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Author Topic: Severe vaginal atrophy  (Read 26593 times)


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #105 on: August 18, 2018, 10:46:25 PM »

Thanks Agatha. Yes I'm glad it's all over now. It was a big operation, and then a bag, and then a reversal, so a huge 6 months, and a lot of bad health before that because the specialist involved was just not listening to me. We know our own bodies! And that goes for any health problem. The surgeon that did my ops said, I don't look at blood tests, they are an aside, I listen to symptoms, wisest medical professional I've ever been to, because my blood tests were fine, but when he got inside, it was a mess in there, abscess too.  Just need to get the bladder to behave now. It's probably had trauma as well and only 19 days since the last op, thanks for the eccoouragement, it so much appreciated.


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #106 on: August 19, 2018, 08:44:31 AM »

Thanks Daisydot. I've always said to my daughter and daughter in law , women are amazing, strong, and brave, so I try to be a good role model. I'm not a particularly brave person really, when the surgeon told me I would need a bag, I was horrified, and then just thought, well it's not cancer, so I'll deal with it. We lost a little girl to cancer in 1989, she was our second child, so I think of her, and I just get on with it.  I have a terrible fear of cancer, as you can imagine.It gives me strength thinking of her, and what she went through. But having said  that, it has been a tough year. This forum has also given me much comfort, because atrophy is just so very distressing, and I get lovely support from the amazing ladies on here . 😊


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #107 on: August 19, 2018, 09:24:41 AM »

Thank you so much .


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #108 on: August 19, 2018, 12:28:38 PM »

Half a day at a time.  Children deal well because they often don't have the same sense of time and often, sleep more than an adult might do  ::).  It is also known that children will 'slip away' when the parent/s leave the room ......... maintaining a sense of control.

Little steps.  Keep on with the treatment  ;)



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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #109 on: August 19, 2018, 02:45:23 PM »

Yep. Keeping on. Hoping doing the reload will work. Fingers crossed. It's late here . Midnight, and looking back on the day, I think there was some improvement. Time will tell.


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #110 on: August 19, 2018, 03:50:03 PM »

5.00 p.m. - nearly T-time here  ;)


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #111 on: August 21, 2018, 10:56:22 AM »

Hi everyone. Well had a follow up at surgeon today. Have  had a Really uncomfortable couple of days . He thinks I've got a urinary tract infection. ( had many of them) because things got bad yesterday. Weeing all the time, pain etc. felt pretty rotten at bedtime. I said to him, but vagifem usually helps that,and until yesterday the symptoms were like atrophy,  but as he said , things have been pretty mixed up down there. Bladder was fine for the 3 months I had the Iliostomy bag. But now, as he said, it's all woken up down there, bowel very active etc. makes sense. He was very pleased with the bowel though, because he said it was a mess to repair. I was worried my bladder may have been damaged, but he said his gut feeling is a uti, so I'm on antibiotics. I have a lot of faith in this guy, he's amazing. I just hope he's correct about the bladder. I usually know fairly quickly as the antibiotics kick in. Also, I did read that after an Iliostomy reversal. Uti is quite common. Hope my next post is more positive!


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #112 on: August 21, 2018, 09:44:58 PM »

Also meant to ask, should I be continuing the vagifem upload, or go back to twice a week until infection gone? Anyone know what I should do? Forgot to ask doc. Thank You.


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #113 on: August 22, 2018, 05:23:03 AM »

Carry on with the nightly use.  The Dr should have sent a sample to a Lab. though, one can't 'guess' at a UTI as VA mimics infection really well.  Maybe get a sample to that Dr and insist on a Lab. test, so that you are on the correct ABs!!! in a few years the World will have no means of defence against infections due to over-use, your Dr should be aware of that. 

Keep using the Vagifem nightly.  Until all the symptoms have resolved.  What we are not told is that originally this medication was prescribed at 25 B4 someone panicked and decided that 10 is enough  :cuss:

Feet up.  Enjoy your day!



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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #114 on: August 22, 2018, 05:23:19 AM »

Oh and take some pain relief regularly as it can ease symptoms.


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #115 on: August 22, 2018, 05:49:37 AM »

Yes that occurred to me. I asked him if i should get a sample as i know va has been misdiagnosed as as uti with me before. But it def felt like an infection yesterday. Kept weeiing, felt shivery etc. Thats better today. I think personally there is 2 things going on. I think its va and an infection. I have had some nasty ones in the past. By now the antibiotic ( for me) has usually knocked it on the head. But some symptoms still there, and thats the va i reckon.


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #116 on: August 22, 2018, 09:12:27 AM »

Morning!  10.00 a.m.-ish here.  Dull.  Overcast  ::)

If you are shivery that certainly leans more towards infection.  The ABs certainly will help - I remember sitting on the loo which was the only place I could relax enough not to feel uncomfortable: glass of barley water [a kind of squash diluted] in one hand and a cup of tea in the other, weeing continually and sipping until the pain relief and ABs kicked in  :-\.  It was that sudden nip as the bladder emptied that made me go 'oh!'

Keep on with the treatment ;-).  How's the weather down there?  We are heading towards a Bank Holiday weekend which is often wet because people have fetes, dog shows; motor sport etc., across the UK  :-\.  Or it can be very very warm  ::)


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #117 on: August 22, 2018, 09:17:46 AM »

Yes unfortunstely im still getting that "nip" even after i use my bowel. I'm not sure whats going on. The ab's should have kicked in by now. I'm so over all this.  The weather is cold. But 21 today, so nice in the actual sun although i wasnt out in it. Very cold at night.


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #118 on: August 22, 2018, 08:42:57 PM »

Could there be a lot of bruising in that area? hence the 'nip'?  Keep hydrated.  Keep with the treatment/s ....... and rest!  Your body has been through a lot.   :foryou:

9.45 p.m.


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Re: Severe vaginal atrophy
« Reply #119 on: August 22, 2018, 09:46:28 PM »

Yes there could be . My external,wounds are looking good and healing well, but little bruising there, so it would make perfect sense that internal bruising is very much a factor here. I'm an impatient bugger, I think if my bowel is doing ok, then so should everything else lol. Also,the pain pills I was on before could have masked some of that. I'm off them now because I don't need them. Thanks for your advice. Much appreciated, and needed! 😊
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