervous wreck and my heart is racing all the time and I've got a bit of an upset stomach since yesterday as well.

Think I really need to address this anxiety and sort myself out.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #69 on: October 16, 2018, 06:02:07 AM »

I find my worse enemy is stress and anxiety, it makes my VA ten times worse. When I'm relaxed it's fine. It a vicious circle I know but try to relax, it really does make a difference.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #70 on: October 16, 2018, 11:18:00 AM »

Yes Dierdre. Anxiety makes it so much worse and if I relax everything is better. Not just this but everything.

Can't relax though.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #71 on: October 16, 2018, 01:29:41 PM »

Do the symptoms if VA vary from day to day?  Sometimes I realise that I haven't used the vagifem in a while, and everything actually feels better.  Then an hour later, I rush to the loo, wet my drawers and everything looks purple and feels swollen.  ::)

I think there are a lot of stop - start problems when you first start to use it and you need the other products to help tie you over.  Once you have used it regularly for a good while, it is much better (unless you forget  ::) )  I have found Dermol useful for washing at times.

My first symptoms were ongoing non specific infection-like symptoms for which I had swabs and no infection, and unpredictable catastrophic incontinence (no one has done a sample for that).  There was also much ****liness, itching and loss of hair.

I recommend a drinking plenty during the day to stretch your bladder if it is over sensitive.  I just do it for the day then try and make sure I do not dehydrate after that.  I have been offered things for irritable bladder before but these cause other problems and doing this sorts me for several weeks at a time.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #72 on: October 16, 2018, 03:44:40 PM »

Do the symptoms if VA vary from day to day?  Sometimes I realise that I haven't used the vagifem in a while, and everything actually feels better.  Then an hour later, I rush to the loo, wet my drawers and everything looks purple and feels swollen.  ::)

I think there are a lot of stop - start problems when you first start to use it and you need the other products to help tie you over.  Once you have used it regularly for a good while, it is much better (unless you forget  ::) )  I have found Dermol useful for washing at times.

My first symptoms were ongoing non specific infection-like symptoms for which I had swabs and no infection, and unpredictable catastrophic incontinence (no one has done a sample for that).  There was also much ****liness, itching and loss of hair.

I recommend a drinking plenty during the day to stretch your bladder if it is over sensitive.  I just do it for the day then try and make sure I do not dehydrate after that.  I have been offered things for irritable bladder before but these cause other problems and doing this sorts me for several weeks at a time.
I have had loss of hair but had never associated that  with  VA at all. I just thought it was a natural part of menopause.  I have had recurrent UTI symptoms and have also had microscopic blood traces in urine (which have been tested/checked but VA wasn't suggested as a cause). I haven't had any incontinence problems at all.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #73 on: October 16, 2018, 05:23:18 PM »

Thanks everyone.

I will speak to my doctor tomorrow. I am going to carry on using this, after all I've only been on it for 7 days. I'm going to ask for something to just calm me down a bit - I've been running on adrenaline for months now and all the crying over the past 2 weeks is ridiculous.

I seem to have got myself until such a state of anxiety that I can't come down from it and the expression “heart in your mouth “ totally applies to me all of the time. But I don't really want antidepressants.

I cannot convey just how much I appreciate you all taking the time to help me, an anonymous person on the internet, with all of this. I'm overwhelmed with your kindness. Thank you.


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Re: Vagifem side effects/bad reaction after 1st one?
« Reply #74 on: October 16, 2018, 07:38:03 PM »

Hope you get on alright at the doctors tomorrow Blot.
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