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Author Topic: HVS results help please?  (Read 1597 times)


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HVS results help please?
« on: August 16, 2018, 02:12:44 PM »

Hello, following on from my other posts about symptoms of vaginitis following trimethoprim treatment and 2 fluconazole tablets I treated myself successfully for cytolytic vaginitis with sitz baths of bicarb or soda followed by dead sea salt and coconut oil.  This brought speedy relief and I have been mostly comfortable since.  I had my mirena coil removed on Monday and today I received my swab result through the post from the private gp service.  I expected it to be nagative as the previous one two weeks before was and as I am not having too many symptoms....apart from bladder irritation....I thought for sure it would be negative.  It has come back with the result of moderate growth of candida which I dont understand because I had taken 2 fluconazole tablets 2 weeks apart at this time and it should have wiped out the candida in my system.  The GP has sent a prescription for 7 days of 50mg fluconazole which I am reluctant to take just now as things seem much better at the moment. Also it says the gram film shows mixed flora, intermediate between normal flora and bacterial vaginosis.  Assess with clinical criteria and send a repeat sample to confirm if necessary.  What does this mean?  Do I also have BV? and how is that possible if I have thrush?  I thought it was one or the other depending on the PH.  Im feeling anxious about this and it had all just settled down.  I dont look red any more either and no itching or anything.  I feel like I whould maybe just keep to my regime re salt and coconut oil sitz baths and let nature take its course to settle the flora down there on its own.  Is that even possible to do?  Or will the infection run wild if I dont treat it?  I hate health anxiety!


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Re: HVS results help please?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2018, 04:10:33 PM »

If I were you I'd use Multi Gyn Actigel to help restore the vaginal
Flora as this will fight the thrush and BV. You can have BV and thrush at the same time - it is a sign that your flora balance is not right. Your strategies so far have relieved all the horrid side effects of the thrush treatments but the bicarbonate sitz baths could have made your vaginal area too alkaline and this can create an environment that encourages fungal and bacterial growth. The vaginal flora should be slightly acidic as this will stop fungus and bacteria from thriving.
Do start the Vagifem asap as well as this will help plump up the whole area and make it more resilient.
If you do get that cottage cheese type discharge, then definitely use the floconazole. They rarely treat BV as this will usually clear if yhe flora balance is right. DG x


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Re: HVS results help please?
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2018, 06:40:51 PM »

Thankyou DG.  I have the regular actigel, is that one ok?  How much and how often should I use it?  I dont have much discharge at all so I dont think things are too bad just at the moment.  I would rather just let things balance out naturally rather than take more chemicals. I am not using bicarb anymore just dead sea salts in a little water with some coconut oil.  It seems to be comforting but i might stop that now too and just let things sort them self out with some YES and actigel.


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Re: HVS results help please?
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2018, 07:43:44 PM »

The Multi Gyn Actigel can be used 2-3 times a day - I usually put a good dollop on the end of finger and push this up inside as far as I can get it and then smear around the outside as well. If you use it 2-3 times each day for 3-5 days that might well solve things and then reduce down to one dose twice a week.  Start the Vagifem in about a week (every night for 2 weeks and then every 3 days after that) and keep using the moisturiser but not at the same time as the Vagifem.
I suspect that most menopausal women would have a bit of thrush or BV if they were tested - some years ago I had a swab done and was told I had BV but they said they wouldn't be treating it as it's very common!!!

AS I mentioned before, if the thrush develops with full on cottage cheese type discharge and you feel really sore, then you will need to use the treatment the doctor has prescribed but I've found I can treat thrush and BV really easily with the Multi Gyn Actigel. DG x