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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??  (Read 3297 times)


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Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« on: June 13, 2018, 03:31:39 PM »

Hi All!

I'm 36....about 3/12 weeks ago I lost it....just total anxiety and panic attacks. Why?? Good question.

It wasn't until the last week that I really started thinking this could be my hormones.

So some background...after my last child my body went crazy. I thought it was just from having a baby. Fast forward a couple of years and I still can't seem to get normal and just keep getting told that I am depressed but this never felt right. I kept saying that something was off with my hormones but nobody would check them because I was "too young" for there to be anything. Finally after 5 years, I find a doctor that listens to what I have going on. First thing he says is that I need to get my hormones check (prayers answered, just about cried). I also have cysts just covering my ovaries and unusual thick uterine lining. Had been having hot flashes and other things as well. So I'm started on the birth control for the cysts and uterine lining and wait for blood tests. Blood tests come testosterone....further tests reveal it is my ovaries not working properly and not producing the hormone (I am unsure if any other hormones were checked at this time, it's been so long). Started on HRT for testosterone in addition to the birth control. Start feeling pretty great after about a month....finally can lose some weight instead of gaining it....but not that it stayed off. Feel pretty darn good for a few years.

Fast forward to now. I haven't used the testosterone cream in over a year but still have it. Finally used it again during all this mess and boom...feel great that Random...and not just a good day, started the day HORRIBLY but end up with so much energy and happy and smiling..even laughing at things (it has been SO LONG since I could laugh at things).

Still been on birth control. It faded my hot flashes, eased the period pain and a lot of the other symptoms I had been having. Then in the last several months weird things started happening. I had some random lighter than usual really light...been taking birth control for 6+ years and never had that happen. Okay, don't think much of it. Happened a couple of times but that's it. Hm, some days my bras seem to be too tight?? My breasts felt tender and really full some days....weird but cool, I'm on the small side so I don't mind. Again, just thinking odd. Then during my last placebo pill week, I lost it... that's when everything started with this anxiety mess and panic attacks. The docs haven't thought they were linked but so hard not to think something. NOTHING else was going on that would have triggered it.

So here I am on my journey trying to figure some things out.
My GYN is testing my blood for some things next week...very willing to when I called and asked. I was honestly surprised.

I know I'm young but I just can't imagine. Maybe it isn't perimenopause but I would really like to know. I know my body has been doing weird things for years so it wouldn't shock me or break my heart right now. It would be nice to know though. Maybe the birth control helped to mask or minimize some of the issues. After reading through this forum on the anxiety and other problems people have faced...things just started to make so much more sense. Maybe I'm not losing my mind and getting more forgetful and spacey...maybe something really is going on.

Anyways, thanks!

I've been dealing with anxiety like I have NEVER had in my life, panic attacks -I've never had them. I have lost 12-15 pounds now...assume from the anxiety and lack of appetite. I don't even have food cravings anymore?!?! If you knew me, this is the most shocking of them all. I LOVE pizza to no end. I have no cravings anymore...don't care what I eat. I don't even want chocolate, candy or sugar complaints there from me because I need to eat healthier anyways. But usually my food cravings are beyond anything. I have to eat whatever it is or I just continue to crave it. All gone.  Rapid heart beats, sometimes feel like I'm going to have a heart attack, cold, hot....exhausted...but can't sleep to save my life most nights. (Slept GREAT last night in comparison) It seems like something always hurts but I just figure it is because I am getting older. Who knows anymore. Had a bunch of blood tests already, EKG, x-rays to check my lungs because of the chest pains after the heart was found to be fine. I'm so healthy it is sad...because I'm not a big exerciser.

Well again, thanks for this forum and Hello!


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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2018, 06:37:49 PM »

 Hi blue butterfly.
I'm no expert, but 1st  :welcomemm:.
We're all a great bunch of ladies on here, some with more experience than others,
but all suffering in one form or another. Or at least have done.

Don't worry, I'm sure someone will come along and answer all your questions.
We're always on here so you can ask anything you want, even if you think it's silly, just ask
away....ok babe...

Hope you get sorted out soon, it's not nice having to suffer....hang on in there..

Jd xx


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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2018, 06:51:56 PM »

Hi Blue butterfly

I'm new here too- everyone is very helpful.
I can't offer any advice yet as I'm still finding my feet but I'm sure there are plenty of members who will.



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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2018, 06:53:16 PM »

36 is young.  Maybe look at the Daisy web-site details above?  Read the treatment section too.  You need some HRT to protect bones and heart.

Browse round.  Make notes!



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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2018, 10:12:59 PM »

Hi Blue! It sounds like a primary ovarian failure to me and you need an expert.
I guess that you can use BCP as hrt due to your young age or to try hrt.
You absolutely need treatment. Take care!:)


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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2018, 05:02:39 PM »

Thanks for the welcome everyone!

yup, that's why I started the BCP in the first place...for the hormones. I'd prefer to get off it. Doc is talking about switching me to progestin-only pill after the tests come back. I'm going to have to talk to him about that. I'm not totally sure on that front. I would just love some relief from all this anxiety that just popped up a few weeks ago. Honestly, mentally I feel okay (A bit more teary than normal but I'm okay with that, I stuff my emotions too much) but mostly I'm just dealing with physical anxiety...the heart, the aches that bounce around, lump in the throat that is almost always there (throat is clear)...just annoying things that would make it much easier to live life if I wasn't dealing with it all. After the hormone tests, I'll see about the anti-depressents they want to put me on. Just don't want to jump on that without knowing if something else is going on.

I have no idea to know if/when my family goes through menopause. None of the aunts/mom ever really made it to menopause. They all had hysterectomies very young...most before they were 30. Even my grandmother if I remember right.

I'm good with whatever it is. I have 2 healthy children already and we've been done with our family. I just want to know. I'm glad at least I can find support and answers to questions here. I felt like a mess before. At least there's a possible reason for turning into a mental mess out of the blue.


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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2018, 02:48:38 PM »

Hi BlueButterfly


Sorry to hear about your early menopause - I'm not sure I've taken everything in from your posts but did you say that hormone blood tests confirmed that you were heading for menopause? If so do you have the readings for FSH specifically? In someone as young as you there should be two tests carried out around 4-6 weeks apart and ideally on 3rd - 5th day of cycle ( not sure how you can do that both time if 6 weeks apart though!).

Also before you started the CCP - what was your cycle doing - were you having irregular periods with very varied cycle length ie by more than a week each time?

What CCP/HRT are you on? Ideally this should give you sufficient hormones instead of HRT although HRT might be preferable - certainly not the POP/mini pill if you are going through menopause as these do not add oestrogen and some of them actually depress oestrogen levels which you do not want at your age.

Ideally you should get your HRT or hormones sorted before thinking about anti-depressants - again - especially due to your young age as you need to be taking sufficient oestrogen for health protection specifically against osteoporosis and heart disease. If you are not diagnosed with depression then these are not actually indicated (in UK anyway) as first line of treatment for anxiety and low mood due to menopausal symptoms - but I think you maybe in US or Oz? You are right in wanting to know what's going on and getting your hormonal balance right first.

Yes as Emerald2017 says - you need an expert!

Good luck and keep us posted...

Hurdity x


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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2018, 05:35:11 PM »

I'm having some hormone blood tests done this week. I don't know if they'll show anything or not. I'm not expecting them too.

yes I do agree on the anti-depressants. I have really not wanted to go on them...never felt right but some days I was feeling rather desperate to feel 'normal' again. I still don't think that's going to help though.

At this point, I just want to feel physically normal again.

I've been on Kurvelo 0.15 mg-0.03 mg pill and testosterone HRT.

Before starting the pill my cycles were pretty regular, very heavy, a week long, very painful and full of clots. I also had both ovaries covered in cysts and very thick uterine lining. Ovulation was almost more painful than the period cramps.

I'm doing a stress test on my heart next Monday. Sometimes I'm fine, other times it feels like my heart is just pounding, but it isn't fast. Sometimes, like today, it is pounding and fast for no reason. It's very intense. Nothing else wrong.

My allergies also seem completely uncontrollable right now. I wake up and feel just completely congested in my sinuses and throat. Some benadryl helps but I can't take a full dose or I will get very tired. I need it though. Thinking of seeing an allergist too. The once a day allergy meds don't seem to touch the problem.

I just so want to feel normal again and I love those days that I do! I just wish they happened more.


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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2018, 06:42:50 PM »

Just to add that if this is perimenopause (so if no high FSH) it's quite normal and can last 10 years or so. My symptoms started at around mid-late 30s and at 48 they're still going strong with no sign of menopause for now. It can be quite a volatile time for hormones.


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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2018, 01:00:47 PM »

Thank you. I do hope I can last 10 years though if this all chooses to last that long. This last month has been horrible. I feel like I'm losing me. I miss feeling somewhat normal. I get some days here and there, and they are great, but it is almost more painful when I have a bad day after a few good ones. I just want to cry and scream, and curl up in a ball and hide until they are over.

There is definitely something hormonal to this all. Just started my menstrual cycle yesterday and was miserable all day. My heart would not take a break, anxiety bad, no appetite....I had one tiny bit of a meal. The muscle tension was insane. I'm still trying to relax those things today. Heart is finally taking a break and slowing down. I'm back to my normal resting range. Still jumps when I do about anything but not like it did yesterday.

Just want to feel like me again. I can look back and see how things have slowly been getting worse over the last year or so but I don't think I attributed it to anything at the time because the things I was experiencing weren't as pronounced as they are now. I'm sure the pill has played into that.

Crafty Kaz

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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2018, 07:35:18 PM »

Hi BlueButterfly
I'm new to this marvellous site too & just wanted to offer you a bit of support. After reading your previous posts I can really relate to the way you have been feeling. I had exactly the same symptoms back in March all out of the blue & it scared the living daylights out of me! I couldn't sleep eat or function & my heart was doing funny things also having sinus congestion on & off for months. To cut a long story short I had all tests imaginable & all came back clear, so my doctor put it all down to Perimenopause symptoms & asked if I would like to try hrt, so I did (anything was worth a try as I can honestly say I had never in my life felt so dreadful) I started in Evorel Sequi & felt so much better after 4 days 😜 & after 2 weeks felt amazing 😀 unfortunately the conti part of the regime didn't agree with me so after a few months I changed to femseven sequi which can be better tolerated, I persevered with them for a couple of months but the blinking things wouldn't stick properly & felt the old symptoms returning ( not as awful as before but I suppose as they weren't sticking properly I wasn't absorbing the hormones as well as on the Evorel) I've now gone back to Evorel 50 but with utrogesten 12 days a month, it's early days but I'm feeling better already. It's tricky business this Perimenopause lark as our hormones are all over the place so the hrt may need tweaking periodically. Wondering how you got on with your hormone tests & whether you are feeling any better?

Much love Kaz x


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Re: Hi, New...maybe Perimenopause??
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2018, 02:21:03 PM »

Wow, I missed replying to this a long time ago. Sorry!

Well the first hormone tests the doc said were 'normal'. I have no ideas what the numbers were or really care to find out. Honestly just seems like he was more worried about getting me a hysterectomy than anything else. Just not something I'm ready for. I was still on BCP at the time as well and I know that can mess with hormone test results.

I'll be doing a new test in the coming weeks. Waiting for my next cycle. When is the best times to check hormone levels? 

I know for sure things are doing something weird with my body. Had my period for 6 days this last cycle and just a few days later been spotting. This has NEVER happened to me. Even after having my children, I got back like clockwork. It was really sad, after my first I started my first period 6 weeks after he was born (Not kidding!) and then every 4 weeks from then on out. After my 2nd I got a break for about 4 months then started and instantly back at clockwork. So spotting is ODD for me.

I'm still losing weight! I think it's a lack of calories because I've had to try gluten free which cuts out most of what I ate. I've lost some of my appetite as well. I still get hungry, very hungry, I just can't eat as much as I used to. But again, the anxiety surge made it hard to eat much of anything for a few weeks and I don't think my stomach has the same capacity as it used to. I guess I should enjoy the weight loss now before it decides to turn around again and go back up.

Been checked for about everything under the sun with some abnormal labs, liver and autoimmune, but no other symptoms of autoimmune we could identify so it's been chalked up to inflammation in my body or something that just hasn't gotten severe enough to make me that sick. I honestly feel healthier but so off at the same time. That make sense to anyone?? I know I'm struggling to explain it to hubby. Doc seemed to get it, I think. He at least was being understanding.

So I'm still convinced that it's hormone related at the worst of the symptoms happen around certain hormonal surges. I've lost 99% of my sugar cravings through all of this because I couldn't eat it for so long. I really miss just eating what I want and not having to be careful. My digestion is not what it used to be. I need digestive enzymes with every meal and i'm really struggling to get enough water. I need to track it more but my skin is always so dry and feels so stretched out. Pretty sure it's a hydration thing.

A few weeks ago I was struggling with low blood pressure I believe. I was getting dizzy almost every time I would stand up, black out vision for a few seconds. Just would stop and let it pass then move on. That's a big reason I went back to the doctor with everything as that was new! So far it hasn't come back. I don't know if it was a hormone thing during that week and a half or what. Guess we'll see if it happens again? Doctor thought maybe because of all the weight loss and eating healthier and coming off BCP (which made my blood pressure higher).

Hot flushes happen sometimes but I can't call them anything devastating. I feel lucky with that. The worst is that I'll just feel like my face is on fire and I glow a lovely red to go along with it. Just so fun sitting there feeling the fire start to spread.  ::)No sweating though so I don't complain and they aren't too often.

I have lower back pain on one side most of the time and some sciatic fun going on. I have an almost permanent minor knot on one side of my mid-back...pulls the shoulder down, the hip up a bit and wraps around the front and so feel a small knot is the small space between the ribs and hip bone. It's a challenge to get rid of and when I do, it comes back. Did chiropractic adjustment once and it went away for about a week. Probably need to again.

Weird pains and muscle tightness popping up in strange places. Oh well. I just feel like a mess and most of this is written out for me to be honest so if you take the time the read, I am impressed.  ;) Feel great and horrible at the same time. I'm down to a weight that makes me feel good physically. Not that it's because I'm smaller, it's just been a weight my body has always felt healthiest. So I feel that, but I feel like a walking disaster at the same time. I have more energy it seems. I don't sleep well and can feel that but I don't feel as mentally/physically exhausted either, except when the phone ends up in the fridge or I lose my keys for the 3rd time that day. I'm still lazy though because I've gotten into such a habit of being that way. I should probably start wearing my fitbit again and let it give me reminders to move! It's getting cooler...the wonderful time of year with a crisp breeze and beautiful colors. I should get outside more. The sun is my best friend and gives me lots of happy vitamins.  :)  Seriously, why are still reading this long-winded post?  ;D

I'm sure I've got more to complain about and list (again, mostly for me to reference back) but I should stop now.