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Author Topic: Mirena and no proper bleeding  (Read 2773 times)


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Mirena and no proper bleeding
« on: July 05, 2018, 08:46:42 AM »

I've had my Mirena coil 13 months now and started HRT oestrogen patches 9 months ago.
I had bleeding for two weeks, about 10 days after insertion, then no real bleeding since.
I get whet I assume is old blood as its brown, instead of proper bleeding when my period is due. I get PMS symptoms at this time, especially tearfulness and low mood.
When ladies say they get no period, do you mean nothing at all??
I get no spotting in between these 'periods' and two months ago I had a slight spotting for one day only, then nothing for about four weeks then the brown stuff.
Just wondering people's experiences as nine of my friends have had a mirena so I can't ask them.


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2018, 08:56:03 AM »

Hi Seu666

I have a mirena, but only since 11th May. On insertion I had no bleeding, nothing for the first 3 weeks but now the brown blood ever since, not much but enough 🙄
Saw my GP last week who said when you have mirena you don't really have periods as such but you may experience the dark blood from time to time. She hopes mine will stop and so do I !!!
I do think everyone has a different experience with Mirena, my first was a nightmare, on insertion and for the short time after so I had it removed.
This one, didn't feel anything and apart from the brown stuff it's not been that bad, do get the odd annoyed for no reason sort of feelings every so often.

Not sure this will help, but I'm sure others will have more experiences than me xx


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2018, 10:22:10 AM »

What you are experiencing is quite normal with the Mirena.  About 60% of women get little or no bleeding with the Mirena but if you are peri or early post meno then you are more likely to get some cyclical or erratic bleeding or spotting.   
I think a lot will depend on the amount of oestrogen you use and also where you are in you menopause journey.
Dg x


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2018, 01:32:15 PM »

Thank you Helenmelon and Dancinggirl.
I use 50mg Estrodot patches, 25mg didn't help much, but on the whole flushes vastly improved from before, get a bit warm at times but only one or two flushes as such a week, no night sweats for a few months now, but very sweaty in this hot weather. Even hubby not as sweaty as me!

The brown stuff is irritating to my skin sometimes but I always change the panty liners pretty quickly and so it's not been too bad, especially last couple of times.

More curious as to how others have experienced Mirena really, especially re the no real periods, and brown/old looking blood etc. Think I was expecting to have 'red bleeding' periods for a good few months before they got light etc.  So far my Mirena experience has been good...Bit uncomfortable insertion, I have not had a child, but no major cramping after and only the 14 days of bleeding at the beginning. So no spotting constantly, odd cramp here and there, no sore boobs anymore. Think I've been lucky and or possibly, a bit further into peri meno now!

Constant tiredness and lack of energy,  tearfulness at times, bloated belly and bit irritated down below, which the Yes VM (thank you Dancinggirl for that info) which seems to suit better than  Replens, seems to be ok this past few days or so.



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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2018, 02:09:49 PM »

I had a Mirena for BC a number of years back.  I experienced the light, erratic bleeding which was brown for a while.  But by the 6 month mark it had all stopped and I never bled again whilst I had it.

So I think you just need to give it longer to settle down.


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2018, 07:44:26 PM »

I had my mirena inserted 19 months ago. I initially had a light period and then the brown spotting that you describe. It took about a year to completely settle down, it was much more tolerable than the flooding I had prior to insertion so it didn't bother me too much.

In January this year I started Oestrogel and the spotting returned although it is now settling again.

I had a bit of pain and cramping on and after insertion (I also have never had a child) but since then it has been a positive experience that I wish I'd gone for years before.


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2018, 06:55:53 AM »

Thanks Stephjkm...after two years of trying three POP pills, cerezette sent me mental and bled all the time, micronor I had cysts and very prolonged bleeding as well as low moods, then the levonorgestrel, Noraday, which was fine. Wish I had tried that one first and then opted for Mirena too as it would have sorted the heavy, clotty, painful bleeding. The levonorgestrel was the only one that didn't effect me mentally really. Doctor said it was the progesterone that effect people's moods quite differently...she said Noriday was a good oldie!! It certainly suited this oldie.

Been good to hear people having positive experiences with Mirena too. Quite happy with my patches as well and will go nag GP if things get uncomfortable down below, and take NICE guidelines with me.
Be nice to stop the brown stuff all together but guess it's one way of knowing that I'm still cycling.


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2018, 06:23:30 PM »

Hi there.
I have a Morena...four years in with this my bleeding ever ...phew such a relief ......
Woodlands x


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2018, 04:55:39 PM »

After 14 months with Mirena I'm now bleeding...very light red blood!

46 days since last spotting/period but first time ‘red bleed' since the light two weeks bleeding when it was put in back in May 2017

Is this usual??
Could it be my regular hormones maybe be giving an extra push??

I've had cramps and backache for past three days, nothing new when on period, and very tired, but really surprised that there's red blood now.
Feeling a bit worried!

Still on the 50mg estrodot patch and Estriol cream twice a week.

Any advice please ladies xx


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2018, 05:35:49 PM »

30-60% off women are bleed free with the Mirena.  As you get deeper into post meno then there is less likely to be any spotting or bleeding.  I don't think there is anything to worry about. Do check that the Mirena is still in place though as it can drop out - so check the strings.  DG x


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Re: Mirena and no proper bleeding
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2018, 06:19:14 PM »

Thank you DG. Think I needed some reassurance xx

I've been peri for 7 years or so, so guess things will be a bit ‘hinky' every few months.

Was just a shock to see red blood. I had night sweats 3-4 days before spotting started but no boob changes, ie sore lumpy, like a years or so ago.
Need to relax and let me body get on with strange feeling so odd and tired and lack lustre.

What fun being a woman lol xx