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Author Topic: Heightened sexual urges during a uti  (Read 13639 times)


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Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« on: June 26, 2018, 03:10:58 PM »

Has anyone experience of feeling like you want to orgasm constantly even though it's the last thing on your mind? My sister has been suffering with recurrent uti over the last year but this last one has included feeling sexually aroused all the time. She also suffers with anxiety and wonders if it's adrenalin surges. Have any of you ladies suffered like this? She has also suffered with bleeding during sex and passing urine. At the moment her anxiety is really bad mainly due to the weird symptoms.   She is 57 and post menopausal.


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2018, 03:26:26 PM »

Yep.  :sigh:

I was able to relieve the symptoms of a UTI - which wasn't one - by getting an orgasm.

Has your sister had urine samples sent to a Lab. for testing?  It is the ONLY way to check for bacteria, the dip stick test in the Surgery don't tell the truth.  How has she been treated?   Maybe she needs to try HRT for vaginal atrophy?  :-\


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2018, 03:43:54 PM »

The last sample was clear but had only been dipped. Dr wants to do bloods and a scan before going any further. I suggested she needs treatment for atrophy but Dr seemed reluctant until results from the scan are in. She said that she doesn't want sex as she is so sore down there. She just wants it to go away!!


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2018, 04:23:47 PM »

Cecelia you are one gem of a sister.Advise your sister to persist with gp she needs pain relief and comfort now not when tests come back, she will get relief within days on a vaginal atrophy regime like estriol cream or vagifem pessaries.
Meantime can I suggest you get some raw organic cold pressed coconut oil from Holland and Barrat,it's only £2-50 for a small tub,and get her to smear it all over vaginal area,it's antibacterial so helps with numerous things but the main thing is it's so soothing and will give her instant relief.
Bless your heart for taking such good care of her.xx


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2018, 06:48:40 PM »

Daisydot thank you for taking the time to reply, just had a text from her to say she's on the way to hospital . Terrible dragging pain and feels desperate to pee. Was in Holland and Barrett today as someone had advised using soya tablets. Will text her now to let her know about  the cold pressed coconut oil. Feel so helpless :(


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2018, 07:18:16 PM »

No def don't use soya it can really irritate the bladder it was awful when I tried it.she really sounds like it's va so hopefully the hosp will check her vaginally not just her urine and see the atrophy she should try make them do that.good luck x


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2018, 07:52:40 PM »

Hospital said urine full of white blood cells and blood. Given her antibiotics so should feel relief within 48hrs. Hopefully her anxiety should ease a little  :'(


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2018, 08:11:25 PM »

That's great she's gotten some answers Cecelia so still go ahead with the coconut oil because the antibiotic will probably cause thrush so the coconut oil is excellent at helping with that.make sure she drinks plenty water to flush out the infection too then when she's feeling less anxious get her to gp to insist on treatment for the v.a.this will help immensely with her battle against uti infections in the future.x


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2018, 08:37:16 PM »

Thank you daisydot the hospital advised her to get treatment for the VA. The nurse seemed very surprised that her Dr only suggested a scan when she was so clearly in great pain and distress. The infection had really taken hold and been lucky not to be hospitalised. Will be going to Holland and Barrett tomorrow for some coconut oil, and insists she throws the soya pills!


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2018, 09:22:53 PM »

She's so blessed to have you in her corner ceceila.if you have kindle have a look for Angela kilmartins book on urinary tract infections its a fab book old but still very relevant today ( the patients encyclopedia) she will give her some life changing tips on dealing with uti infections.very basic stuff and so simple to follow. I found it a huge help myself so have a read then if it appeals to you buy it well done again xx.


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2018, 10:42:32 PM »

The Hospital is wrong  :bang: - the ONLY way to find out a bug is to grow a sample of urine: which takes 3-5 days in a Lab., then prescribe the appropriate AB!  Pain relief and treatment for vaginal atrophy, which does NOT require any scanning etc., will ease symptoms.  Take it from one who knows, it was like razor blades up there  >:(

All my non-infection urine samples had blood and white cells in. When sent to a Lab. they grew nowt!  Pain can be relieved with over-the-counter medication.  ABs will ease symptoms ........... but this is why the World will be having more and more difficulty with bugs becoming resistant because medics seem to be badly informed. 



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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2018, 06:01:22 AM »

Thank you daisydot I have just been onto my amazon account and ordered her the book. I'm so grateful for you taking the time to respond. I've only ever had one uti in my life,that was a couple months ago. I'm post menopausal myself so clearly it's something I could possibly suffer from in the future :-\


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2018, 06:20:01 AM »

Good morning Cecelia.what kind of night did she have better I hope,sometimes it just helps to ease the anxiety if you know your getting help from somewhere.The important thing now is to keep flushing out any infection and get the v.a seen to asap,sometimes the blood in urine is as a result of severe v.a and not a urine infection the v.a mimics urine infections so the nurse has played safe giving her the antibiotics in case the infection travels to the kidneys.the most common uti is caused by ecoli but you can read all about this in the book you'll enjoy her no nonsense approach,it will help you both.If you are post meno yourself make sure you don't suffer in silence and at the first sign of any problems with your undercarriage get it seen to right away,hooefully you'll be one of the lucky ones who sails through meno but if not don't struggle along.v.a treatment is for life it doesent get better it's just up on this forum about it there's lots of good advice.x


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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2018, 06:56:09 AM »

Yes it can cause this feeling , reason being the pudendal nerve is in the whole genital area ( goes up to the brain ) it's a motory and sensory nerve .

It's in the urethra, clitoris , vulva , vagina , rectum everywhere .

It's other main job is the sensation of orgasms , so irritated bladder can very often give the feelings of arousal OR arousal due to an irritated pudendal nerve can give the feelings of a UTI ( chicken and egg ) .

There is a condition called PGAD permanent genital arousal disorder .

If UTI is not seeming to be the problem , then a specialist women's health physio can help a lot , as she probably also has a hypertonic ( over tight pelvic ) which tightens around the pudnedal nerve.

Obviously this is all “ guess work “ from what has been said , but once all obvious things are ruled out via specialists then this is where I would head.

BTW your average specialist won't know about this , it's quite specialist .



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Re: Heightened sexual urges during a uti
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2018, 06:59:14 AM »

Also excellent site , and why UTI testing is so inaccurate.
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