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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Mirena and Blood Pressure  (Read 3684 times)


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Mirena and Blood Pressure
« on: November 05, 2019, 08:15:31 AM »

Without going into the whole long story of it, my blood pressure shot up in April of this year.  It was very high.  It had been monitored up to February, including two via two pre-ops and during visits to the nurse at surgery.  So when I say 'shot up', I mean it was fine, then suddenly it wasn't.

I have a really supportive nurse at the surgery, and we've tried lots of different BP medications, most of which I've been unable to tolerate - they've produced a hacking cough, bleeding gums, GERD, unusually high heart rates, etc.  I'm on ARBs now and things seem to be going in the right direction, although I'm still getting readings of 147/100, which isn't good.  Medication upped again yesterday.

The funny thing is, no one can quite work out where this increased BP has come from.  The only viable explanation appeared to be that it was workplace stress, but that never quite fitted, partly because I'm now at a stage where the stress has decreased, and partly because my life overall has been incredibly stressful since forever, e.g. my son was born with a highly volatile condition 26 years ago and is disabled.  The only explanation available, therefore, was that this was chronic stress, and it had finally broken through to have a physical symptom.

I changed my lifestyle, cut down on alcohol, started going to the gym 2 - 3 times a week, got all my Fitbit steps in, drank the daily recommended amount of water, ensured I was sleeping enough ... in six months this had made no difference either to my BP or my weight.

So yesterday at my appointment we discussed my Mirena coil.  Renewed in February of this year as part of my HRT (I'm no longer on the oestrogen patches).  It replaced a four year old Mirena prescribed for heavy periods.  In short form, the nurse thinks it might be the coil that's causing the issue.  My body is behaving as if it's subject to chronic stress.  It seems have an awful lot of cortisol floating about - which would account for lack of weight loss even on a calorie restricted diet with substantial additional exercise and the sudden rise in BP.  I read recently how synthesised progestin can cause this and, it would appear, the nurse is also aware.  For me, the next steps are to find out where I am in the menopause through a blood test and then think about whether we want to keep the Mirena - if I'm peri, it might still be doing the job of preventing excessive bleeding.



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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2019, 08:39:17 AM »

Life shouldn't be this hard  :'(

How were you B4 the Mirena was fitted?  Is it possible to remove the current one and see what happens?  Was there a reason for the excessive bleeds, can't remember if it was continuous - you probably said elsewhere  ::) but meno brain and early mornings ........ leaves me numb.



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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2019, 11:27:13 AM »


Before the first Mirena was fitted in January 2015 I was bleeding excessively.  They fitted it under GA, I had an ablation at the same time.  All bleeding had stopped by the summer of 2015.  On reflection, I'm not sure what the reason was for the excessive bleeds.  At the time, I was told I had a stoma, a hole, connecting to my main blood supply.  It wasn't continuous, only monthly.

It is possible to remove the current one, fitted Feb 2019, but if I'm not post-meno then I could just end up with excessive bleeds again.

I guess what interests me, about myself but also more generally, is that it's now being acknowledged synthesized progesterone can have quite radical effects.


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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2019, 11:32:10 AM »

If there is a stoma surely it would bleed continually?  Unless hormones shrunk it ......... intrigued/nosy now  ;)

What other hormones could alter a BP reading, i.e. ? thyroid.  Maybe referral to an appropriate specialist?  Endocronolgist?


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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2019, 11:57:41 AM »

Thoughts as requested: If you and the nurse both think your body is behaving as if it is under constant stress and your high blood pressure certainly points to that, then I would have the coil removed, but keep everything else the same, and see what happens after, say, three months. I don't know about synthesised progestin and so can't comment specifically but it would certainly seem both sensible and logical to see if removing the coil has an effect. Love AgathaC x


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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2019, 03:13:03 PM »

Hello ElkWarning

I understand that our diet can impact our BP so it may be worth looking at that.  People who eat whole food plant based with little oil have a much lower blood pressure and this is thought to be as a result of avoiding saturated fats, their cholesterol is lower too. A temporary change in what you eat may be helpful and give you some control over your readings without fiddling with your HRT.

Hope this helps and take care.



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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2019, 05:01:42 PM »

To be honest, CLKD, I don't really know.  They give you a run down when you're just coming round from the anesthetic, so I might be a bit muddled.  My thyroid is fine.  They keep doing bloods, everything is fine.

I guess the difficulty with just removing the coil is that I could end up in the bleeding loop again, hence the blood test to try and figure out whether I'm peri or post menopause.

And yes, Kathleen, that's the weird thing, I've been keeping a very accurate and totally detailed food diary for six months now, I fill it in every meal, every snack, daily, together with water intake.  Apparently, I have one of the healthiest diets they've ever seen.  I've been wearing a Fitbit for the entire six months as well.  As the nurse says, there's no way on gods earth you should still be that weight, except that your cortisol levels are through the roof and we can't quite see or understand what's causing that now.


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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2019, 08:24:04 PM »

Hello again ElkWarning.

Your reply is fascinating as you are  clearly doing all the right things so you should be getting the right result!

When the nurse mentioned your weight does that mean that you are a little overweight?  I ask because nine years ago when I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis I read reports of how fish oils had an anti inflammatory effect so I began taking them daily. Over time I found I was taking quite a few and I was also using lots of olive oil on my salads and in cooking. After a while I decided to ditch the oils and noticed I lost a stone in weight. This was a few years ago but I don't recall making any other dietary changes at that time. I have since heard doctors say because oils are calorie dense their liberal use can be a problem for anyone trying to lose weight, including of course vegans.

I only mention the above because I was surprised at how much my weight changed just from eliminating oils and I think it's easy to overlook their contribution to our overall calorie intake.

I hope you solve the mystery of your high BP and I'm sure we will all be interested in the answer when you track it down.

Wishing you well.




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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2019, 09:25:36 PM »

Hello ElkWarning - I've had 2 Mirenas in the past. I don't get on with prog anyway, but one of the side effects I had on both was persistent and quite worrying palpitations. At one point I called the consultant who fitted it to ask if it would be the coil, she said no, but the oestrogen dose was the same as before Mirena so I drew the conclusion that it was the coil as it happened with both of them.  Fast forward and I'm now using fem7 conti patches but only at half dose. If I increase the dose, I get the palps. Possibly it's because the levonorgestrel is testosterone based?


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Re: Mirena and Blood Pressure
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2019, 11:52:07 AM »


Thank you for the replies.  Sorry to hear about your UC, Kathleen.  I'd just like to acknowledge that your underlying point is well made, nutrition / what we eat has a huge effect.  For me, it might be that I'm building muscle, hence lack of weight loss ... I weigh 11.5 stone now and am a size 14 / 16.  At the point I had the first Mirena fitted (Jan 2015) I weighed 10 stone and was a size 12/ 14.  Somewhat bizarrely, since then, given that the horrendous bleeding stopped, I got a full-time job, took up cycling, swimming, lots of walking (don't even own a car any more) and now the gym.  Previously, I was at uni, sitting reading loads and writing loads, much more sedentary.  My general fitness is pretty good these days, I'm much stronger and have loads more stamina, but I'm also bigger and have been advised to lose the weight because of my BP.  I'll try being more careful with oils.

Interesting, KC ...

I guess after reading quite a bit on these boards about the effects of synthesised prog I'm becoming quite curious, as there don't appear to be any red flags attached to it by the medical profession.