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Author Topic: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals  (Read 1396 times)


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unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« on: June 26, 2018, 04:49:40 PM »

Hi. Over some years now I have had disconcerting symptoms of ageing of skin that is rapid and dramatic. At intervals a section of my body, usually on and around face and neck is 'targeted' and slightly different characteristics occur with each area. Right now I am receiving another outburst of skin transformation around my eyes. It has happened here on several occasions whereby irritation occurs, a reddening and sometimes inflaming of the skin as an onslaught of many new lines and wrinkles appear - all at once - and stay. At other times in areas such as my neck it happened with a rash whereby spots would appear, split into lines then move all around my neck in this way until it had split into many lines and completely changed the texture of my skin. Usually the changes take place over a period of 1-2weeks. It shatters my confidence and makes me feel a freak - especially since if I am dating somebody they meet me looking a certain way then a few weeks later I have put on a few more years.
It is not something I can communicate easily to people since it sounds so unlikely in spite of the evidence in front of them - but it's not a process I can request they observe and follow as evidence. I have documented the process over a period of time with photos and shown the doctor who confirms what I see but says that there are not answers for everything.
I greatly fear and wonder if the HRT has an adverse affect on me and if none of this would have happened if I had let nature do it's thing without interference. However, I have taken HRT for nearly 5 years now and am equally afraid of what may happen if I withdraw since it has replaced any remaining hormones I may have had.
Talking about and sharing skin ageing seems a taboo subject, and it is hard to know what other peoples experiences are. Does anybody recognise similar symptoms to what I am describing? I do not want it to be assigned to my imagination - this is happening, is very real and alarming. I am 53 years old and very quickly looking many years older. It's true that I have sensitive thin skin, which may have relevance as to how I am ageing. Any experiences shared would be welcome.


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Re: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2018, 08:39:18 PM »

Hi srarfish26.
I have no idea what has happened to your skin, but I know what you mean about the ageing.
When I look at photos of myself only a couple years ago, I can see how I have aged.
I too have wrinkles appearing on the side of my mouth, which makes me so embarrassed
when I catch sight of them, and also my neck has started to go crapey. All of which I absolutely
hate, with a passion.
Have you had any undue stress,? I know I have, over the last 4/5 years, plus having to deal
with this meno rollercoaster, all of which ,I think takes it toll.
You say you've shown the doctor, so at least it's nothing sinister. Could it be you need to change
the hrt you are on, I know some hrt,s can cause brown marks on the face, (can't remember
they're name), so maybe it could be that? I don't know....
Try not to stress too much about it, that'll make it worse.
I'm sorry I have no answer for you, and hope someone else can help..
Keep us informed, take care,

Jd xx


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Re: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2018, 12:53:26 PM »

These sound suspiciously like eczema outbreaks to me.  xxxx


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Re: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2018, 04:07:25 PM »

Hello starfish26 and welcome to the forum.

I can't help you I'm afraid but inflammation is a feature of eczema  ( as suggested by Tempest ) or possibly other auto immune conditions. According to Louise Newson oestrogen has an anti inflammatory effect so your HRT may infact be helping your skin. Perhaps the best thing is to ask for a referral to a dermatologist for specialist advice.

Take care and hopefully you will get the treatment you need and please keep us updated.



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Re: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2018, 06:51:38 PM »

Hi Starfish26

I can't say either what has happened to your skin but I'm the same age as you and also very concerned with anti angeing and keeping my skin looking as good as possible.  Can I ask what hrt you are on?  As mentioned I believe hrt has a positive effect on skin. Also, do you smoke?  What about alcohol? Both are synonymous with badly ageing skin.

As the others say you may have to see a skin expert to find out just exactly what is happening, at least it'll give you peace of mind, and maybe some coping strategies.

I personally take concentrated fish oil, drink lots of water, eat half an advocado every day (good fats) and wear sunscreen, and these measures seem to be working.

Hope you get to the bottom if it as I know how distressing this meno journey can be x


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Re: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2018, 08:19:14 PM »

Thanks for your replies - I'm new to this site so I had not realised until now that my message had responses. It is not eczma that is the cause of these intermittent (and increasingly more frequent) outbursts. The rash and accompanying symptoms come - does it's business of ageing ie - adding a glut of lines and wrinkles all at once then subsides. I know the pattern enough now to see that this is how my skin is ageing. It's disconcerting that it can't be little by little but happens in large swathes in a matter of weeks. I will have to live with the distress because I don't think I will find answers. I was hoping that somebody else may have the same thing happen, because it's depressing and alienating to have unrecognised freaky symptoms. The doctor said that my immune system appears intact - I had thought that I had an auto immune disease as another reader suggests - and I have had dermatological tests, but when symptoms are rare or unheard of it does not fall into the realm of a dermatologists expertise or knowledge.


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Re: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2018, 09:34:23 PM »

I wonder Starfish if that has to do with stopping your hrt. Is it possible when we stop taking exogenous estrogen it can cause a shock to our skin and we age more quickly?


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Re: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2018, 07:09:07 AM »

Morning starfish26

I noticed a huge change in face and body skin in the last 7/8 months (just turned 57) and for the first time very much looked as if I was aging quickly, its been a marked difference.  It timed with my night heats and other menopause symptoms worsening. I think HRT keeps the skin in better condition (I'm unable to take it), but everyone reacts differently. Sever lack of sleep doesn't help that 'bloom' either! If your Dr is not convinced it is a medical condition, maybe it is worth seeing a dermatologist (may have to pay privately for this, which I understand isn't always an option). If the dermatologist is unable to find a medical reason, as you say, it may just be the way your skin is aging, at least they will be able to reassure you and hopefully lessen the anxiety. This is very real to you and I can feel the anxiety it is causing you, but I am sure this is much more apparent to you in a way that it isn't to other people.  Enjoy those dates and concentrate on the person you are with, I bet you'll have a lovely time x


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Re: unusual blitz of accelerated ageing of skin at intervals
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2018, 12:33:40 PM »

Hi there

It's disheartening isn't it! My skin was looking pretty good until I lost a shed load of weight with gallstones. It's great for my body and health but my face has taken the brunt (and tummy but that can be disguised  ;D).

It makes me feel really old now, especially with the blooming camera on the phone if I accidentally have it pointing at me, seems to emphasise every wrinkle, sod high-definition, need some Vaseline on the lens!

The only thing is eat healthily, drink lots of water, exercise, a good haircut and clothes and look and feel young from the inside.

I hope they can get to the bottom of your skin condition but I'm sure your date will like you for who you are. Take care...
