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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Getting a mirena fitted  (Read 1083 times)


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Getting a mirena fitted
« on: September 12, 2018, 04:44:23 PM »

I thought this was supposed to be pretty straight forward - apparently not. The hospital have just informed me that they can't do it for another month, as it has to be done in some special sterile mini-operating theatre type place and my gynae doesn't have access to that till then. Tried my GP, but no, I'd have to go for an initial appointment to discuss it, even though I explained it had already been recommended by the consultant, and then only one GP is qualified to do it so there's quite a wait. And it turns out that she's the one I just changed from because she was so unsympathetic, so I don't want her doing it anyway. I could go to the local sexual health clinic, but it looks like they won't do it if you're over 50 because they only do it for contraceptive purposes. AAAAAARRRRGGGGGG really feel like I'm bashing my head against a brick wall here - in the meantime I'm just left in the same situation, with intolerable symptoms that can only be controlled by increasing my dose of diazepam at an alarming rate. WTF am I doing wrong?


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Re: Getting a mirena fitted
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2018, 05:31:37 PM »

You're not doing anything wrong. I'm following your story because I'm concerned about you. I have absolutely nothing helpful or useful to add on the mirena story other than I do know that to get things done and moved forward on the (wonderful) NHS, you do have to do a lot of head bashing against the wall! My mum had an accident two years ago and I would not have got her well again without a lot of coordination and pushing things forward myself. As in any big organisation, communication between teams and departments (or rather the lack of it) makes things so difficult for the patient. At a guess (not that you need guesses!), your GP won't be able to do things quicker than your consultant. So it looks like it could indeed be another one month of waiting. Hmm. Do you think that there is any mental health case for getting this accelerated? I think that there is.


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Re: Getting a mirena fitted
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2018, 05:55:00 PM »

There should be, but the other part of the story is that the Crisis Team signed me off a week ago saying that they'd made an urgent referral to the Community Mental Health Team, and I should hear from them almost immediately so I would have their support instead. On Friday I got a letter telling me to phone them to make an appointment for an assessment - when I phoned I was told that that was just a standard letter generated when no assessment has taken place yet, that I'd been put on the routine list and it could be 3 -4 weeks before I even heard from them again. The woman said she'd find out what was going on, and today I got a letter offering me an assessment appointment on 17th Oct.

So in the meantime I'm on my own again, nothing is happening and no-one is interested. I don't know what to do - I feel like I've tried every avenue for help and no-one seems to be able to offer anything except increasing dependence on benzodiazepenes. And yet I still know I'm not going mad - as always the anxiety had gone by lunchtime and the rest of the day, although I seem to've been receiving a stream of bad news in quick succession, i'm OK. I'm not mentally ill, but I could be driven to suicide by this situation and I just don't know what to do.


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Re: Getting a mirena fitted
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2018, 05:55:50 PM »

And thankyou for being concerned about me, I do appreciate it xxxx