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Author Topic: So scared,chronic kidney disease  (Read 3515 times)


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So scared,chronic kidney disease
« on: September 16, 2018, 09:32:43 AM »

I rang for blood test results on Friday,and was told I need to go back in a month for repeat kidney test,was told it was 42,which after googling,found out is stage 3 kidney disease,I'm feeling so scared and panicking,am I going to die xx

ali 61

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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2018, 09:50:41 AM »

Hi Lisa,
1st off...I am NOT a doctor, so cant give you medical advice. BUT I have had probs with my kidneys in the past and have read up on it.
Do NOT panic. They are re-calling you in 1 month for a double check of your bloods. Its NOT an emergency re-call.

Stage 3...IF you are at that moderate and manageable with diet and medication, to stop it progressing.

I know its worrying you, but it has been picked up on and you will now get treatment/advice.

My advice to you would be to phone the dr....tell them you are really really worried and upset and request an appointment to talk it over. That should put your mind at rest, hearing it from your doctor. xx



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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2018, 10:39:40 AM »

Thank you ali61,chronic kidney disease sounds so scary,I have been feeling unwell for a few months,but thought it was menopause symptoms,I am going to have to ring Doctors tomorrow,as I am going out of my head with worry. Xx


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2018, 12:48:36 PM »

Lisa, don't panic.

Do make an appointment to see your doctor so that he can help you with your fears.

But as has been said, a retest in a month isn't considered an emergency by them so it's going to be OK.


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2018, 01:03:16 PM »

Mum had chronic kidney disease and lived to 90.  Everyone's kidneys become less efficient as we get older but some faster than others. 

Don't panic. :hug:


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2018, 02:59:11 PM »

Thank you for your reassurance ladies,very much appreciated xx


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2018, 07:25:33 PM »

I'm at stage 2 and I looked it up when I saw it on my results.  But no one has ever asked to look into it as there's usually no symptoms at my stage.  I just put it down to the many kidney infections I've had x


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2018, 08:04:47 PM »

I'm no doctor either Lisa and can only relate what I know from my own family. My brother ignored a prostate problem to the extent that he was diagnosed with end stage kidney disease (stage 5) 4 years ago and has a permanent catheter.  His gfr reading is only between 10 and 13 but has remained like that for the 4 years since he was diagnosed.

He had the fistula made some time ago in readiness for dialysis but so far has not been offered it.

He lives alone, still drives, does his own shopping, and manages very well although is unable to work.  He sticks strictly to the advice he was given about diet and medication and as a result I think his consultant is amazed at how he has remained stable.

You must feel very frightened of course, but try not to panic and take all the advice you are given about diet and medication etc which should help to stabilise the condition.

Ariadne xx


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2018, 02:05:45 PM »

Thank you Ariadne,I'm sorry about your brother xx


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2018, 07:46:52 PM »

Thank you Ariadne,I'm sorry about your brother xx

Thank you ☺😚

Ariadne xx


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2018, 09:08:13 AM »

Lisa66. Hi. Last year I had a routine blood test and my liver enzyme reading was raised. My GP said he was going to send me for a scan for something called ' fatty liver'.  Cue 2 months of blind panic, googling liver disease, not sleeping well, going round in a daze. The short of it was that  four weeks later after a retest it was back down to normal.  I also had a liver scan which was normal too. Another GP has since told me it was probably  raised because I had taken paracetamol / iburprofen almost every day for the week before it as I had flu like symptoms.  Or I had taken a vit/mineral complex called Menopace which could have overloaded by liver. I wish I had asked more questions at the time as I lived in fear of death for those four weeks. Just to say there are other reasons your levels can be up and down. I know nothing I can say will completely ease your panic ; Meno and Per fuel the panic. GPs have all these tests and are understandably cautious. Try to just enjoy each day and put the worry on hold.


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2018, 12:14:27 PM »

I have fatty liver. Its very common with around 1in3 of us with some degree of it.

It all to easy to over worry about health concerns. In truth most of us will have some problem or other including things we don't know about.

It's the human condition plus growing older.


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2018, 01:43:12 PM »

I've been to the drs again today,cause I feel so bloody ill,she is sending me for a scan and an ecg,she sent off 2 urine samples and I'm having mirena removed on Saturday,she said my kidney test in January was 59 and had been around that for a few years,but as it's now 42 we need to know why it's dropped. Thank you all for your comments,it's much appreciated xx


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2018, 01:45:42 PM »

Could be an infection Lisa.  I have been there and it really does make you feel very ill.

Take care :hug:


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Re: So scared,chronic kidney disease
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2018, 04:35:11 PM »

Thank you,I hope that's all it is xx
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