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Author Topic: Patches falling off in hot weather  (Read 2734 times)


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Patches falling off in hot weather
« on: August 03, 2018, 01:15:13 PM »

I haven't posted for a while as trying to deal with all these feelings myself but has anyone else had problems with this really hot weather & their patches just falling off with the sweat by the end of the day? I have tried Femoston 1/10 & Femoston 2/10 & estrogel & nothing seems to help the anxiety.

I am currently on Evorel 100 & Utrogestan 100mg days 14-28, I have been going through peri now for over 3years & 3 months with anxiety being my worst symptom

I was put on BP tablets 7 weeks ago, had blood tests to see what the BP tablet was doing & was informed I had low folic acid & to get a supplement over the counter, I have been suffering really bad dizzy spells for the last 2-3 weeks & feel really unwell like I just want all this meno stuff to end, I try to put on a brave face but inside I just want to feel well again, some days I just want to go home from work & crawl into a corner.

I was wondering if anyone could give any advice on why the dizzy spells might be so bad, could it be where my patch is not working properly due to it coming off, plus with me having to put a new patch on most evenings, could I be getting too much oestrogen? Could the BP tablet be making things worse…

I am going on holiday next week & dreading ruining it for my family yet again due to these blasted hormones, if only they knew how ill it makes us women feel


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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2018, 03:57:48 PM »

I've only ever had one patch fall off on a hot weather holiday. Don't know how/when it happened, just noticed in shower. My extradot patch has otherwise always been fine.


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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2018, 04:40:55 PM »

Hello Dee46.

I totally sympathise with you about the awful anxiety. This has been my worst and most persistent symptom of the menopause.

I have just posted a question about anti anxiety meds and hopefully some ladies will be along to share their knowledge. 

The anxious feelings I have are more like the dreads in that I assume something disastrous is likely to occur and I can't seem to shake off the worry. I'm going to an event next month and I'm already fretting about how I'll cope when these horrible sensations arise.  My trusty meno book mentions these problems and notes that oestrogen is the tranquilising hormone so we are bound to feel more anxious without it until our bodies adjust to it's loss or our HRT kicks in.

I understand that you don't want to let your family down whilst on holiday and it's true, they can't possibly understand how we really feel!

Hopefully you'll soon  receive the answers that you need and I wish you well.

Take care and sending hugs.




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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2018, 06:16:27 PM »

OK Dee - have you explained what is happening to your family members?  If not, why not?

I used to worry about spoiling holidays due to panic attacks.  Either not being able to go out and about or having to come home earlier than planned, one time within 24 hours.  However, forward planning helps.  Look at the information of the area you are visiting and make lists of what everyone can do, so that they don't have to rely on you for a good experience.  This a) enables you to stay behind with a very good book, b) enables them to go out, have a good time, c) they have something to talk about on their return ......... DH used to go fishing or walking whilst I had a doze.  He could come back with photos and things to tell me.  I would feel sad that I hadn't been able to partake but it was better than sitting there looking at each other  ::)

Why have you been prescribed Blood Pressure tablets?  I haven't had any blood tests and I've been on them since 2002. 

Dizzyness can be due to the body being hungry, by not drinking enough: stress and tension.  I have a nerve in the back of my neck which when I move suddenly makes me go 'oh' with a sort of about to keel over feeling, but I never do  ::).  Used to it now.

Maybe put a piece of micropore tape over the patch in this hot weather? 


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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2018, 08:56:29 PM »

Hi there Dee46

Firstly - I use Estradot so it is much easier for them to stay on as they are much smaller. I do admit it is more difficult in hot weather but I got into the habit of having a feel and a press down of the patch (to my butt cheek) every time I use the loo, to re-stick it if necessary. Evorel are mahossive so may be more difficult to stay stuck on if you're sweaty. If you can possibly change to Estradot I would and you should really notice the difference. Changing the patch every day would give you slightly less oestrogen I would have thought, than changing it slightly less frequently as it takes a while for the oestrogen to build up after a new patch is stuck (while the levels in your body are reducing at the same time from removal of the old one).

Re your dizzy spells - cold this be due to you BP medication? I know several people who have felt weird on one type and OK when changed to another. The dizziness could be due to your BP being too low maybe?

Hurdity x


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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2018, 09:44:45 PM »

Dizziness can also be caused by a problem with the inner ear, though given the timing the BP meds look like the most likely suspect. I would go to your GP. I couldn't get Everel patches to stick properly even when not sweating so changed to gel.


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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2018, 06:25:39 AM »

Hi dee46, I use tegaderm dressings ordered from Amazon to put over the top, these seem to be doing the job.


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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2018, 07:25:31 AM »

Hi Emmapurple. Although your patches are staying in place with the tape if they're not stuck down on your skin properly you may not be receiving the full amount of hormone. The hormones are contained in the adhesive.

Taz x  :-\


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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2018, 04:02:02 PM »

Thank you all for your replies

I didn't take my BP tablet this morning but still feel really dizzy, sick & just out of sorts, I feel like I am dying it is horrendous. I also started progesterone part of the hrt last night & normally I don't feel too bad at the start but today I am feeling really rough.

I used to get the dreads really badly, these are not so bad now it is just the feeling so ill that then turns into anxiety, I am hating this time of life, don't get me wrong I have had days where I have thought wow I feel good today I can take on the world.

My husband 'tries' to understand how I am feeling but I am sure he thinks how can I be ill for this amount of years, he just wants to fix it & I wish he could  :(

I was on BP tablets about 6 years ago then my GP took me off them 3 years ago which coincided with the meno symptoms, as I am on HRT the GP's are always ratting on about my BP being high, so I started taking them about 7 weeks ago, good my swollen ankles disappeared but I think they are now making me feel dizzy or it could just be my hormones...I am so confused everyday with it all.

I am going to see if the GP can give me Estradot, back when I went to my private consultant in October last year she said they were hard to get hold of hence prescribing me Evorel, I have some 50mg of Evorel which are small but wonder if I could use 2 of them?

I was on Bendroflumeziade 6 years ago for my BP & was fine on them, but now I am on Lisinopril & my folic acid has appeared to be low.

Hurdity would you suggest putting a new patch on whilst I have the old one on still for a few hours to keep the oestrogen building up?

I am also on Mitazapine & that doesn't really help with anxiety, I just want to start feeling normal :'(


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Re: Patches falling off in hot weather
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2018, 06:57:33 PM »

Are you drinking enough, the body can feel dizzy if dehydrated!

Stand up carefully.  This heat wave is un-expected and our bodies aren't used to it, which won't help.  You seem to be on a lot of medication that isn't helping?  Do I read that correctly?  Maybe stop it all and start what is required?