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Author Topic: Update on Mirena experience  (Read 5754 times)


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Update on Mirena experience
« on: October 02, 2018, 06:00:53 PM »

Had my coil fitted this morning - weird experience to start with as I'm an NHS patient in a private hospital, presumably Torbay buying in extra services at ridiculous cost. But the whole thing brought back horrible memories of cancer treatment, biopsy for breast cancer and previous traumatic biopsy for LS. Can't fault the staff though - they were lovely and the actual procedure was OK, bit painful and now mild period pains but nothing like as bad as I feared.

Then on to the Community Mental Health Team for a very badly timed assessment appointment - I've had to call the Crisis Team so many times now I clearly do need ongoing help and support with managing this, but I've also had plenty of acknowledgment from various medical professionals that this is a hormonal problem. And yet I still find myself having to explain it all to a psychiatrist who, surprise surprise, has no knowledge or experience of menopausal anxiety and depression. What is going on here? - I'm starting to suspect some kind of massive conspiracy to keep us uppity women in our place, ie Bedlam. They didn't dismiss it, but I left feeling totally bereft of any hope, in a horrible panic that suicide is my only way out. Thank god my poor 18 year old daughter was at home, got into bed with me and put on mindless TV programmes to distract us while I sobbed and eventually calmed down. Worst day for a long time...


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2018, 07:29:29 PM »

Good evening

Pleased to hear the coil fitting went ok but sorry to hear it brought back painful memories.

Sorry to hear the appointment with the Community Mental Health Team did not give you the support you were hoping for.I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions you can try but there must be someone who can help but it's so frustrating trying to find the one when you are feeling desperate I just want to give you a  :bighug: and let you know I'm thinking of you.
Your daughter sounds lovely and these are for her 💐
Take care
Lanzalover x


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2018, 07:46:28 PM »

Hello Racjen. I am very disappointed to hear that you've LEFT a mental health assessment feeling bereft of hope and suicidal. That's absolutely terrible. I'm not criticising any of the medical profession nor the health service, but that means your appointment completely failed you.  I'm amazed that the psychiatrist hasn't heard of menopausal anxiety or depression. It kind of beggars belief. In all professions we have to undergo ongoing professional development and learning and should be aware of most/all areas of the field, even if we are not experts in them. As a lawyer, I might not be a patent law expert but I would know how/where to direct someone. Even by just reading the newspaper, your psychiatrist would have picked up something about menopausal depression. Then your psychiatrist should have at least been able to say the right thing and direct you somewhere. Please don't feel bereft of hope. Lots of people on here would be worried about you. I am. I think you have to go back there and ask for yet another appointment with someone else, if that's possible. I'm glad the coil fitting went okay. And what a lovely daughter you have. Presumably she must have learned those caring skills from you, so you must and should look on her as a great achievement. Can you check in with us tomorrow, please? X


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2018, 08:57:16 PM »

I can't face it, I just can't face any more having to justify myself, somehow prove that I'm not just losing the plot because I've had a few hard knocks in life. I want to say to them all 'go and look on this forum and you'll see with your own eyes just how many women are suffering from this horrible horrible thing as a result of menopause' but I know they won't, because they only want to believe what their training has led them to believe. To  have somebody say to you 'how do you feel about what we've just discussed? ie CBT and management strategies for anxiety' and my reply was 'I feel like I want to go home and take an overdose', and there was no response to that other than 'somebody will be in touch in 2 -3 weeks' - what do I do? Right now I do't want to wake up tomorrow morning, but the thought of my daughters finding me dead in bed is more than I can cope with.


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2018, 12:42:52 AM »


I hope you are doing better than the last post when you read this.

If all you have to hold onto right now is your daughter not finding you, please hold on to that. I know it's not much but it is something. I've been in that thought process before and that's all I had as well but it helped me get through.

Really hope you can find the right help soon.


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2018, 06:06:53 AM »

I am so sorry you are feeling like this. It is a truly horrible experience & no words can explain it. I too have felt like that & have thought of my 10 year old son. I really don't know what you have tried. Menopause can definitely cause all these horrendous symptoms. When I had PND years ago I went to see a physiatrist & he dismissed it being hormonal & just gave me more & more ADs. This time around the same thing. You must remember these health professionals aren't really trained in hormonal depression at all. Look around in the internet there are loads of doctors who definitely say hormones can cause this. Just being dismissed by them can make you feel awful. Don't forget in desperation there are always the Samaratins who you can call day & night for someone to talk to. Take care. Xxx


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2018, 10:11:22 AM »

How are you feeling today?


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2018, 10:24:39 AM »

Can't fault the staff though - they were lovely and the actual procedure was OK, bit painful and now mild period pains but nothing like as bad as I feared.

So glad that went well.

...I've also had plenty of acknowledgment from various medical professionals that this is a hormonal problem. And yet I still find myself having to explain it all to a psychiatrist who, surprise surprise, has no knowledge or experience of menopausal anxiety and depression.

A lot of them are woefully clueless. The overwhelming majority of women with hormonal depression are given treatment designed for men and based on male presentation.

What is going on here? - I'm starting to suspect some kind of massive conspiracy to keep us uppity women in our place, ie Bedlam. 

Good old-fashioned sexism is alive and well in medicine. I've suffered severe endometriosis that took decades to diagnose purely because menstrual pain is easy to dismiss by many medical professionals. If men suffered a condition where their balls felt like someone took a hammer to them every month, you can guarantee there will be heaps of funding poured into research for it. If men suffered a hormonal condition that debilitated them at the PEAK of their careers like menopause, you can bet anything it would be taken more seriously. But I am so PROUD and grateful for you speaking up about it so boldly and so frankly - the more of us speak up, the less we all have to struggle in silence.

They didn't dismiss it, but I left feeling totally bereft of any hope, in a horrible panic that suicide is my only way out. Thank god my poor 18 year old daughter was at home, got into bed with me and put on mindless TV programmes to distract us while I sobbed and eventually calmed down. Worst day for a long time...

I've developed a true and sincere appreciation for mindless TV programs - they really do have their place in this world. Please hang in will all come to pass.


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2018, 12:03:55 PM »

Oh Racjen

I've been thinking of you, having the procedure. I'm glad it went better than expected xx

And I'm sorry you are suffering so emotionally. I've been there too - it is a living hell. I would drive around, shouting to myself ‘you will NOT do that to your kids' was horrible, all hormonal, and ads made me feel worse, if that was possible. Please don't do it, we think you're important enough to stay xx the world still needs you in it xx

Are you using patches or gel? And how strong is your oestrogen dose? Hang in there if you can, I'm really hoping that everything will settle for you this time xx


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2018, 01:40:25 PM »

Hi Racjen,

Good to hear the procedure itself went well and the staff were supportive, but so sorry to hear it brought back horrible memories.
Hopefully now the Mirena is in, it will help.

Unbelievable you're sent to someone who doesn't know about menopause and its symptoms, having read a lot on here and speaking to a few of my friends, and strangers in Boots actually, women experience Menopause so differently. They do say it's a very personal experience you will go through for when it's your time, but GPs and psychiatrists etc, who just say it's your hormones is so upsetting.

I'm realising how my 'hormonal' ups and down and problem periods have just been dismissed as all regular, irregular periods, and will stop when it's your time!!

I hope you're feeling a little better today. Is there another doctor at your surgery you can talk to?
Wishing you all the best xx


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2018, 04:50:47 PM »

Just emerged from another sudden attack of what I can only describe as horror - like the blackest despair ever but combined with overwhelming fear about the despair itself. I literally could not string two words together for a couple of hours but just lay in bed with no stimulation whatsoever, again my poor daughters have to sit with me and make sure I'm OK. Now I look in the Mirena info leaflet and it says common side effects are depression and nervousness, and with my history of reactions to anti-depressants and pretty much every other drug going I'd say this is looking horribly familiar.  HAs anyone else had this? I don;t get panic attacks as such, but I'd say this is probably as close to one as I've ever been.


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2018, 07:37:55 PM »

Try and clear your mind. Tell the anxiety that you need to take just a couple of hours off and you'll deal with it again tomorrow. Make yourself put the television on and make yourself sit in front of something easy. Try and concentrate on anything other than the horror and anxiety. I know it's hard. I have been there. Indeed I was very recently and I did not know what to do with myself. It's your hormones. It really is. You are still there under that. Wish I lived near and could drive round with a big dollop of empathy and my (big fat - thanks for that too hormones!) shoulder to cry on. I'm concerned about you, as are many others on here, but there doesn't seem to be any magic wand to sort this. Hang on in there, it will pass, but it's going to take time xxx


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2018, 07:41:24 PM »


This is for you :foryou:

Hang in there - we all care about you, as do your lovely daughters.

Hope you are feeling a bit better now - and keep posting on here - there will always be someone to talk to.

Hurdity x  :bighug:


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2018, 09:29:26 PM »

Yes keep posting no matter how you feel. Hopefully you will soon feel a little better. Xxxx


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Re: Update on Mirena experience
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2018, 01:45:32 AM »

Hugs Racjen I'm thinking of you  :tulips2:
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