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Author Topic: Oestrodial reading  (Read 2009 times)


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Oestrodial reading
« on: August 26, 2018, 07:48:40 PM »

Hi ladies. Are you able to help me please. I've seen a copy of the results from blood tests I recently had and it looks as though it says oestrodial is 147. The gynae had said my result was a bit low but I'm wondering if it's very low or just a bit low or am I reading it totally wrong ? I'm 64 so very post meno.

Thanks as always.

Rosie xx


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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2018, 08:40:50 AM »

Hi Rosie63

If that is pmol/l then it is quite low but not especially so if you are post-menopausal, that age and not taking HRT. Before I started HRT in my mid 50s mine was about 37 or something ridiculous!

It's fine for it to be this low, but if you are experiencing adverse menopausal symptoms for which you would like relief, then HRT would increase your oestrogen levels. If you are already taking hRT but not experiencing any symptoms  then itls fine.

Some gynaes seem to place a lot of emphasis on oestrogen levels but these are really only relevant if you are experencing symptoms or under the natural age of menopause, or perhpas if using HRT specifically to help protect against osteroporosis?

Hurdity x


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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2018, 10:49:35 AM »

Does anyone know roughly what serum oestradiol level is needed to prevent osteoporosis? When I enquired at the meno clinic I was told 250 pmol/ l, although there is apparently some controversy and less might do. I still have <100 pmol/l on 3 pumps of Oestrogel per day. I have osteopaenia, so this was one of my reasons for battling to go back on HRT in my late 60s.
Thanks, JP x


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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2018, 04:52:57 PM »

Thanks Hurdity. A very helpful and knowledgeable reply as always  :)

Rosie x


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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2018, 08:01:00 AM »

Hi Joaniepat - I did try to look into this a while back.  I thought I remembered something about approx 160 pmol/l in one paper which was lower than I thought but don't take this as gospel as it would take a while to research again! There are doses of oestrogen as part of HRT which are licensed for protection against osteoporosis - and if you look at the HRT preparations these are the formulations with an asterisk. However it doesn't seem to take into account the huge variation in absorption between different women. Wow that is low for that amount of gel! Doesn't sound like you are absorbing it if that reading is consistent. Have you had other blood tests which are also low for estradiol?

Hurdity x


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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2018, 08:27:21 PM »

Thank you Hurdity. Maybe I don't absorb it very well. On 2 pumps I got a reading of 89 pmol, so the extra pump doesn't seem to have made that much difference. Don't know what my levels were before starting Oestrogel, zilch probably. I'll see what they say at the Chelsea & Westminster on Thursday, maybe something like Estradot would be better.
JP x


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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2018, 07:27:46 PM »

Hurdity, we "spoke" the other day about levels of serum oestradiol required to prevent osteoporosis. At the Chelsea & Westminster today I learnt they recommend 200 pmol/ l.

I seem not to be absorbing the Oestrogel very well, so I have to get my GP to prescribe Sandrena instead. It will be 2 x 1 mg sachets per day instead of 3 pumps of Oestrogel. Of course, he won't do anything until The Letter arrives, and appointments with him are as rare as hen's teeth   ::)

I've got another appointment at the Chelsea & Westminster for December and will get bloods done again 2 weeks beforehand.

Best wishes,
JP x


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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2018, 12:16:19 AM »

I seem not to be absorbing the Oestrogel very well, so I have to get my GP to prescribe Sandrena instead.

Interesting about the 200.  I shall try to remember that. 

Why does your doctor think you might absorb the Sandrena gel better than the Estrogel?  Did he explain his thinking on that?


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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2018, 08:15:52 AM »

Hello ladies.

I mentioned on another thread that my consultant wants my levels to rise to 400pmol to try and control my symptoms. I'm currently on 2 and a half pumps of gel and my last reading was 275pmol so a way to go yet.

Take care everyone.



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Re: Oestrodial reading
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2018, 12:06:40 PM »

Has anyone switched from Oestrogel to Sandrena and found that they absorb it better? My oestradiol level is still low after using 3 pumps of Oestrogel for some months, so I will be switching to 2 x 1 mg sachets of Sandrena in due course.

SueLW, I saw the specialist nurse yesterday and it was she who asked the consultant about changing my product, so I didn't get to quiz him on the thinking behind it.

JP x