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Author Topic: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches  (Read 7125 times)


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2018, 07:01:35 PM »

Hi Kathleen I will update tomorrow when I return xx

Hello again Angel 1964.

I am intrigued to hear about your BWRT therapy session so look forward to reading your update.
Anything we can do to help us navigate this turbulent time would be great and of course it's never too late to learn a valuable life skill.

Take care and I hope tomorrow goes well.



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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2018, 03:02:07 PM »

Hi All. Went for therapy. Anxiety was really bad the night before and this morning to the point I didn't know how I was going to get there. Anyway I went. The therapist has started me on EFT therapy as my anxiety is very bad. I was first of all thinking how on earth does tapping work. She asked me what was my current anxiety feeling to which I said my pulse is very fast around my stomach, jelly legs, feeling nauseous. She started with me doing the EFT and after the first time I noticed my pulsations decreasing. We done it another 3 times and the pulsations  had gone. I was trying to feel them but couldn't!  She delved back into my past and she said my whole anxiety thing is mainly triggered by "trapped".  She said hormones don't help either as we all know. I felt so relaxed it was untrue. After that she done hypnotherapy, where I just relaxed in a recliner and closed my eyes and she talked. I lost concentration a few times but then got back into it. I came out of there the most relaxed I have been in a long while. Back next Friday for more EFT then the next appointment will be the BWRT.  I have no palp's and I went over 4 hours ago and still feel relaxed and different. Early days but will keep you all posted. I have everything crossed that this will get me back to work and able to be in queues and socialise again. Xx


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2018, 03:21:19 PM »

Hello Angel 1964.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post an update of your therapy session. I will need to research EFT as it has clearly been of benefit to you.
Take care and long may your new found  relaxation last!



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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2018, 05:46:43 PM »

Yep, I too have had this horrible thing with anxiety - having never suffered from it before my mid-forties I had a peri phase of it 7 years ago, which never quite went away and left me living with a constant low level feeling of dread. Then 2 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer - chemotherapy threw me suddenly into full blown menopause and the depression and anxiety were overwhelming. The depression has been helped by estrogen, but the anxiety has been an ongoing problem for the last 8 months - I've not been able to work, my social life is almost non-existent and anti-depressants, beta blockers etc. make me worse. I've recently changed GP to someone who is at least able to acknowledge that this is a hormonal problem, and have had validation from the Mental Health Crisis Team that as funding is withdrawn from Women's Health Services they see more and more women in crisis due to hormonal issues. But I've also had a lot of doctors say that anxiety is one of the most difficult symptoms to treat, especially if like me you can't tolerate the usual range of ADs and other drugs. So it seems there are no easy answers to this particular problem....


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2018, 06:02:05 PM »

You have been through so much and with the menopause no wonder why you have anxiety/depression :(.  Seriously look at EFT therapy. Loads online. I only had a session yesterday with hypnotherapy and today I've been to the shops and feel uplifted and no anxiety as yet. I cannot wait to go next Friday for more therapy. My anxiety goes back years but I had a very bad patch at peri and now post. Take care xx


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2018, 06:26:05 PM »

I really, really feel for you Racjen. Am I remembering right - did you try Pregabalin at one point? And did it help at all? Which AD's have you tried? Sometimes it takes a bit of creative thinking by a psychiatrist who knows the drugs available better beyond the main SSRI's . Older tricyclics are usually easier for those with anxiety to handle at start up - things like Notriptyline and Amitriptyline or maybe a sedating SSRI such as Trazadone. Also low dose Venlafaxine can work well for anxiety, but keep the dose below 150mg as it can hit norepinephrine which is stimulating. Mirtazipine is another option - but can add weight gain or even a low dose of Quetiapine (antipsychotic - used off label for anxiety in low doses) which pretty much knocks anxiety dead.

I would explore the therapy options first if you can, but if all else fails there are options. Personally, I would stear clear of any of the GABA drugs as that's usually a problem down the line when tolerance/dependency sets in. I hope this may help! xxxx


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2018, 08:08:24 AM »

Thanks Tempest, yes I'm on Pregabalin at the moment, but I can only tolerate a very low dose before I get a bad depressive reaction, and it doesn't have a huge effect. That's what happens with ADs too - I've tried amitriptyline, sertraline, venlafaxine, mirtazipine, citalopram, lofepramine, reboxetine, unfortunately I have a sensitivity that means that within days they make me seriously depressed with suicidal ideation etc. So I'm not trying any more of those. I'm already dependent on diazepam and have been weaning myself off that for the last few months. So I don't think there are other options for me in terms of drugs  :'(.

I have been wondering for a while about hypnotherapy - might give that a try. I've heard of a lot of therapies but not BWRT - what is it Angel?


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2018, 08:37:49 AM »

Hi Google both BWRT therapy and EFT. I have not started the BWRT but when I do I will update you all.  That should be in a couple of weeks. The EFT therapy amazed me. She asked me my current main anxiety symptom to which I said fast pulsing skipped beats in stomach area. She asked me what scale it was on so I said 10 (high). After 3/4 times of doing it the scale was 0 and couldn't feel the pulsing at all.  I have tried it since and it does work. Xx


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2018, 10:50:08 AM »

EFT - that's the tapping one isn't it?  Always sounds a bit odd. Looked up BWRT and the theory sounds interesting, but none of the websites tell you what they actually do!


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2018, 06:39:15 PM »

I'm new to this! But wondered if anybody could relate to me! I am going insane with worry! I am 57 and had my last period 4 years ago! I don't take HRT but take a herbal medication, I have been very lucky with hot flushes, I get a few, they come and go! My main problem is anxiety and tummy tenderness! When my tummy is tender and bloated I start getting anxious about it which makes it worse, I thenstart feeling pain everywhere else and then think I must be ill 🙄.  The anxiety does not end with illness, it goes as far as my family becoming ill or having accidents. It's ridiculous, I have never had this before?  The dr said I should take citlopram, I am not depressed and I do not want to take citlopram unless I really have to! Does anyone else think they are ill if they have the Slightest ailment and do they have issues with anxiety for their family 🤷‍♀️ This menopause business is the pits 😔


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2018, 07:11:42 PM »

I don't suffer from health anxiety myself (which is kind of ironic given that I've only recently had triple negative breast cancer, but that's the last thing I worry about...). But I know there are a number of women on here who do - I'm sure I've read lots of stories similar to yours.

I also know that if you're getting menopausal anxiety symptoms your doctor shouldn't be offering you ADs as a first-line treatment -
NICE guidelines state that appropriate hormonal treatment should be offered first. Have you actually been offered HRT and refused it? If so can I ask why?


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2018, 07:01:40 AM »

Hi Shirlcat yes I think that every pain or feeling is something serious so anxiety kicks in big time causing more "feelings"  I've refused Meds as need to deal with my fears. Please look up EFT Therapy. Loads online to tell you what to do.  It works xxx


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2018, 08:49:06 AM »

Thank you Angel1964, it comforts me to know other women feel the same. I too have refused medication and will definitely look at EFT. Thanks again x


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2018, 04:05:15 PM »

Hi Shirlcat & Angel1964,

I was in the same boat, mind in overdrive always thought the worst! Had every illness going (in my mind) I would worry every time my sons (both twenty somethings) would go out in case they were injured or worse in an accident. One of the GPS gave me a prescription for Citalapram but I wasn't depressed and never actually got the tablets.

I went to see another GP who recognised it was the menopause and I then went to see a specialist who suggested HRT. My anxiety is so much better than 6 months ago, but it's definitely a meno symptom.

But EFT is great I had it for fear of flying, I'd not been on a plane for 16 years. Had 1 session and booked a holiday, flying is still not my favourite pastime but I can now do it without holding on the the seat in front for the whole time!!
Look up Gwyneth Moss she is a master practitioner in EFT and trains people all over the world. She was the lady I saw and I has lots of info on her website you might find helps. Just the sound of her voice calms me down 🙂 x


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Re: Post menopause anxiety started hrt patches
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2018, 02:32:20 PM »

Hi Helenmelon thanks for the response.  How long did HRT take to work for you and are you on Femseven Conti. I am at therapy tomorrow and cannot wait to progress to the BWRT therapy. Google it when you get time. And yes the EFT does work with anxiety feelings.  I will look this lady up and again thank you x
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