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Author Topic: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?  (Read 6223 times)


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Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« on: August 14, 2018, 04:53:46 PM »

Hi ladies - I've been prescribed Naproxen as a painkiller/anti-inflammatory for a recently developed sciatica- like pain in the buttock and leg. I'm waiting for a consultation with a private physio too. This was diagnosed over the phone by a doctor as no appointments were available for the next five weeks. I wondered whether this drug always causes side effects or whether any of you have taken it and been fine. I particularly asked the doc for something that wouldn't make me drowsy as one of the problems is my inability to drive for longer than half an hour due to the pain and my life is quite seriously impacted by this. She assured me that whatever she prescribed wouldn't have any sedative effect as there would be no point in her trying to get me driving again if the very thing she prescribed precluded driving!  The first thing the pharmacist said was for me not to drive while taking them as they cause drowsiness, dizziness and blurred vision in a high percentage of patients. Any comments gratefully received!

Taz x  :crutch:


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2018, 04:56:34 PM »

I take Naproxen and have no side effects. X


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2018, 05:16:13 PM »

Thanks Dotty. Are you on 500mg twice a day?

Taz x  :)


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2018, 05:58:38 PM »

I was on 500mg twice a day and then a different doctor said I could only take a total of 750mg per day if I was taking it long term. I don't take it all the time but I have no side effects when I do take it xx


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2018, 07:07:59 PM »

Pharmasists know more about drugs than GPs so it's good you asked their advice. I think Naproxen is a NSAID so will cause stomach bleeds and ulcers in the stomach if taken regularly or for any length of time. Many people are given PPIs to stop this ulceration in the stomach and they give side effects ( stomach upset, diarrhoea, flatulence) and effects absorption of vital nutrients. So the combination of NSAIDs and PPIs can be very bad and GPs routinely dish these out to avoid referring patients for proper diagnosis and treatment!!!!

I have sciatica and lower back pain due to degeneration/compression between L3&L4 vertebrae - it is particularly bad when I drive -  I do a lot of walking, gentle stretching and stomach strengthening exercises to ease the pain. I use creams that give cold then hot pain relief(Be Active Balm) and this really helps when I'm driving.   I started out taking Ibruprofen(NSAID) and PPIs and this resulted in awful stomach problems and diverticulitis. They then tried me on Amitripityline but by week 3 of taking these I got horrid side effects which I couldn't stand. 
In the end I paid to see a rheumatologist privately - had X-Rays and MRI and the degeneration with bulging disk was diagnosed and an epidural injection of steroid was given. This injection gave good relief for some months - you can have up to three of these a year.  I can't afford to pay for another injection but the rheumatologist said I can ask for a referral to see him on the NHS but it will take 4-6 months before I get another injection.  I can manage the pain quite well with the right exercises etc. and I simply don't drive as much any more.   I won't take any painkillers again as I don't want to be as ill as I was last year because of the NSAID and the PPIs.
Taz - I would ask for a referral to a rheumatologist to get things properly diagnosed. Physio may give you some good advice about how to handle the problem but a proper diagnosis is important.  I know the NHS don't consider back pain important but this could be a long term problem and taking drugs is not a good option. 

Try using Ibuleve gel rubbed on your lower back and use Deep Heat and Freeze creams alternately.  To help reduce and was pain, lie on your back with knees bent, hip width apart, and gently tilt your hips to stretch your lower spine - the physio will probably teach you how to do this.   Try sleeping with your feet raised to stretch out you lower spine or if sleeping on your side put a small cushion between your knees to hold your spine in the right place.  Try watching television in the evening lying on the sofa with your feet on some cushions. The rheumatologist told me to keep moving and don't sit down for too long.

NSAIDs have never made me sleepy - Co codamol will though.
I would advice you try not to take any of these pain killers for any length of time and only when absolutely necessary. 
Good luck. Dg x


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2018, 08:33:15 PM »

Thank you dg that is really helpful. Sorry you had such a nasty time.  Although the term sciatica has been bandied around by the GP I don't (fingers crossed, touch wood) have back pain. I have really deep buttock pain on one side which is as if I'm sitting on a bag full of golf balls. Some pain around thigh and into groin and a deep pain under my heel at times. Hips feel like there is a girdle around them so very stiff. I forgot to say doc sent me for a blood test to rule out PMR and this came back with no inflammatory markers so it's not that thank goodness. Climbing stairs is interesting and I use either hands and feet (elegant,) or two feet on one step. Coming down is ok. I can't put pressure on the leg somehow.

My partner is away working this week and I'm spending the day with my eldest son tomorrow hopefully doing something lovely so I'll hold off on the pills till the weekend.

Not being able to drive far saddens me as my family and true friends all live over two hour drives away and I do like to take myself off on day trips. Shame it's happened in school holidays as I had a lot planned but in another way it's been quite nice to be at home for a while!

Taz x  :thankyou:


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2018, 09:17:14 PM »

Taz, you could try seeing an osteopath about this. It sounds as though you need your pelvis  'adjusting'. I get something similar, although less severe than you have. If you do a lot of driving that may well be relevant. (I no longer drive, but have been asked about this at the osteopath's.) The fact that you also have heel pain is strongly indicative of something going on at the hip or pelvic level. (I occasionally get heel pain as well.) The physiotherapist might be able to help, but osteopaths have the manipulative skills to deal with exactly these physical/mechanical problems.

In the meantime, be wary of medics trying to give you drugs for it. As I'm sure you realise, you need to address the root cause.

Good luck,
JP x


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2018, 09:40:07 PM »

I recently was prescribed Naproxen 500mg twice a day, but was told to take Omeprazole with it too, to protect my stomach.
I only managed to take it for 5 days as I had such abdominal pain/loose stools - no drowsiness though.



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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2018, 11:44:20 PM »

Naproxen is NSAID and you do need omeprazole to protect the lining of the stomach.  I have to say it doesn't work as a painkiller for me.  I have one called Arthrotec which is a trade name for Diclofenic and misoprostol combined.  that is a painkiller already combined with a stomach protecting medicine.  There is supposed to some issue with the diclofenac because some doctors think it affects the heart but my doctor just said "there is a study that shows there is a small risk of causing heart problems - do you accept the risk".  My answer was yes - it hasn't caused me any side effects and when I think of the problems I have with Naproxine or any of the other really hard core stuff they have given me in the past - to be honest I think they are far worse and more dangerous than my Arthrotec could be.

I have degenerative discs in my neck and T3 & T4 and a couple lower down in my lumber spine and I get sciatica but the best thing I have found is topically applying ibruprofen gel like DancingGirl.  If the pain is really really bad then I would use co-codamol but I try and stay away from it.  I don't by the expensive ibuprofen gel either.  I find the cheap stuff out of B & M works just as well as the expensive stuff out Boots.  Unfortunately it doesn't have a great smell does it DancingGirl and I bet you wish like I do that it came in great big tubs!

No one has told me not to drive with my Arthrotec and it doesn't make me drowsy -I find it just works.  They are modified release tablets and I take one in the morning and one at night.


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2018, 07:54:24 AM »

I was given naproxen and there weren't any side effects but it didn't take my back pain away either.  I've had recurrent herniated discs in lower back

Eventually I was referred to physio who without any scans etc diagnosed facet joint dysfunction.  They offered me injections but I said without a scan or something that properly diagnosed it I'm not happy having injections in my back ( I've had a few medical blunders and I'm so wary now)

So I was given amitriptyline, the difference is amazing but I can still get the pain if I move wrong, stand still for a few minutes or sometimes for no reason at all.  Personally I believe it's the discs not the joint that's causing the nerve pain x


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2018, 08:55:49 AM »

Taz - sciatic pain is usually because something is pressing on the spinal column so it originates from the spine and lower back - so there may not actually be anything wrong with your hips.  Annie is right, I originally thought it was my hips as the pain was through my hip, buttock and down the side of my leg but it's the inflamed disc, due to the compression between the vertebrae, that is the problem, as it's digging into my spinal column!!!.  Having the X ray & MRI was reasuring in one way as the rheumatologist said my hips were great!!! However, the degeneration I have in my spine is not going to get better - I simply have to manage the pain. This is why diagnosis is important and trying physio or the osteopath first for treatment and advice about how to adjust your lifestyle to avoid problems is the best option. You may find that your driving position is creating the problem and they can advice about that??!!! How you walk, sit, lie down etc are all crucial so relearning how your move and sit can really help.  As others have said, you may find that an osteopath may be able to manipulate you to relief the pressure.  Driving is the worst thing for backs as you are sitting and bouncing, and this will make any pressure on the spinal column worse.
Keep moving though - but gently - and walk as much as you can, taking care with you posture.  Dg x


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2018, 09:35:57 AM »

I've just thought about something re: driving position.  A friend who saw an osteopath said the ideal driving/sitting position is having the seat tilted so the front of the seat is lower than the back.  X


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2018, 10:19:27 AM »

Annie - I think that can work for some people but for me it was disastrous as I then had to keep picking my feet up to use the peddles which put more pressure on my lower back. It's definitely worth having the physio look at your driving position though - I find that most cars now have poor peddle positions which mean you are very one sided - the brake is often so high you have to lift your foot right up and then press very gently or you are jerked forward and this puts quite a strain on the back. Ergonomics are often poor with so many things and how we sit, stand, lift things and sleeping portion etc all impact on our joints.  It's also worth looking at your mattress - when did you last change it and does it give the right support?  DG x


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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2018, 11:43:57 AM »

Thanks ladies. Lots of ideas here.

The doctor did mention piriformis syndrome which is involved with the sciatic nerve but does cause specific buttock pain. Will see what happens at the physio once she calls me with an appointment. It's so hard to know which type of treatment to start with and they all cost money.

I've tried to change my driving position but having short legs it's difficult to find another position that means I can still reach the pedals  ;D

Taz x



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Re: Side effects of Naproxen - any experiences or advice?
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2018, 04:04:08 PM »

My sciatica starts when I forget to kneel, i.e. weeding, putting on dogs' leads, bending correctly.   Last week I had to take 2 Nurofen and have a deep, hot bath in order to ease the pain and radiation.  No problems since.  Usually I take the 2 pills then go for a long, brisk walk which 4 me releases the nerve as it is stretched when walking.  Years++ ago my Dad hung from the door and the GP pulled him away, gently extending his back.  There were less pain relief options then. 

It's because we evolved upright, chimps of course bend over slightly, running for short spells up-right B4 bending again.

Sometimes I find that laying over the bottom of the bed with feet on floor helps.

Could you hire a Chauffer {sp} Taz  ;)
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