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Author Topic: Acne on cheek only. Help please!  (Read 2175 times)


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Acne on cheek only. Help please!
« on: July 12, 2018, 09:16:13 PM »

Am 14 months post and still really struggling with horrid acne, but just on my right cheek. It seems to still be cyclical even though am not having periods so feel it is hormonal. Have had this for six years and not found anything that helps . Has anyone got any ideas? I take zinc daily. Cleanse , tone and moisturise twice a day. It is not like teenage acne - this is one or two huge red, itchy lumps that flare up and go down very slowly. Have tried creams and antibiotics from GP but did nothing and she has run out of ideas, just says hopefully it will calm down as I go through menopause. It is my daughter's wedding in a few months and desperately want a clear skin for that so would be very grateful for any ideas.


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Re: Acne on cheek only. Help please!
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2018, 11:08:17 PM »

Yeah like jeaniewigs says, just try some moisturiser
for sensitive skin, nothing else, if I had that, I'd try stuff like
germoline, or sudocrem, just a little bit on the spots themselves,
have you tried tea tree?
My son suffers spots on his back, where he sweats at work, and he thinks
tea tree oil helps.....just a dab, you can get it from the chemist, I got some from
Hope you get something that helps Rustysmum, let us know...

Jd x


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Re: Acne on cheek only. Help please!
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2018, 07:11:05 AM »

I use Liz Earle products so all very natural and have done for donkeys years, but will try without and see. Have also tried teatree and sudocreme in the past but didn't seem to make any difference. Thanks for the suggestions ladies.🙂


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Re: Acne on cheek only. Help please!
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2018, 08:00:54 PM »

Am 14 months post and still really struggling with horrid acne, but just on my right cheek. It seems to still be cyclical even though am not having periods so feel it is hormonal. Have had this for six years and not found anything that helps . Has anyone got any ideas? I take zinc daily. Cleanse , tone and moisturise twice a day. It is not like teenage acne - this is one or two huge red, itchy lumps that flare up and go down very slowly. Have tried creams and antibiotics from GP but did nothing and she has run out of ideas, just says hopefully it will calm down as I go through menopause. It is my daughter's wedding in a few months and desperately want a clear skin for that so would be very grateful for any ideas.

Hi there

I had something similar - not exactly acne but hot ithcy raised bumps on my cheeks when I was peri-menopausal - and they disappeared once I started HRT - never to return - or rather they started to come back when I came off and reduced dose - but then went again. In my case - defo related to oestrogen deficiency!

Are you on HRT?

Hurdity x



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Re: Acne on cheek only. Help please!
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2018, 08:01:38 PM »

I know this sounds obvious rustysmum but id ditch the skin routine especially the toner as that's the one that'll give you problems before anything else.thats what it sounds like to me and really your gp should be referring you to a dermatologist not just wringing her hands and hoping you'll get fed up going to her by the sounds of it.,she's appalling saying that to you.
I'd suggest you try that for a week just wash your face in cold water every morning and no cleansers no toners and something like “ simple” to moisturise and see how it goes and if no change ask for a referral to a dermatologist,winder how she'd like to have to deal with that and tell her hopefully it'll go away silly moo!! Good luck x / Jeanie 😉

Hi jeaniewigs

I don't think I've "met" you before so just to say   :welcomemm:. I couldn;t find an introductory thread so do introduce yourself in the new members section and let us know where you are in menopause and how we can help :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Acne on cheek only. Help please!
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2018, 11:14:35 PM »

Hi rustysmum. Could it be Rosacea rather than acne?

Taz x


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Re: Acne on cheek only. Help please!
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2018, 09:15:52 AM »

Thanks everyone for your answers. Hurdity - you described it perfectly - that is exactly what it is like. Hot, itchy red lumps that come up and very slowly go down again. That is very reassuring. I have an appointment booked as a new patient to see Jan Toledano at the end of the month with a view to starting BHRT so am hoping it will help. Can I ask if you eventually successfully weaned yourself off Hrt without a permanent return to symptoms ?
Tax 2 different Gos say different things. One says it is acne, another in the distant past treated me for rosacea but nothing either of them gave me helped. Having read Hurdity's perfect description I am hopeful that the BHRT will help and sort me out before my daughter's wedding! I don't want to be the one ‘glowing' like a Belisha beacon on the photos!
Stellajane -  thank you . I will give the witch hazel a go !