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Author Topic: Femoston questions  (Read 2585 times)


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Femoston questions
« on: August 12, 2018, 05:19:47 PM »

I have now taken the white tablets for 9 days now I don't feel worse but still feel headAchy, tired and nauseous on and off Today I have felt very PMT ish My questions are:
Am I expecting too much too soon?
It is 21 days since my last period, so will I get a period sometime in the next 10 days as I normally do?
Will I expect to feel different on the grey tablets?
Thanks for any comments S x


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2018, 05:27:43 PM »

Hi! I'm on Femoston too.
Yes, I think you can give more time to your body to adjust. Maybe you will have a bleed next days. I think that it s better you not to expect something negative to happen.
 I feel the same on both tablets, try not to worry too much! After some months everything will be normal! :)


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2018, 06:58:46 PM »

Thanks Emerald I do worry a lot! Recently had full blood tests and all clear Vit. D was low last time but better having taken vit D tablets.  How long before you felt better? What were symptoms before? S x


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2018, 07:19:17 PM »

I was suffering hard before I finally diagnosed with early menopause at 41 with terrible body aches, insomnia, nights sweats, insulin resistance, brain fog, suicidal thoughts,dry eyes...dry everywhere...
I was convinced that I had a terminal disease.
I felt better almost immediately but I started to feel my old self again after 6-7 months.


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2018, 06:11:46 AM »

Emerald, how long have you been on Fem 1/10? Did you try anything before? S x


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2018, 09:41:31 PM »

I am on Femoston 2/10 for a year now and yes I tried Livial and cyclo progynova for a few months. 💐


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2018, 06:10:37 AM »

I have now taken the white tablets for 9 days now I don't feel worse but still feel headAchy, tired and nauseous on and off Today I have felt very PMT ish My questions are:
Am I expecting too much too soon?
It is 21 days since my last period, so will I get a period sometime in the next 10 days as I normally do?
Will I expect to feel different on the grey tablets?
Thanks for any comments S x

Hi Sammas

I'm on Femoston. The arrival of my period varies by up to 2 weeks.  It's usually towards the end of the grey tablets but has been at the start of the next pack when I'm back on the white tablets and has also been at the start of the grey tablets.  So in my experience, it moves about.

In the first couple of months on Femoston  I  experienced different symptoms on the grey tablets from the white.  As time went on, the symptoms during the white tablets cleared up and now, only some mild symptoms remain when I'm taking the grey ones.  The grey ones are progesterone and a lot of women seem to find they continue to have have a degree of intolerance to progesterone but it's manageable.  This has been the case for me.  Going forward you should certainly feel better than you do at the moment when you are on the WHITE ones which are oestrogen.  Oestrogen has been described by knowledgable ladies on here as "the feel good hormone".

So I would say you need to give it at least 3 months and you need to keep a symptom diary.  Whilst you may continue to have some symptoms during the progesterone phase, you ought to feel better during the oestrogen.  If you don't, you may need to try something else.  But first, you need to give it some time and keep a detailed record of your symptoms in a way you can compare them week by week, to track what's happening and help you work out when the problems arise.

Best of luck to you x


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2018, 11:47:10 AM »

Thanks Tiddles My main worry is work when I go back next week I start the grey tablets on Friday Remind me do you work? X


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2018, 12:30:39 PM »

Hi Sammas.  Yes I do work but I'm on holiday this week - WOO HOO !!!!  :D (Currently feeling a bit guilty for spending my day on the internet rather than outside in the fresh air but hey ho !) x


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2018, 05:52:42 PM »

Tiddles, How Have you coped with work when your symptoms have been bad? S x


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2018, 09:39:30 PM »

Hi Sammas.  After having an emotional day at work when I wasn't handling things I used to handle easily before peri, I talked to my manager, in tears, in private.  Fortunately, she was very understanding and was able to empathise with some of the symptoms - hot flushes, headaches that felt like a bolt had been pushed through from the back of my neck to the temple on the other side, and about feeling emotional and upset by small things.  I didn't go into everything but enough so she understood i was having "a bit of a rough time."  I also talked about it with my close work mates and found kindred spirits there and we joked our way through 2 years of symptoms, trying various things like Menopace and Apple Cider Vinegar.  The humour helped but for all those treatments I tried, my symptoms just got worse and worse until I went on HRT.

In terms of actually just being physically able to go to work, I had been a regular drinker (sounds terrible put like that !!!)  but discovered alcohol made my symptoms worse so gave that up completely along with caffeine (I took my own decaff tea bags and coffee in) which helped with the hot flushes, palpitations etc  I also paid attention to my diet, avoided all the cake and other rubbish which always seems to be present in the workplace, took my healthy lunches in and also forced myself to drink water during the day (which I don't actually like). I think I probably took 6 paracetamol every day for about 18 months for the headaches and to try to reduce my body temperature. Here we go with the personal stuff - I started wearing a panty liner every day because a) I was experiencing some unexpected behaviour on the bladder front and b) my periods were all over the place and I never knew when one was going to arrive.   I stopped going out during the week, tried to get enough sleep etc.  So I did all those things.  In the end it was only HRT that sorted me out but in a nutshell, to answer your question, I coped by talking about it and sometimes crying and I found a lot of support for me personally, even though the majority of my workplace friends had not experienced menopause and were pretty ignorant of it.

Are you getting any support at work ? What kind of workplace are you in? Are you struggling to physically go to work? x

I should add in the interests of giving you the full story that in the end, I had what now seems like a mini breakdown, when the anxiety, sense of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts that finally led me to seek medical help kicked in.  That was at the end of last year and I took 4 weeks off work, sick. During that time I found this forum where I read and read and read everything I could.  Discovering I wasn't going mad, wasn't alone in my despair and that there was hope prompted me to ask the GP for HRT and gave me enough strength to go back to work in the meantime during the protracted process that followed of obtaining HRT, carefully monitoring my symptoms and then tweaking the HRT until it was right for me.  I don't know where I would be now without this forum ...
« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 10:04:35 PM by Tiddles »


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2018, 05:29:36 AM »

Thanks so much for your reply! I teach young children which I love My main work symptoms have been severe headaches on and off, a little anxiety and a few times of bursting into tears for no apparent reason I talk to colleagues and have spoken to my boss briefly, but mainly put my head down and try to get on with my job which is non stop. Like you I have improved my diet and exercise Herbal things seemed to work for a while and I tried lots of diff bits, but went to HRT after feeling worse. In the last year I have been off 3 times, one day with a bug, 2 days with a migraine and a week with menopause headaches and severe tiredness back in March xx


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2018, 08:25:45 AM »

It was really interesting to read this as I have just finished taken my last grey tablet on Femoston 1/10 for the first month and not sure I actually feel any better yet.  The worst thing for me is terrible bloating (I actually look like I'm pregnant) and terribly itchy skin.  I was hoping that it would have started working by now but I have made an appointment with my doctor to talk about patches instead as I've read that the tablets can cause bad bloating.  I'm also ridiculously tired and terrible brain fog which means I am struggling at work because of this.  I have, like you, spoken to my Manager and she is very understanding but working with ladies all in their 30's I don't think they get it.  Wish I could just hibernate until its all finished!  :'(


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2018, 08:55:21 AM »

It sounds like you are both doing everything humanly possible to help your bodies, which is an achievement in itself when you feel rubbish. It sounds to me that you ARE both coping at work, even though you feel as though you're not because it's harder than it used to be. Just don't give up.  There IS light at the end of the tunnel, I promise you. I do plan to come off HRT in a couple of years. When I do I will monitor my symptoms closely again and if I feel anything like I did before HRT I will go straight back on it, fighting the doctors all the way if I have to. I don't accept that the good times have to be over for women when menopause hits. I have a folder on my PC of pictures of older women looking serene and content, some with beautiful flowing locks of white hair, some in yoga suits, some walking on beaches with their dogs.  I scroll through them regulary.  That is what I aspire to be - serene and happy and 2 fingers up to menopause!  Good luck to you both x
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 09:11:50 AM by Tiddles »


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Re: Femoston questions
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2018, 05:13:32 PM »

Thanks Tiddles for your positivity. Greg's, keep me posted on how you get on S x