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Author Topic: Crying right now. Is anybody there?  (Read 2850 times)

ali 61

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Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« on: October 04, 2018, 12:37:48 PM »

Ok Now I know that the Meno is making me emotional, tired, pains etc etc. But right now I am sitting here all alone in floods of tears. And I just want to talk to you ladies out there.

I've been on patches for nearly 6 weeks now. I went to the GP originally, 8 weeks ago, as I had flushes, sweats, insomnia but also dizziness and felt "wheezy" when breathing in.

He suggested HRT, but also did blood tests and a chest xray and listened to my heart and blood pressure.
Everything came back fine.

Fast forward to 5 weeks on HRT and I'm still feeling wheezy but I started having chest pressure.

Its not constant and not after exercise. Just sometimes when sitting or lying, it feels tight and heavy. (I have it right now sitting on the sofa) Its worrying me, but I dont think it needs an emergency ambulance to hospital. And no point going back to the GP as his exams were all clear.
I just took my dog for a walk. Couldnt go far as I have arthritis and today its painful. But I didnt feel any worse for the exercise.

So now I'm fed up and crying. I have nobody to talk to at all. I'm single with no children, no parents and no family at all.
I only have a couple of friends, but they work full time and have their own families and dont live close by.

So I am completely alone, so sad and so upset. I KNOW its probably my hormones on these new patches doing all this. But is anybody out there to talk to me please?  :'(


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2018, 12:56:37 PM »


I am here. I live in Lancashire I am almost 50 and having my own anxieties which I am convinced are a disorder that cannot be cured.

I am not single but I have no children and I am alone too all day. I have no female friends (always been a loner) I am looking online for telephone counselling. I am where you are emotionally.

Please PM me xxx



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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2018, 01:38:40 PM »

Hi ali 61 and roseenglish,

I think a lot of ladies on here can relate to you both about the crying and sudden sadness and over welling emotions of the menopause.

I'm nearly 48, on Estrodot 50mg patches with a Mirena, and been peri since about 40. I think the crying and feelings of loneliness are very hard to deal with, even with my very understanding husband (only been together 4 years) and friends to talk to. Sometimes there's just no one around to give you a hug exactly when you need it. I've spend a whole day crying waste of a lovely Sunday really, but my husband was working, I think my period started a day later, and by mid afternoon I looked like a red blotchy tomato with all the blubbering!
Amazing that our declining hormones can do this to us. Totally insane!

Ali 61, you might be having palpitations, the heavy feeling in your chest and the feeling of your heart racing. I've found it comes and goes but is more apparent when I'm stressed or having an emotional time, mostly before I seem to have a slight period or am overwhelmed by what's happening right at that time. I layed off caffeine coffee for a while, tea seemed OK, and tried to let it pass....easily said than done when I'm looking at my fit bit reading 92 when I'm sitting on the sofa, having just drunk a cup of coffee or eaten a bowl of soup for lunch.
Also what strength and type of patch are you on Ali 61?
They started me on 25mg but after 10 weeks I was still as bad and they increased me to 50mg. Still don't feel amazing, but very few hot flushes and bit more than even tempered.

I think getting out as much as you can, into the fresh air helps. I work as a Nanny and am out every day with the little 15month old boy I look after. Working less hours than I used to (4.5 days) as the tiredness is awful, but I do feel so much better mentally if I can get out and about or have lots to do at home.
I hope you feel a bit brighter soon ladies xx

ali 61

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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2018, 01:51:09 PM »

Hello SEU666
Thank you for replying. I'm still crying, but hearing from you 2 ladies has helped me to calm down a bit. I KNOW its my body just wont listen to me!

I started on Evorel Conti patches 50mg (due to migraines and being post-meno) But after a week I had to cut it in 1/2 due to terrible stomach cramps. I'm staying on 1/2 a patch as the cramps went,and the hot flushes and sweats have also gone.
But this emotional side is new to me. I've never been like this before. (Apart from thru periods of bereavement)

I dont get palpitations or a feeling of my heart racing. Its just a tight pressure? Its gone right now. it comes and goes. But only started a week ago? I havent had any caffeine for over 2 years now, so I know its not that.

I do try to get out into the fresh air. But due to bad spinal arthritis, I cant go far. So today it was a quick dog-walkies, then a potter around the garden.

Thank you again for the reply. Isn't it mad that sensible women suddenly turn into crying/paranoid babies.  :-\ xx
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 01:54:31 PM by ali 61 »


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2018, 02:03:15 PM »

Hi ali 61
I think you are sensitive to the progesterone.  It could be worth trying a sequential HRT and put up with the monthly bleed so you can see if it's the progesterone causing the low mood. Many women use sequential HRt well into post menopause to avoid using progesterone all the time.
Your other alternative, which might avoid some of the progesterone side effects, would be to have a Mirena fitted and use oestrogen as gel or patch alongside.

If you could get involved in some social activities locally I think that would be good.  What about trying a gentle yoga or Pilates class that might help with your arthritis? It's good to do as much walking as possible but perhaps try to find a Mindfulness class as well as this form of relaxation can be great when menopause hits.

I think the pressure in your chest and the wheeziness is to do with anxiety and stress - so find some strategies to alleviate this stress.   DG x

ali 61

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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2018, 02:10:52 PM »

Hello Dancinggirl,
My GP wants me to stay on this patch for 3 months.So I'm halfway there. If things arent improved then, I shall definitely ask him about changing as you have suggested.
I didnt really want a Bleed, as I have Endometriosis. But we'll see what he thinks.

I have started listening to The Anxiety Guy. His meditations help me quite a bit. I did try Pilates, but even that was too painful. I have severe arthritis right thru my spine, and metal plates in my neck. All due to being a Professional dancer for most of my life, until I hit my 30's.
I will look for a local Yoga class and see if that helps. xx


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2018, 02:12:30 PM »

Maybe one of the other ladies can advise you about the Conti patch, as I only really know about the Estrodot one I'm on.
I had migraines badly on COC many years ago and the clinic refused point blank to even try it and they put me on POP pills until  I had a Mirena put in...stopped heavy bleeding, well heavy for me, and the Levonorgestrel POP was the only one that really agreed with me. I've had no issues with the Estrodot, think the estrogen in them though is far lower than in the COC pills.

I'm glad your feeling a little brighter Ali 61, a couple of my friends have Arthritis and my Mum, so I know it can be very painful at times.

Our bodies never listen to us do they, think how it would be if we could stop our hormones and turn them off like a tap....we'd never turn it back on again!


Dancing Queen

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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2018, 02:54:03 PM »

Hi Ali, I can sympathise with the crying (reading about you crying has made me cry!!). For a few months I was at it half a dozen or more times a day...crying about everything..and nothing and wanting to shake myself out of it but couldn`t, just knew it was hormonal. Have been on HRT patches for a month which have helped a lot - I`ve still got life issues which make me teary but try not to dwell too much. I think your chest issues are probably anxiety related, I`ve currently got twitchy leg muscles which I convinced myself were mnd until I read posts by other folk on the forum with the same thing so have calmed myself down about it. I can`t talk to my partner for various reasons but luckily I do have 2 good friends I can drive up the wall in my times of meltdown. Hope you feel better soon xx


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2018, 02:58:13 PM »

Sometimes the intercostal muscles ache.  Which immediately sets us off thinking it could be something terminal!  I have seen grown men cry with the pain which can be mis-interpreted in males as a heart attack. 

Have you tried pain relief for any aches and pains?  As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  HORMONES!


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2018, 04:17:14 PM »

Hi Ali
 - if you had endo then the Mirena would be a good option for you as it is less likely to trigger the endo and less is absorbed systemically which allows the oestrogen to work more effectively overall. You could have oestegn onky patches alongside.

I danced professionally - I have been lucky as I only have degeneration of lower spine so far!!
The rheumatologost told me that the key thing is to keep moving!! Are you able to do swimming? Walking the dog is my best exercise but I've found a really good Pilates class run by a dancer which is designed for people with real spinal and joint issues like yours. She gives very good advice about what one should and shouldn't do depending on your specific injuries. I think it's called Somatic Pilates.
Hope you feel better soon. DG x


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2018, 05:29:11 PM »

Hey Ali ,

Sorry that you're feeling so rubbish. If it wasn't for your hormones you probably wouldn't be half as worried about your breathing . As you said all tests at doc are clear . It's such a horrid spiral isn't it .

There's ups and downs , this is a down , you're on hrt and need to let it work , this is what you advised me the other day and you are right .

You are not alone !! I'm giving you a BIG virtual hug right now . Hang on in xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lemondrop xxxxx


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2018, 05:37:59 PM »

Hi Ali.
Hope you are feeling a little better. I'm on the same patches as you. Before I started HRT I was quite bad with anxiety and migraines, had headaches every few days. The patches have helped with that.
I am a lot better, but I still get the odd day and feel sad and crying.
I run and walk every day and that helps alot.
Vicky xx


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2018, 06:06:35 PM »

To all of you out there who are feeling emotional big big hugs. It must be harder being on your own. I have my husband, 10 year old son & another son & daughter. I too know what it is like to spend all day crying. Even with my family I still go off & cry on my own as I can't bear for them to see me like that. It's so hard to get out of it. I go through periods of ok to feeling so weepy, angry & panicky. You are not alone & that is what this site is for to talk to other ladies going through the same. I hope everyone feels a bit better soon. Xxxxx


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2018, 07:11:02 PM »

Always come here if you need a shoulder

I have no parents alive , an older sister who walked out on our family years ago and none of my friends have either gone through menopause or had the same symptoms as me so I've always felt alone in this journey x


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Re: Crying right now. Is anybody there?
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2018, 07:37:13 PM »

Just to say about the chest pains....
When I have too much progesterone I get chest pains, which really freaked me out.
When I dropped down the dose the pains went....
So now I know not to increase for a long time, as when the progesterone builds up
I suffer the side effects..

Big, big hugs to everyone feeling crap,     :bighug:     It'll pass soon, just keep going....xx.  :foryou:
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