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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?  (Read 14973 times)


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2018, 07:51:57 PM »

Hello Tempest,
'She said yeah, I'm the stealer...' It's yours, babe  :great:

Conolly X


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #46 on: July 10, 2018, 07:58:13 PM »

 ;D LOVE it!!!! xxxx


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #47 on: July 10, 2018, 08:02:29 PM »

Laughter is the best medicine.  We should do more of it. :)


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #48 on: July 10, 2018, 08:07:13 PM »

Conolly I'm glad to hear you are over the worst and that mindfulness has helped you through this horrific part of life,I just pray that there is light at the end of this very long dark tunnel xx

Thank you Lisa1966, there is a light, I just pray it's not the train coming to hit us lol. We ought to keep laughing at this menolarkey, otherwise we're done! And it's so good to have others to share and learn from their experiences.
Conolly X


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #49 on: July 10, 2018, 08:07:54 PM »

Totally agree, Shadyglade  ;D


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #50 on: July 10, 2018, 08:09:34 PM »

Hello again ladies.

I think it's reasonable to wonder if emotional problems are truly due to the menopause or perhaps have another cause. I have certainly worried about my mental state during this time. My flushes have never been drenching but I almost welcome them when I feel panicky because it reassures me that my difficulties are basically hormonal and hopefully will pass one day either with or without HRT. I'm hoping to grow out of them!

 Stories from people like Carol Vorderman and Meg Matthews who have spoken of suicidal depression and crippling anxiety brought on by the menopause have also reassured me that I'm not alone in experiencing predominantly emotional symptoms.

When the menopause was first mentioned I bought a book on the subject written by an MD and a paragraph in the chapter headed Emotional Symptoms was very clear about the range of problems that we can encounter. I have quoted it before but I hope that another look will help some ladies.

' For many women , menopausal mood changes resemble a roller coaster ride. Women describe sensations such as trembling, fluttering, unease and discomfort. More severe feelings of anxiety or panic can arise with little provocation. Tasks that you used to be able to tackle can leave you in total disarray. Mood swings from elation to despondency are common. Your patience is easily exhausted. The future may look hopeless, your loss of self esteem is precipitous and you my feel truly depressed.‘.

As we know, there are many symptoms of the menopause and I've had my fair share but it's the above paragraph that accurately describes my journey and I've taken comfort from learning that these problems were acknowledged and well understood, even back in 1994 when the book was first published!

I hope this information is of help to some ladies, especially the newbies who have not read it before.

I know how vulnerable and sensitive we can feel when our emotions are in turmoil and we are desperate for relief so when we can support  each other without judgement it is a precious and wonderful thing.

Wishing everyone well and hugs to all.



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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #51 on: July 10, 2018, 08:15:58 PM »

Thanks Kathleen that's very true for a lot of us ladies,these symptoms are the least understood by gps,it's very frustrating xx


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #52 on: July 10, 2018, 08:16:31 PM »

Hello K,

Thank you very much. This is truly enlightening.

Conolly X


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #53 on: July 10, 2018, 08:19:27 PM »

I absolutely agree that laughter is the best medicine,but I have to admit that my sense of humour has left home at the moment,I can't wait for the day it comes home,maybe it will come home with the football xx


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #54 on: July 10, 2018, 08:35:45 PM »

Let's hope so, Lisa1966! 🍀 😁


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #55 on: July 10, 2018, 08:37:08 PM »

That paragraph you quoted from your book Kathleen, was exactly
what happened to me, to the last letter....
Some nights I thought I'd end up in a mental hospital.
Some nights I thought I was going to die, so I'd prepare for it,
I even wrote short letters to my sons because I was convinced ‘something ‘
was going to happen to me.....I'd literally just shake sitting on the edge of my bed,
not being able to truly let anyone know how I was feeling, because I thought they'd
think I was going mad...
All the letters are destroyed now, and I often think what a fool I was, how I got through
those days, I'll never was truly the worst time of my life...
So now , I'm just so thankful for the hrt I'm on, I definitely don't want anything
like that back again....

Jd x


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #56 on: July 10, 2018, 08:58:34 PM »

Ok, this is my final comment on my last day on this forum:

I have not been pushing an HRT agenda. I'm fully aware that some women don't want or can't take HRT and I've posted numerous supportive comments on a whole range of things that have nowt to do with HRT (including insomnia, anxiety, exercise, migraine, diet, drug interactions, and relieving the pain of VA). I've shared my experiences, I've empathised, and I've occasionally pointed out something that's scientifically inaccurate. I've received help and tried to be helpful back.

However the first post on this thread annoyed me as I've already explained, I personally felt it was anti-HRT and in a number of ways suggested that those of us taking HRT are in denial about ageing and all we need to do is live a healthy lifestyle. I'm not having my choices criticised when my choice has literally saved my life.
I concluded earlier in a post today that we will just have to agree to disagree, which I see has been followed by an accusation of me making “personal attacks”. I'm not hanging around to be accused of personal attacks.


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #57 on: July 10, 2018, 09:46:12 PM »

Hello Wilks,

Goodness, I wasn't talking about you... there are other heated discussions going on. I apologise if it sounded like that. You have done a great job so far, don't go away because of this. Peace.
Conolly X


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #58 on: July 10, 2018, 10:19:58 PM »

Kathleen, thank you so much for sharing that paragraph.  :)

Ok, for those that do not know me from 'before', I will share my own experience again and clear up some misunderstandings about my title post.

I underwent oopherectomy for suspected ovarian cancer aged 46. Luckily, my complex cyst was benign on pathology. My Mum died of ovarian cancer when she was 54 - diagnosed aged 42.

I went without HRT for over a year post surgery and whilst it was rough, things were improving. I then read a lot of articles online and in the media about how I should be on HRT and against the advice of my surgeon who advised I persevere as my symptoms were manageable, I embarked on my HRT journey. At that time, I joined this forum..

I then tried various types of estrogen with fairly spectacularly bad results - but what I didn't know then was that I also had relapsing remitting MS.

I was completely sure in my own head that my symptoms must have been all menopausal, so continued to play around desperately with HRT doses and types, under the supervision of both my NHS consultant (who was helpful) and a private consultant who wasn't, and who prescribed me my last disastrous prescription last year that actually ended up with me being admitted to hospital for treatment (the Consultant subsequently then refunded my fees in full after my husband contacted them and told them what had happened as a result of their prescribing).

Fast forward, I now suffer from severe episodes of panic and episodic depression -  mainly in relation to the events of the last 2 years. I continue to have the 'classic' menopause symptoms, and still see my operating surgeon, have access to Prof. Lumsden's team if needed, am under an endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist and a psychiatrist.

I have spent much time picking apart what might be going on for me menopause symptom wise, and what might be due to trauma and my other health conditions. What I can say from own experience - and this is ME - is that until I picked up so much stress with these events, my body was coping BETTER (as was mind) despite undiagnosed MS than it is now. I have of course again tried HRT recently and was hopeful it might help for symptomatic relief under close medical supervision. Sadly, it was evident very quickly that I would not be able to tolerate it.

So - my post isn't anti HRT (I was prepared to give it another go myself), nor is it 'sour grapes' because I cannot take it.

It is more a reflection on how we need to know ourselves - listen to what our bodies and minds are telling us, don't assume everything is menopause related and that we must above all take care of ourselves in general and LIMIT STRESS above all else. Stress has a more detrimental effect on the body and mind than anything else, and limiting it during the transition of menopause means that we a) keep our other stress hormones in check such as cortisol (which rises anyway as we age) - which accelerates the ageing process, can contribute to abdominal obesity, developnent of insulin resistance etc.
b) safeguard against developing new or worsening mental health problems which can persist post menopause such as generalised anxiety or depression which may not respond to HRT.

I hope this clears up a few things - and Wilks, I hope you won't leave as all members opinions are valued. xxxx


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Re: Are You SURE It's All The Menopause?
« Reply #59 on: July 10, 2018, 11:41:38 PM »

Great post, Tempest.

I'm also a living evidence of what you're saying. Whilst on HRT (3 months) my anxiety levels skyrocketed. I have blood clotting issues and doctors saying transdermal is safer didn't alleviate my fears. Obviously I have other issues going on (stress, family, ageing) and I was hoping that HRT would provide some relief so I could manage them, but it was the other way around. I stopped and felt better immediately. I'm not saying I will never try it again, I just don't like the way I've been convinced to start it  when a lot of other issues were going on.
It looked like a nice idea (no pun intended) when in fact it's a big decision and you should be functioning, at least brain wise, to be able to made an informed and reasonable decision. I know that's not easy but it should be made clear that there are other options. They can demand more effort but are also less risky.

Conolly  X
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 12:27:23 AM by Conolly »
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