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Author Topic: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed  (Read 8059 times)


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I have got myself into a mess crying, not eating, anxious, depressed, after starting with some strange (to me) symptoms down below. Twinges of desire but without any sexual thoughts or feelings or desires. They started 3 days ago and I think they are subsiding and I appear to be getting more twinges of pain more than "the other"

Ive stumbled upon a condition called PGAD which is such a horrid condition that some women commit suicide. Its linked to a nerve that effects the genitals and these poor women feel like they are on the verge of orgasm or need to have one all the time but it never goes away no matter what they do. Their lives are over. Cant work cant socialise. You can imagine the shame and humiliation and people think its funny or that they are "lucky" NOT AT ALL.

I have pretty much convinced myself I have this problem now. I went looking for same symptoms I have and all Google brought up was pages of PGAD websites. I think I searched for "Constant Physical Genital Arousal" because thats how I feel not to the point of orgasm but PGAD s progressive and the first 6 months the symptoms can wax and wane but it gets worse and more intense and after 6 months your at the worst. Honesty its terrified me.

i am so depressed and anxious I cannot eat food. I stay in bed all day or on the PC searching for some kind of sign that what i am experiencing is not so unusual and more importantly other women have it or had it so I can at least feel there is a chance it will pass and I don't develop PGAD

I dont even know why I am writing this other than to reach out to other women who have health anxiety and can relate

My life stopped when I found that website. All i think about is the symptoms and what they may be and its always worse case scenario



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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2018, 12:39:34 PM »

I can't advise on your symptoms but understand completely your  anxiety.  I had post menopause bleeding nearly   3 months  ago and since then it's  been appointments but mainly endless waiting and worrying.  I've  had biopsy which they  want to repeat,  now I have uti.  I'm totally  stressed and the anxiety is unbearable.  Looking up symptoms makes me feel worse but I still do.  Try and see your gp and just plod on and try not to  think of worse case  scenario .  I know it's hard .  I'm totally exhausted from health anxiety.  Be kind  to yourself.


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2018, 02:10:20 PM »

Hi EnglishRose, I totally get where you're coming from as I've also experienced off-the-charts HA with meno - at times I've had to take half a 10mg Temazepam to calm/stop the anxiety.

I also can't advise - however I would say I've experienced something similar-ish - in my case I felt it was connected to ghastly vaginal atrophy, the loss / major change / shrinkage in tissue structure in the whole uro-genital area - that created high sensitivity, pain, nerve exposed kind of feeling of horrid feeling (sorry not explained very well).  Using Vagifem 3 times weekly (inserted low) and Ovestin (sparingly) on the outside area has eased it. 

I don't know if this is of any help.   Could your symptoms possibly be connected to vag atrophy?

As SS says, a trip to an (understanding) GP could help, might be an idea to request this soon.

Also I scare the cr@p out of myself googling symptoms, I know it's not good and creates so much more stress - I have to force myself to get off PC and go for a long walk.

Hope things calm down for you.



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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2018, 04:30:57 PM »

Hi EnglishRose, I totally get where you're coming from as I've also experienced off-the-charts HA with meno - at times I've had to take half a 10mg Temazepam to calm/stop the anxiety.

I also can't advise - however I would say I've experienced something similar-ish - in my case I felt it was connected to ghastly vaginal atrophy, the loss / major change / shrinkage in tissue structure in the whole uro-genital area - that created high sensitivity, pain, nerve exposed kind of feeling of horrid feeling (sorry not explained very well).  Using Vagifem 3 times weekly (inserted low) and Ovestin (sparingly) on the outside area has eased it. 

I don't know if this is of any help.   Could your symptoms possibly be connected to vag atrophy?

As SS says, a trip to an (understanding) GP could help, might be an idea to request this soon.

Also I scare the cr@p out of myself googling symptoms, I know it's not good and creates so much more stress - I have to force myself to get off PC and go for a long walk.

Hope things calm down for you.

I am crying so hard right now. Thank you so much for sharing your issues, this was so needed and YES it could be VA but I am not aware of the full array of VA symptoms. I am 50 in Jan, I have had private blood tests and proven to be in menopause with deficient oestrogen and high stimulating hormone. Although I still do have cycles/periods but they're very light due to the high amount of transdermal natural progesterone ive used for years possibly eight. I am aware 500mg prog is a lot, I started using it when "oestrogen dominance" was a trend so I have always thought I did not need oestrogen as long as I was "ok"

I am not sexually active with my partner. No problems just something we fell out of the habit of doing. I think he lacks testosterone as he has his own health issues.

I will see a doctor on Friday about my issues.

The best way I can describe it is I am aware of my vagina now. There are periods of pain and stabbing nothing major but then periods of sexual sensation like very early stages of arousal but no mental or physiological thoughts. I am not stimulated mentally for it to happen.

Some women here say thats perfectly normal to have those physical feelings but not on and off all day surely? They add its common for women in their late 40s early 50s to get a high libido but it does not feel "normal" it feels abnormal.

I am due on my period as my boobs are big I am having hot flushes I have acne (which is unusual) I have been spotting for 10 days too.

Im terrified. If VA can trigger physical sexual arousal then i have some hope.

I have just walked the dogs but my heart was not in it. I am totally convinced I have this rare but untreatable disorder called Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome which is linked to the perineum nerve. I cannot find anything that says it can be treat or cured its all about learning to cope with the symptoms. Some women have committed suicide from the never ending torture and lack of understanding in general with people thinking its a blessing or that they are lucky, it could be worse. Its actually a pain condition that the brain perceives as sexual. It sounds terrifying to me.

My mini dachshund 7 month puppy runs to me when she hears me crying and I pick her up and she licks my tears away...sorry, I digress.

I don't have any friends and i feel desperately alone and depressed. I cannot eat my stomach is in knots i am crying and almost to the point of telephoning Samaritans or something. My partner is here but he cannot relate. He hugs me and tells me to stop thinking the worst case scenario and that forums are full of the negative because when people get well or recover they move on with their lives, they only visit forums in the moments of crisis which is what I am doing. Very few come back and say "Just wanted to update and say I am much better"




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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2018, 04:35:01 PM »

I can't advise on your symptoms but understand completely your  anxiety.  I had post menopause bleeding nearly   3 months  ago and since then it's  been appointments but mainly endless waiting and worrying.  I've  had biopsy which they  want to repeat,  now I have uti.  I'm totally  stressed and the anxiety is unbearable.  Looking up symptoms makes me feel worse but I still do.  Try and see your gp and just plod on and try not to  think of worse case  scenario .  I know it's hard .  I'm totally exhausted from health anxiety.  Be kind  to yourself.

I just need a hug. you know what I mean? My life is just crap at the moment. I work from home so I am not working anymore my mind isnt in it. My onlu escape is sleep which comes easily thank god but I am waking up dreading the day now. Hard to imagine that 3 days ago I was taking photos of my dogs on a walk.
Thank you I know your right of course. I appreciate your post xxxx


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2018, 05:32:00 PM »

I really feel for you.  I wake and am gripped with nerve spasms and I cant shake them off.  I know how you feel but my partner says these times will pass and have faith things will improve.  It's a hard slog when you contact the GPs and my situation has dragged on and on. You just have t o keep strong.  Thinking of you and all the best.


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2018, 10:18:04 PM »

I really feel for you.  I wake and am gripped with nerve spasms and I cant shake them off.  I know how you feel but my partner says these times will pass and have faith things will improve.  It's a hard slog when you contact the GPs and my situation has dragged on and on. You just have t o keep strong.  Thinking of you and all the best.

How do you mean nerve spasms?

Do you mean in your body? Or genitals?


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2018, 11:12:05 AM »

I would wake anytime after 3.30 a.m. deeply fearful, prehensile  :-\ and until the various medications kicked in, this continued.



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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2018, 12:54:14 PM »

Nerve spasms in my body, a really uncomfortable,  draining feeling.   Sometimes a good long walk makes me feel better.  Just had my letter from the gynaecologist today, 6 weeks after biopsy.  Says I need another cos they didn't get any tissue the first time.  I can't face another so having  a scan instead. The gynaecologist is not happy with me not having another biopsy and if he thinks the scan is not OK he won't prescribe hrt vaginal cream.  Without that my VA is not very manageable.   So really anxious like I have been since July.   


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2018, 03:09:30 PM »

I would want to know why there wasn't enough sample taken initially! and what would the Gynae expect to be finding on the scan that would mean no cream?  Go to your GP and ask for it.  They are messing about, probably no joined up thinking  :bang: if so, you will be the 4th person today who has experienced lack of thought in the NHS!

It is usually the GP that prescribes ;-)


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2018, 03:29:34 PM »

Sometimes these problems arise from adverse experiences in our life, sometimes from very early in life, which we may or may not realise are connected. Sometimes we don't even remember what they are. Unprocessed stuff is held in the brain stem, nervous system, and therefore the body. Getting decent therapy will help us to work through such experiences. I have had very good results with Lifespan Integration therapy  :)


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2018, 06:08:07 PM »

Problem is CKLD is there is some lining thickening but all else looks ok apart from them not getting enough tissue.  Like roseenglish says it's taken my life over. I just want to use local cream and get on with my life.  Feel like things will never get sorted. I had the biopsy under general anaesthetic so goodness knows why they couldn't do it properly with me spark out!


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2018, 06:20:41 PM »

I would be asking the question.  Is there any rush?  I would insist on getting symptoms settled and then re-considering another exam under GA.  Quality of Life Girl - which you don't seem to be getting with all this pushing and shoving from one idea to the next.

Bo - as an aside, did you pay for this particular therapy?


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2018, 06:43:53 PM »

Bo - as an aside, did you pay for this particular therapy?

Yes I did - it's only available through private therapists. Some UK & US LI therapists offer Skype sessions if no-one local to us


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2018, 08:33:11 PM »

Like roseenglish I am really struggling through each day, thinking every twinge is cancer. I don't know how to cope.
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