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Author Topic: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety  (Read 4982 times)


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2018, 06:46:47 AM »

Glad you got there ok Miabella. Take little steps and hope you have a lovely time x


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2018, 07:32:08 AM »

Thanks Dotty. You're right. Shouldn't think further than the next hour. X


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2018, 07:33:59 AM »

Hi everyone,
I did write my first post last week before I noticed this newbie thread.
I am almost 57, had my last period a year ago. My family are husband, son 23 and daughter 12. Anxiety is my main problem - only started to address the possibility it could be due to menopause with my doctor a few weeks ago. She increased my AD dose - 4 weeks ago now - saw her last week and she wants me to continue with that for a few more weeks, also didn't want to start anything new when I was about to go on holiday.
My main concern right now is how I will cope with anxiety when I'm away. It often feels like working, looking after the house, and just the daily routines are what gets me through the bad spells and all these routines don't exist when you're on holiday. I can't relax when I feel bad so the normal stuff I'd do on holiday like reading probably won't be an option. Also I normally enjoy warmer climates but our recent hot spell in the UK has increased my sweats so am worried how will I cope with 2 weeks of hot weather. I feel so ungrateful not looking forward to a lovely holiday (and when the anxiety eases off I do want to go) and I don't want to spoil it for my husband and daughter. Anyone else had to cope with this and if so, any tips or suggestions?
Thank you all for being here and for reading this xx

You mention that you have just realised with your doctor that your anxiety could be due to the menopause and I am wondering how long you have taken the anti-depressants for? The reason I ask is that since 2015 especially the new NICE Guidelines on menopause do say that these should not be given as first line of treatment for menopausal symptoms but HRT instead - provided there is no medical reason not to take them.

Many doctors unfortunately still seem to be unaware of these guidelines and continue to prescribe ADs only. Low oestrogen ( and previously the fluctuations in peri-menopause) is well recognised as a cause of anxiety and sometimes even depression - if women have not suffered this before in their lives.

Now you are aware of it - perhaps you might like to consider HRT as CLKD suggests? This would be a better treatment than increasing dose of ADs and of course should eliminate flushes and sweats too.

Concentrate on enjoying your holiday now - taking all the advice you have been given and then when you get home maybe think about HRT if your doc hasn;t already mentioned it?

I always worry (for ages) before going on holiday abroad - and I don't suffer from anxiety - all the packing and the organisation and travelling - but once I have left the house and locked the door behind me - I love it!

Have a wonderful day with your daughter on her birthday - Italy sounds lovely :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2018, 10:12:52 AM »

It won't hurt to continue with the ADs.  Regardless of causation. Worry and anxiety are totally different, I have both ..... worry doesn't make me queasy it stays in my head if that makes sense.  Some ladies need HRT, HRT/ADs or ADs alone.  It's trial and error but something to discuss with your GP on your return.

Happy Birthday to your daughter  :cake: and a  :bighug: 4 you.  It could be cortisol that causes the anxiety surges, lack of sustenance at the correct time, being in a strange place, different routine ........... and breath ;-)


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2018, 10:23:39 AM »

Hi Hurdity,
As I have a history of anxiety, and when all this kicked off last autumn I was very worried about a close family member, I really didn't think anything about it being related to the menopause. It was only once that worrying time passed and I wasn't getting any better, plus by then the night sweats had started, that I started to wonder if the menopause was a factor.
I only brought this up with the doctor about 4 weeks ago and she said that it was less easy to assume menopause if I've had anxiety before and that the first thing to try was an increase in my Citalopram. I honestly thought that would do the trick. She said to give it 3 weeks, which I did then went back, and unfortunately by then it was too close to my holiday to start me on something new (I was with her on that as I know sometimes you feel worse before better) so we agreed to keep on with ADs until I get back, at which point she will be fine for me to try HRT.
So my problem really is coping with being on holiday while feeling like this. I'm rubbish company, and the long, lazy days which I'd normally love seem like endless endurance tests when I feel bad. I usually feel better by late afternoon or evening - thank goodness or I'd go mad.
Like so many others have said though, just writing these posts and hearing all the words of empathy, advice and encouragement helps so much. I never would have thought just writing things down would help so much and  I'm so glad you're all there. I hope to be able to support others myself once I get myself sorted out!
Yes Italy is beautiful though not great for the sweats!


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2018, 10:27:18 AM »

My worst time is anything after 3.30 a.m. and I improve during the day.  I think it's because my committments get less towards evening by which time I am a different person.  I have learnt (in the 1990s) never to say 'yes' to anything in the evening as by morning it will prove impossible.  Endurance covers it really well ........... when really ill with anxiety I can't look any further forwards than 20 mins.  :'(.

How's your eating pattern?  If the body is hungry it can cause anxiety surges.  What safe food have you got to nibble on?

How's the weather ;-).  Birthday Girl happy?


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2018, 05:38:43 AM »

I too am 2 different people with anxiety.
Yesterday was better than the previous few days - still had the morning dreads but not so severe and the worst spells were over by about midday? Also noticed had less hot rushes, despite being in 30 degree plus temperatures and no night sweats really either. So is my anxiety controlled by the same hormones as those causing my other menopausal symptoms?
Daughter had a good birthday. She has been a real lifeline to me these last few days Bless her -  I put on a braver face when she's around which helps me not let the anxiety get too strong a hold I think. Hubby finishes his work stint today too so that takes a bit of pressure off me knowing he will now be with us all the time.
I've had lots of words of encouragement and advice from you all over the past few days. I so appreciate them it helps a lot. Thank you. Xx


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2018, 09:13:27 AM »

Cortisol is one hormone that wakes us and can cause anxiety.

Where in Italy are you?  I would love to visit the Lakes but anxiety stops me even considering any arrangements  :'(.  I did go when I was 18 ......


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2018, 05:48:18 AM »

How does one deal with Cortisol? I have been taking a Propranolol last thing and also when I wake up but haven't actually ever felt they help me much. I don't have palpitations, more a tightness around my heart, so maybe that's why they seem to have very little effect.

We are in Tuscany. I totally understand as you know why you feel unable to plan ahead. Maybe you could arrange a very short trip sometime? Have been to the Italian lakes and it's beautiful there. Much cooler than further south too


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2018, 10:27:21 AM »

That sounds lovely.  I am watching le Tour from the comfort of our sofa ;-). 

Cortisol arrives with me in great surges.  I can feel hot water in my veins, it scared me initially until I realised what it was.  20mg Propranolol at night helps to ease those surges.  Initially it was 80mg twice a day (2002) then dropped to 40mg at night which I halved due to background headaches on walking.  Now it's 20mg.  Plus an AD, 10mg at night and 5 at breakfast.  Also I have to keep grazing to stop that awful nausea when my body gets hungry.

What's the view like this morning?  Post card please  ;D


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2018, 12:49:23 PM »

Now moved to our 2nd place in Tuscany where we'll be for the rest of the holiday. Internet access limited though.

Was shocked as slept until just before 8am this morning - first time in weeks I've managed to get beyond 5.30 or earlier. Scared to hope that maybe finally after 4 weeks the increased dose of AD is kicking in or that this bad spell is over. So nice to feel something close to my old self though.


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2018, 02:12:54 PM »

Enjoy!   Don't do too much or you will use up your energy  ;)


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2018, 02:17:51 PM »

That's good news Miabella hope it continues for the rest of your holiday enjoy.

Lanzalover x


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2018, 08:24:13 PM »

Really good to hear that Miabella.
Carry on doing what your doing, it's working lol
Enjoy the rest of your holiday, wish I was

Jd x


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Re: Newbie - going on holiday tomorrow - struggling with anxiety
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2018, 10:53:54 AM »

 I was reading your post with interest. I find before a holiday the thought of making it happen increases my anxiety but after a few days I always sleep better and therefore feel better then things improve.  I think lack of sleep plays a huge part in fuelling anxiety; especially if it is already high. As you are generally doing more walking and are more distracted on holiday I usually eventually get a longer and better sleep. After a bad period of insomnia I now take some Nytol and GP sleeping table on holiday. I rarely use them but it helps knowing they are there. I remember a tough day at Logoland on only a zero sleep night. I get so cross with myself. Do let us know how you got on.
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