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Author Topic: Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time  (Read 3444 times)

Fruit loop

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Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time
« on: September 11, 2018, 09:08:26 AM »

Apologies for the long post but I'm new and wanted to give a bit of background.Last year I was suffering from awful menopausal symptoms,crashing fatigue,sickness,constant migraines ,insomnia and frequent painful urination.I felt awful and was constantly fobbed off with antibiotics at the GP.The nurse also got obsesssed with my B P which was probably only borderline high cos I felt so ill.I discover the urine problem was vaginal atrophy and saw a new GP who agreed and prescribed vagifem.The relief was amazing but I still had other symptoms.My husband and I were about to go on holiday and I was dreading it so after reading the nice guidelines and other online info I saw the GP again and tentatively started on HRT.The end of November I started on elleste duet and within a few days noticed the difference. We had a fab holiday I haven't felt so well in ages . When I started the second part of the pack with the progesterone in I didn't feel as good but still quite positive and I was really looking forward to Christmas.Alas on Christmas Day I woke feeling awful.I just wanted everyone to go away and leave me alone and totally could not be bothered. I went through the motions for my family sake but felt terrible.I cried through Boxing Day and 2 days later I was in such a dark place I felt suicidal and didn't see any point in going on.I stopped the tablets and had an awful few days until I could see the GP who was lovely.I started on a new regime of evorel 25 and 100mg uterogestan.The uterogestan was to be taken for 25 days of the month. After a few weeks the oestrogen was increased to 50.I still felt down but it was assumed this was due to what happened at Christmas I felt anxious and nervous going out.After a month I went to a friends party with my husband and had a massive anxiety attack. The Gp prescribed propranolol and thought it was all to do with the depressive episode I'd had.I returned to work but was still feeling anxious and a month later had another massive anxiety attack over a weekend when I couldn't eat sleep and barely breathe.I asked the GPif it could be hormonal but he didn't seem to think it was but told me to go back if it happened again. Work were great I was given counselling and CBT through occupational health and I did have some days where I felt better but most days I felt awful inside ,I could feel the anxiety like a lump in my chest.However in June I had another attack of anxiety for several days where I felt like I was stuck at the top of a rollercoaster. My nice GP had left so I had to see another Gp previously she had offered me anti depressants and couldn't understand I just wanted to know why I felt like I did. She upped my oestrogen patches to 75 ,also because I'd been told to stop the vagifem those symptoms returned. I was given more vagifem so felt better in that respect but the anxiety didn't abate. A few weeks ago I decided enough was enough since January I had felt anxious almost every day.Nothing started it ,it was just a physical feeling that I could feel building up inside.Even if I was having a good time eg at my daughter's birthday meal or watching a show I'd been looking forward ,to inside I felt awful. Anxiety was not a symptom before I started HRT so I decided to stop.10 days ago I stopped the pills and patches and I'm not sure how I feel.Today I feel better not anxious but sometimes I feel anxious in case I get anxious! Has anyone else experienced this .What happened? I just felt I'd rather find out if the symptoms were due to my own body chemistry and not artificially induced.Thanks if you've made it to the end would appreciate any support or advice.


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Re: Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2018, 09:55:00 AM »

You've been through it!  Who told you to stop the vaginal atrophy treatment, this is usually for Life in order to keep symptoms at bay.  Have a read of our various VA threads so that you are informed.  There is no need to stop!

There are lots of ladies who find progesterone part of treatment intolerable.  I am sure that they will be along.

As for the anxiety, some AntiDepressantss can ease symptoms.  But a dedicated anti-anxiety regime will help.  In the 1990s I took Valium as necessary and now have an emergency drug for when anxiety floors me.  Otherwise I wouldn't be here.

GPs still don't seem to 'get' the requirements of HRT regimes for those who suffer in menopause  :bang:.  Browse round.  Makes notes.


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Re: Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2018, 10:41:00 AM »

Hello Fruit loop and welcome to the forum.

I was only thinking this morning how anxiety has dominated my life during the menopause. I've tried different HRTs but none have eliminated it as yet.  I have a quivering sensation in my stomach and  chest most of the time although I don't notice it when I am distracted. It's as if I am permanently afraid of everything and like you I am anxious about being anxious. There are other times when the horrible feeling just goes and I feel near normal!

I would also like to know what exactly brings on these distressing sensations and if they are a result of my own hormones, HRT, or a side effect of the anti depressant I have been prescribed. I'm even wondering if the menopause has brought on a mental illness and I need anothersortof medication or treatment.

I'm sorry that I can't offer you any solutions but I wanted you to know that you are not alone and some of us are equally confused!

Hopefully some knowledgeable ladies will be along soon to offer advice.

Take care.




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Re: Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2018, 11:08:39 AM »

I've just stopped oestrogen only HRT after about 4 years of anxiety/health anxiety hell.  I stopped because it turns out I shouldn't have been taking it anyway as I suffered badly from endometriosis before my hysterectomy 18 years ago, and oestrogen can make it come back.  But - I always felt it added to, rather than cured, my anxiety. 

The good news is I have had about a month anxiety free, and whilst it is now nibbling away in the background it is certainly no worse than it was on HRT and easier to control.

The bad news is I thought it might also be contributing to my weight gain.., but will just have to accept that anxiety was the only thing curbing my appetite!

Whilst there isn't much research, I do think HRT can cause aswell as help anxiety symptoms. 

Fruit loop

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Re: Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2018, 03:37:44 PM »

Thanks for the replies.Went out for lunch with hubby today to try and forget all this menopausal stuff.Find I tend to overthink things which makes it worse.Had One anxious episode only lasted 30-40 minutes.Dont know where it came from or how it went but hoping this means the anxiety may be subsiding.CLKD I am now on vagifem forever.I was annoyed when they took it off my repeat prescription but a senior dr at the practice said it wasn't necessary when on HRT- Wrong!!
Just wondered how long it would take for the progesterone to leave my system,and I suppose my anxiety might be because my own hormones are at god knows what level. Having done loads of reading not sure if my problem was oestrogen dominance or progesterone intolerance or a mix of the 2 but I definitely wasn't anxious pre hrt. Not sure when to visit the GP next or what to ask for.The last dr I saw said none of my symptoms were due to the menopause and even men get anxious over 50.😠I feel sorry for his wife ( Yes,he has got one)


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Re: Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2018, 03:47:14 PM »

Very interesting reading this post. I take it you are perimenopausal. I had exactly the same at peri major anxiety couldn't work couldn't socialise couldn't go to shops you name it I couldn't do it. Went on HRT patches at peri and it all seemed to calm down but I did have CBT therapy too. Had a good run of maybe 7 years of basically no anxiety. Now at post menopause I'm exactly the same as I was at perimenopause. All doctors just seem to want to put all of us on anti anxiety meds. I have refused as I know that my anxiety is worse due to hormones.  A few days ago I upped my vitamin D intake and I have started magnesium oil spray and I don't know whether it's the placebo effect but my anxiety has decreased today. Could be just a good day who knows. are GPS really need to be more knowledgeable on hormones and menopause as I think we all know, and especially learning from this group, a lot more than what they know.


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Re: Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2018, 04:30:55 PM »

Hi Fruit loop, yes I too am in the anxiety club in a big way. I had it first perimenopausally - just came out of nowhere and exactly as you describe, a horrible physical sensation (being on top of a roller coaster is a good description). It seemed to gradually improve then but never quite went away. Then 2 years ago, still before I hit the menopause proper, I had chemotherapy for breast cancer and that sent me into sudden menopause overnight. I started on estrogen-only HRT for a few months to get the level up from practically zero, and it helped with the depression a lot. Then started Utrogestan and wham, overnight I was hit with massive anxiety, always first thing in the morning and lasting for several hours, and nothing would shift it, regardless of whether I was taking utrogestan or not. So now, nearly a year later, I'm still struggling with massive anxiety, had to change GPs  to get it taken seriously as a menopausal symptom, and am only coping by taking a large dose of diazepam every morning. So you're not alone, I wish I had a solution to offer but I haven't found it yet, will let you know....x

Fruit loop

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Re: Stopped HRT because it made me anxious all the time
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2018, 08:56:10 AM »

Just an update on my situation and hoping for some positive feedback.
After 2 weeks without hrt I plunged into a deep depression,presumably my own oestrogen levels had fallen off a cliff. So the anxiety had gone but I felt so down and didn't want to interact with anyone.Ended up having to walk out of work on several occasions.One doctor offered my antidepressants and wouldn't consider the problem was hormonal. I refused them at the time but said I would consider. After more research I realised I'd been on continuous hrt even though I'm peri and should have been on a sequential regime. I couldn't get a Drs appointment and was so desperate I started using some of my everol 50 patches till I could see my gp. She did listen to me and started me on femoston 1/10. I'm on day 3 the depression has lifted but I'm still getting cold flashes and anxiety which wakes me up in the early hours. I'm 90% ok in the day but worry about never feeling better or what if I get side effects from the progesterone. I'm off work sick again at the moment so will be facing a sickness review when I return. Please tell me some positive things about femoston.