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Author Topic: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.  (Read 4126 times)


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Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« on: August 02, 2018, 03:08:42 AM »

Does anyone have any idea of this problem I am having with a werid and very scary type of nausea which is like a gagging sensation at the back of the throat?  I have emetophobia so nausea is very scary in general and something I get a lot of.  I have had this sensation before but never this intense and long lasting.  Its almost like a nervous spasm but right in the gag reflex!  I get a lump in the throat feeling too the globus feeling.  I also have severe health anxiety so its really hard to know if this is another horrendous anxiety symptom.  I cannot imagine a doctor alive being able to help me with this one and I am still waiting after 4 months for a gastro referral for my stomach issues.  I just need to feel someone knows what Im talking about.  My husband thinks Im making it all up because I havent actually vomited.  The reason I havent is sheer willpower because I am so terrified of vomiting or gagging.  Im not sure if hormones could cause this but its pretty disturbing and with my problems down below I am feeling pretty desperate to be honest. 


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2018, 03:51:48 AM »

Hello Jessie. You poor thing. I don't have that particular fear but I do have terrible health anxiety myself. I've found that my anxiety can make any symptom worse, more acute and more real. My own particular specialism is checking for lumps. The process can involve me getting into quite a panic on bad days. I feel sick, have lumps in my throat. You name it, I can have it. I'm very new to this forum but I'm realising that my hormone are causing me all sorts of dreadful problems and emphasising those I had before!!! I keep a diary and I use the word desperate on some days too. I'm not sure anything I've written helps at all but it might be good for you to know that you're not alone xxxx


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2018, 05:01:23 AM »

Hi Jessie
I have similar symptoms as you. I have gagging, nausea, reflux, indigestion, constipation, stomach pains, bowel pains along with terrible anxiety and stress. When I'm really stressed I feel like I can't swallow and I start gagging. I have had a not too bad few weeks until my period just over a week ago and I have gone right down hill. My hot flushes came back, stomach problems intensified and the gagging started again. I also have emetophobia, had it all my life and it is the ultimate issue on my list of worst things. I'm always washing my hands, freak out if someone at work says they have a sickness bug, use my sleeves or little finger to open doors etc. Quite comical for others to read but awful if you're the one who has it. Anyway the gagging is stress. Stress has taken a massive toll on me since peri started, I constantly think I have the big C, I can't even say the word as I'm that scared of it or I have some other horrible disease that the docs are missing. My mood is low constantly, nothing makes me happy anymore, I've forgotten how to laugh, I don't get out much, I think people are looking at me thinking I look like I'm dying as I have lost so much weight, I'm pale and pasty with bags under my eyes. I'm just not the healthy person I was. I know that stress can cause all sorts of problems and it's hard to control it once it starts, even if you are not thinking stressful thoughts it happens subconsciously. I don't have any answers but I hope this helps you by knowing you aren't alone. Sending you good wishes


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2018, 05:13:32 AM »

I had dreadful acid reflux at the start of my perimenopause journey (I write as if I am some expert - I am not - it took me over two years to realise I was perimenopausal). I convinced myself I was very seriously ill (I still do on a weekly basis). I have always been a worrier and over thinker, but now it's out of control and my health anxiety causes so much stress that I think it actually causes additional symptoms. I have to be really strict about sleeping, eating, keeping calm. As a matter of interest, did you have OCD or obsessive tendencies as a child/young adult? I did and I think health anxiety is much more common in those kind of people. I'm so sorry about your issues Jessie and Jane and I empathise greatly xxxx


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2018, 10:45:35 AM »

Thank you for your comments jane and agatha.  Im so sorry you are also experiencing this sort of issue.  Health anxiety is hell to live with.  I also have the cancer fear....I am worried about a small lesion in my mouth at the moment and of course fear my gag and nausea stuff is liver or stomach cancer or something.  I would never have chemo because of my emetophobia and as it is I cannot even tollerate antibiotics or painkillers without nausea.  Im not sure what the answer is for us?  Is there any hope or should we just give up?  I honestly cannot live if I am to gag or vomit everyday, thats a deal breaker for me.  Jane how do you cope?  Do you hae any medication for it or do you take antidepressants?  I try to do some relaxation or meditation but its impossible to relax when im nauseous as my body goes into automatic pilot and that means panic.  I am so ashamed as for some reason vomiting makes me feel dirty and ashamed so I dont want anyone to see me or be near me in case I repulse them.  I guess I have some form of OCD.....after all this behaviour isnt normal is it?  Not sure what to do but feeling pretty close to the edge.  xx


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2018, 11:29:40 AM »

Hi jessieblue - you  may find this helpful

Fear of vomiting is common and often linked to feelings of unworthiness and shame. Loss of control in front of others is a big fear too in lots of people causing lots of anxiety and stress. Stress causes that dry heaving and nausea leading to even more panic. I get this and I understand how horrible it is especially when you are out in public.

Taz x


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2018, 02:16:24 PM »

 :bighug:  brushing my teeth can bring on the gag reflex  :-\.  Intense worry makes me dry heave   :'(.

Emitophobe since age 3  :'(.  [long story short]


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2018, 03:44:30 PM »

I don't really know how I cope, I just do. I go into self preservation mode when I know someone is sick. Years ago I was waiting for a bus to get kids from school and there was a girl in the queue who said to her friend she felt sick so I waited for the next bus. If my partner has a dodgy stomach I'm sleeping on the sofa and I am always washing hands and never put my hands in my mouth.
I take omeprazole every day to reduce acid because of reflux and it seems to help a bit with nausea too but the past few days I have pain in my stomach and back when I eat and I have right side rib pain right up to my armpit so of course I think I've got C. My doc sent me for C tests last year as I was peeing a lot of blood only at the time of my period and I nearly collapsed from fear outside the hospital when I went for the cystoscopy so I think that fear is still with me. I think I have PTSD. The constipation and stomach issues are my worst things right now, I haven't pooped without laxatives for over a year and I really do think they are missing something. I had an endoscopy last year but in my head there was no C to be seen then, and it's there now! Sorry this is a long post 😶. I just want to say though that I have had the rib pain I mentioned all day until I walked the dog and bumped into mother in law and then realised after walking home with her the pain had gone, now it's back so that tells me it's my thoughts when I'm alone that causes some of the pain.  Also the dizziness, mental fog, lethargy don't help. Apparently I have fibromyalgia too.
I love this forum as I really feel more understood in what I'm experiencing.
Take care x


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2018, 04:31:09 PM »


Omeprazole can cause more problems than it relieves! and shouldn't be taken long term. Something more gentle, i.e. Milk of Magnesia or Rennies might be worth trying.  The digestive tract gets 'used' to stuff going down it so benefit may be lost from the stronger antacids .

As for a laxative - should NEVER be taken for more than 5 days.  Again, the gut gets used to it so the natural spasms get lazy.  As a revering anorexic who ate enough to remain upright for over 30 years, my gut spasm stopped completely ....... my GP gave me appropriate treatment and hey Presto! within 3 months I felt well. 

You may have trapped wind. You may have slept awkwardly.  You may have pulled a muscle very slightly.  It is unlikely to be cancer.    PTSD is caused by repeated traumatic situations i.e. being in the Armed Forces or having had an accident with sudden shock.

My Mum uses orvis fruits which has figs in  :sick02:  ;D but at  91 it isn't going to do her any harm.  At our age however!   Magnesium gives me 'the runs'  :o.   I could write a book!  ::)

What's the worst that could happen?


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2018, 04:51:19 PM »

I agree with Sparkle. Omeprazole can have side effects but without it there would be more cases of Barrat's Oesophagus or osophegeal cancer. Altbough Rennie's etc are good for indigestion they don't work in the same way and are not protective in the case of reflux.

Taz x


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2018, 06:29:23 PM »

I have bumped a post about the long-term use of PPIs - what Consultants don't tell you, do read Dr James in the Telegraph.

DG Stated in the other thread:

I have to avoid PPIs as they have given me so many problems. PPIs like Omeprazole stops the stomach acid that digests your food.  If you have got an ulcer then PPIs will allow it to heal but taking any PPI for too long will lead to long term health issues.  The problem is, when you stop taking the PPIs, the body will often over compensate and produce more acid, so symptoms return and it takes time for the balance to return.

My m in L had a hiatus hernia which was treated with rennies or good old Milk of Magnesia.  Unlike with the scares around HRT not many GPs are likely to warn about how much damage PPIs might do, both for men and women.



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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2018, 07:24:44 PM »

Obviously PPIs shouldn't be taken without good reason but having lost a friend two years ago to oesophageal cancer, as he refused all treatment for reflux in the years before, I see the PPI risks differently. No easy solution  :'(

Taz x


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2018, 07:37:01 PM »

Thank you all for your kind replies.  I have to agree with others here I have tried everything to get off omeprazole....I am a medicine phobe so I hate hate hate taking anything but I was drowning in acid without it.  It scares me to death because of what we know about the drug now but without it I have no quality of life and to be honest it wont be the thing that kills me....this damn anxiety will. 

Jane you sound so like me.  I have been ruled by my emet all my life.  I too had a cystoscopy due to blood in urine a couple of years ago and my endoscopy traumatised me because I was not sedated in the least...just held down.  I now need another but have no trust in doctors.  It is traumatic and I totally sympathise with your situation.  Its no way to live is it.  I have avoided anywhere people may vomit and its surprising how many times they vomit at my house!!  My sons friends used to constantly get sick here!!  The terrow was real.  I fear norovirus more than death and every year the horror stories in the newspapers terrify me into staying indoors and keeping away from everyone.  I fear my own family and watch them like a hawk.  Its exhausting and as you say the fear of being sick in public and repulsing people keeps me alone most of the time. I cannot believe I have had this for 55 years and never experienced life free of it.  Now health anxiety makes me fear my own body as if I live within the enemy.  I feel your pain and yes it is good to know we are not alone.  This forum is my lifeline, xx


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Re: Bad nausea and gagging sensations really scaring me.
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2018, 11:06:17 AM »

Thanks Sparkle.  You are right.  I did have sedation, thats the thing.  I wasnt even a bit drowsy and remember the whole thing including the results she gave me there and then.  So only thing I will do is have to ask for GA. Some chance of getting that though.