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Author Topic: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?  (Read 2432 times)


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Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« on: September 06, 2018, 12:58:23 PM »

I've been away from the forum for a while as one of the ‘tactics' for reducing my health anxiety was to stay off health-related forums. I did miss you all though 😊

I think I must have been under the misapprehension that peri was the worst bit, and then once you hit that magic one-year without a period the crazy symptoms would stop and life would return to normal. But, it would seem from a bit of research here that not, and some of you get symptoms after 3 or 4 years and use hrt at this stage too. So, I am 54 and about 18 months-two years without a period. So I must be in menopause now. Peri was bad – periods that would give a CSI scene a run for its money, crippling health anxiety (HA), joint pain, night sweats, palpitations, adrenaline surges, depression, mood swings, crying at nothing, stomach issues, you know the score.

Some of these have gone, except for the HA which I am battling with various tactics and the night sweats, not really daytime flushes, but always wake two or three times in night covered in sweat. And now, adrenaline surges wake me earlyish and I get them in the daytime, too. I can literally feel the cortisol rush in the pit of my stomach and the churning ‘butterflies'. It's that nervous/excited sort of feeling in the stomach. Weird. And I hate it, as it makes me want to ... ahem... rush to the loo (or worry about needing to). I can't work out what sets it off. 

Except, I've just noticed that these events seem to occur over a couple of days every month. It's a similar pattern to how I used to be when having periods. A day when I felt brilliant, I could do anything and was really motivated. Next day, crying at nothing, really depressed, stomach issues, then (previously) a period would start. Except now, no period, no period pain, no ovulation pain (used to get really bad mid-cycle pain), maybe a bit of bloating and backache. Could these adrenaline surges be due to hormonal fluctuations, still? I'd like to sort it as it makes my HA worse and I was doing quite well, not sure what if anything I can do. :(



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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2018, 04:58:53 PM »

Hi Sparkle

That pretty much describes it. Like you've  got no thermostat. We had heatwave here this summer temperatures of 36 to 38 every day. I couldn't do anything.

The other weird things I've noticed is that these hot episodes come at the same time every day. Always one about 9pm when watching TV - I'm pulling off tops and huffing and puffing. At night always get one 10 mins after getting in bed. Don't think I've slept under the quilt for months... and then I get pain in my feet before it starts.

Looking at other posts I now see it is quite common for symptoms like these to go on several years after period stops. Feeling a bit fed up really...


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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2018, 01:22:06 PM »

Hi Sparkle

I think from our discussions on other threads we may have similar issues, as do many others. Yes, I can be asleep on the sofa, under two blankets freezing cold, then go up to bed, get under the quilt and be wide awake and sweating like mad within five minutes. Sweating in weird places too, like down the front of my shins ... what's that about?

Oh well, just have to soldier on with the jogging, good diet, yoga, meditation, positive affirmations, CBT, emdr, you name it, I've tried it  ::) Just a shame I can't tolerate alcohol anymore, or maybe that's a good thing! I did take 10mg of propranolol at 5.30am when the adrenaline surges started and guess what - none all day, so may try that at bedtime for a few days to see how it goes, it's a quarter of the dose I used to take.



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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2018, 09:35:56 PM »

Bettyboo - do you mind me asking how long you were in peri for? I am
engulfed by your old peri symptoms including HA. I use two books for mine which I now carry around with me (sounds weird I know but anything to get through this!!!) xxx


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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2018, 07:18:32 AM »

Hi AgathaC

I reckon I started with peri when I was about 48. At the time I didn't realise what was going on - well, tbh I had no idea at all about perior meno or anything like that. I had this traditional view that meno was just a few hot flushes and periods stopped and that was it. I had no idea that it would be some sort of hormonal roller coaster that would last years. I think that is why I developed HA, because I had all these symptoms that I was convinced was some sort of serious illness or cancer but just kept getting told by a variety of doctors that there was nothing wrong with me except anxiety. Not one even subtly suggested it could be my age  >:( (I am quite angry about that, nine doctors ...)

So, I think looking back it started around 48 and lasted 4 maybe 4.5 years. Am 54 now and have had no period for 18 months though I am now starting to realise that there is still some sort of hormonal cycle going on, especially after reading other ladies' similar conclusions and experience.

I'm intrigued about the books - care to share the titles? I'd carry anything around if I thought it would help ... a rock, a rotten cabbage, anything  ;D


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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2018, 12:30:49 PM »

Of course, of course.
I've found “Coping with Health Anxiety” by Brenda Hogan and Charles Young (published by Robinson in 2007, updated second edition 2017).
It's a thin publication which I find super helpful and I keep it in my handbag. I use it as a reminder and a kind of crutch when I'm very bad. I just read it and re read it in sections. Sounds a bit mad but it helps me. I've always suffered with OCD but my anxiety due to Peri is ridiculous. There must have been days when I've checked myself for lumps 1,000 Times (i.e. all day).
Anyway this books has helped me a lot. I will send details of two more later.


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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2018, 12:37:39 PM »

P.S. I've re-read the post above and I'm worried I sound like a nutter!
My perimenopause started in 2015 (43) and I'm embarrassed to say it took me until this year to properly realise what it was  ::)
Another lighthearted read is “help me I'm a hypochondriac!” (I do appreciate the difference between hypochondria and health anxiety and so does the writer) by Philip Martins. It's a self published short guide which I read every few months.


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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2018, 06:02:03 PM »

I don't think I went through the peri stage! Periods perfectly normal then they stopped dead around my 50th birthday.  Felt fine for about 3 years then the flushes started, went on HRT and for a while was ok, then the anxiety,depression and insomnia started so I was having all these symptoms 3 years after my last period. 6 years on I'm still prone to anxiety,definitely hormonal as I've only had anxiety before for a reason.
Still on HRT and have good and bad days just wish there was an end in sight and I could get on with enjoying my life.


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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2018, 08:44:04 AM »

Hi All

Seems we are all in the same boat. I was clearly wrong to think that end of periods would be end of the 'madness'.

Thanks for the book titles Agatha. I have a couple of different titles and also some CBT books on anxiety. I've started reading one again and this time I am going to do the exercises.

Another thing I'm finding helpful are the YouTube podcasts by The Anxiety Guy - these are aimed specifically at health anxiety (he's had it). He's Canadian I think.




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Re: Still having symptoms after peri - any advice?
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2018, 09:02:20 PM »

Thank you for the podcast tip. I will have a listen xx