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Author Topic: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?  (Read 6917 times)

Toodle Pips

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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2018, 03:42:09 AM »

Well here I am at 4.30 am after hardly sleeping all night because of anxiety. I have a really queasy stomach and have been having problems ever since this heat wave started. So that just ramps up the anxiety. I haven't had it this bad for nearly a year but we had some shocking news a few days ago. The son of a friend killed himselflast week, and this has devastated me. I hadn't really had anxiety since before last period but this has really brought it on again. I am also about ten days away from next period so I guess this also has something to do with my anxiety. I don't really take anything for it apart from a multi vit, and rescue remedy, but maybe I should think about more help. I am notoriously bad at wanting to take any type of drug. Even paracetamol.  But this is all too much.

Sorry for another moan, but talking about this on here really does help x
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 05:44:49 AM by Toodle Pips »


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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #46 on: July 24, 2018, 05:37:23 AM »

Good morning Toddle Pips

So sorry to hear about your friends son it's not the news anyone would ever want to receive and I cann't even begin to understand the sadness and shock you are all very obviously feeling.

Have you tried HRT ? I'm sure it will help.

Take care

Lanzalover x


Toodle Pips

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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #47 on: July 24, 2018, 05:40:03 AM »

Hi, no I haven't tried HRT. A bit scared to really. But I don't think I can keep going on like this most days of the month so maybe it is something I should look into more. X


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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2018, 07:24:57 AM »

So so sorry to hear that Toodlepips.

My anxiety, which has been going on since last autumn, seemed to be triggered by my being very very worried about a family member. I just assumed that it would go when things settled down, but they have and the anxiety is with me more than ever. I only started to think that menopause might also be a factor a couple of months ago. I think the reality is that in menopause we are more susceptible to anxiety and if something happens in our lives to exacerbate it then we can go downhill very quickly.
I am now almost sure I want to HRT - anything is better than this.
Take care and keep posting. I agree it is somehow very therapeutic to ‘talk' on here


Toodle Pips

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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2018, 07:59:39 AM »

Hi Jeanie, I have have just turned 54, and still have regular periods. In fact I have always had heavy irregular periods but the last couple of years they have become more regular, and slightly lighter but still with a heavy day. It drives me nuts that I still have them at my age. I started having a hot flush around bedtime about three years ago, and have night sweats but not every night. The bedtime hot flushes are no longer every night. The anxiety and nervousness started gradually around 18 months ago, but has got worse, and now I have it for ten days or so before periods and a few days after. Where I could once cope with absolutely anything the world threw at me I now can't. I mostly want to lock myself away at home. I do get the odd signs of the old me now and again though.

I have gone through some horrid things in my life, my baby was born prematurely and died at nine hours old, his father was violent towards me, my mum had dementia , and I have always coped with everything. Although it took its toll of course, but I did get through these things. But as I said, these days I can't handle anything. Thankfully I have a very supportive and understanding husband.

I agree Miabella, it is harder to cope. I just don't knew w about HRT. It looks as though so many women have so much trouble trying to get the right one and then all symptoms don't go. Plus there is the health side of things. My dad had a DVT when he was my age, and so I am very wary of HRT. And don't the symptoms come back when you have to stop taking it when you are older?

Anyhow, I took some Kalm tablets and have managed to sleep a little so that is good news, plus they calmed my stomach down. X


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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #50 on: July 24, 2018, 08:56:03 AM »

Toodlepips - this happened to me 15 months ago.  A friend 2 years younger than myself ......... it took me off my feet completely!  It is no one's fault, it would be aggarant for any of use to really believe that we know another person completely.  Why would/should we?   :hug:

Anxiety feeds on itself.  Many years ago a therapist told me that a panic attack can't last more than 15 mins., I could have hit her.  My longest pain attack was 3 days/2 nights and I shook, badly.   I walked out of that session, never went back.

This heat burns off energy that I don't have so I should eat more often than I do ....... lack of food causes nausea = anxiety.

Toodle Pips

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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #51 on: July 24, 2018, 08:59:04 AM »

So sorry to hear that x life is so cruel at times.

Yes I suspect it is lack of food due to the heat, I had this last summer too. The trouble is I don't want to eat due to feeling queasy. It's a vicious circle. I just forced a bowl of porridge down. Hopefully it will help x


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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #52 on: July 24, 2018, 09:01:54 AM »

Slow release food stuff is good.  I have emergency rations: dried fruits and nuts, bananas, pancake mix - can be kept in the fridge to be cooked immediately; ice-lollies to keep hydrated.  Anthying so that my brain doesn't consider it as food  :-\

Sorry about your baby - did you quit the violent relationship?

Toodle Pips

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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #53 on: July 24, 2018, 09:07:44 AM »

Yes, I managed to pluck up the courage to get out of that relationship after five years. You can imagine my fragile state of mind though. But I met my now husband a year later and we have been together for 21years now x

I have to watch what I eat as have a bit of IBS is going on. Bananas are fine, ice lollies not so much lol x


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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2018, 09:23:48 AM »

By evening I'm a different person.  I have learnt. not to say 'yes' to anything in the evening.  By morning the anxiety would be sky high!!

Even knowing that it eases during the day when I am really floored by it, the physicality etc. doesn't stop! and my brain can't turn that around into 'this too will pass'  :'(

Toodle Pips

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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #55 on: July 24, 2018, 09:37:24 AM »

Thank you for your kind words and advice Jeanie. Yes it is something to ponder on more for sure x

I am like you CLKD, right now the anxiety is wearing off, the stomach is calming down but I know it will all be back in the morning. It really is hard to get our heads around the fact that this will pass and it's all hormonal. I do try and think like that a lot. I tell myself off lol. Sometimes it disappears quickly, sometimes it doesn't x


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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #56 on: July 24, 2018, 12:11:23 PM »

Now is the time to eat!!!!  then you can stop worrying about not eating in the morning. 

Dextrose tablets; pancakes; dry or ginger buicuits; etc., etc., like a stuck record, me  ::).  Himself often shouts across the room when I'm advising on the 'phone line, 'take your own advice?'  :-X

I often have toast or cream crackers in bed .... then moan about the crumbs  :D

Miabella - how much longer are you in Italy for?  How is this morning thus far?  xx


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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #57 on: July 25, 2018, 01:58:47 PM »

CLDK. Just wanted to say I totally agree with you Re the Proprananol being fine to take daily. It certainly has a positive physical effect on calming down my pulse etc.  I just find it un-nerving when you get different GPs at the same practice telling you different things. The one I want to see has a 4 week waiting list now; crazy! My daughter was telling me she read online that Wifi effects your mood and sleep patterns if the router is near your bedroom.  She says it is the next smoking gun like cigarettes were in the 1950s. Another thing to worry about now! I do feel better outside on sunny days though. Stuck indoors on dull days with your worries is not healthy.


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Re: Anxiety - what gets you through the bad days?
« Reply #58 on: July 25, 2018, 03:50:03 PM »

We are designed to eat meat with veg. and fruit: look at the gob formation ;-).  We are designed to get up at dawn and go to bed at dusk.  But we live in a 24/hour society which really can't help.  Shift workers who do a lot of nights have problems with hormones, may become sleep deprived and lack VitD.  We don't live naturally any more and evolution hasn't caught up yet  ::)

A little of what we fancy - Granny was right ;-).  Listen to your body.  At this age, learn to say 'no' more often, it really does become easier  ;).

I'm verging on anxiety due to my body being hungry.  Nothing tastes 'right' so I don't fancy anything ........
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