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Author Topic: Which NHS meopause clinics prescribe testosterone in Derbyshire or Manchester?  (Read 3212 times)


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I have waited 5 months for an appointment at my local hospital so the GP says she will refer me to another one as well and I can take whichever appointment comes first. I haven't been able to find out which ones will prescribe testoterone. So I would be grateful for any info about any clinic in Derbyshire (particularly Chesterield & Buxton) or Manchester (I believe Salford & Bolton do). Sheffield is also within travelling distance but not sure if I'm allowed there as it's in Yorkshire.


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Hi Sheila. I think it depends on your age and whether you have had ovaries removed. Why not call them? There is a list of menopause clinics at  the top of the page under Specialists or something like that. That's what I did and found that for me, at the age of 57, it sadly would not be prescribed. Good luck and let us know.

Taz x


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The NICE Guidelines make provision for testosterone to be prescribed off licence to women who are already taking HRT but have low libido - but as there is no licensed product for women, then even menopause clinics and consultant gynaecologists may not prescribe it - as Taz reports of her local menopause clinic. It is so hit and miss eg I can get it from my local GP practice - very unfair for those who would benefit from it but can't get hold of it.

Hurdity x


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My GP won't prescribe it because of the licence, I don't blame her as she has to take responsibility for it. I didn't know about the age discrimination, a bit worrying as I'm 57 too. I'll try ringing other clinics but my local one won't tell me if they prescribe it or not. They won't even tell me how long the waiting list is. I have an implant at the moment but would like gel in future as I don't want another scar. I thought the 6 month life-span would be plenty of time to be seen on the NHS but it seems that was too optimistic.


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Everything just proves how much of a lottery postcode healthcare is.  I was referred to gynae clinic (nhs) in March and thought I'd be waiting months so joined the list for Louise Newsons private waiting list.  Nhs got me an appt for late May but I couldn't make that one because of work commitments so went yesterday instead yet I've still not heard from the private one

It's all so wrong, it shouldn't matter where you live, we should all be more or less equal x


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I've given up with that one Annie.I actually get on far better treating myself now,again I've been trying for two weeks putting in repeat requests for my vagifem script online saying I couldn't use the estring as I couldn't fit in my small touché it was too big and was really hard and rubbery and I couldn't do it so gave up but again no fed up with it all nhs and private.
I'm stopping it now ive had enough.ill continue to buy all my meds when I'm abroad now and yes I know not everyone has that option but I do and I'm taking it.Im sticking to a regime of oestrogel once daily and vagifem 2 or 3 weekly as that's what works for me and I'll see a gynie in Spain for the occasional check up,that'll cost me around 20 euros a month for those meds and the peace of mind and lack of bloody stress is the way you can also buy T otc in Spain it's exactly the same one I was prescribed here Tostran 2% one squirt on alternate days it'll last around 6 months so well worth the trip for me if I decide to go back on it at a later date.xx


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I'm so glad you have a back up plan Daisydot, but it shouldn't have to be this way.

If you ever need me for anything let me know.  I'm there September x


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Hi Annie I've just had a phone call there from docs apologising.mst be secret mm.lurkers lol
Script will be done today for vagifem I put in mail I couldn't put in estring and they were fine and apologetic it hasn't been done.Thats all we ask isn't it please listen to our consultants recommendations and act on them and if it doesent work we need to be able to come back and discuss with our GPS.
Annie I have stockpiled hrt that i bought in spain and in uk in my drawer under bed lol but thanks so much for your kind offer and again I'm so happy your in a good place now well done you xx


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Hi Annie I've just had a phone call there from docs apologising.mst be secret mm.lurkers lol
Script will be done today for vagifem I put in mail I couldn't put in estring and they were fine and apologetic it hasn't been done.Thats all we ask isn't it please listen to our consultants recommendations and act on them and if it doesent work we need to be able to come back and discuss with our GPS.
Annie I have stockpiled hrt that i bought in spain and in uk in my drawer under bed lol but thanks so much for your kind offer and again I'm so happy your in a good place now well done you xx

Bless you.  I'm the same, I have hrt stashed in every nook and cranny in my bedroom, I've been a secret hoarder xx


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Well I went to chemist today and my vagifem plus a can of oestrogel were all ready and waiting on me as per consultants instructions,it's never said that on the script before either so maybe at long last we are making a dent and a bit of progress Annie lol.x


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We can only hope Daisydot..  we don't give up without a bloody fight x


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My GP won't prescribe it because of the licence, I don't blame her as she has to take responsibility for it. I didn't know about the age discrimination, a bit worrying as I'm 57 too. I'll try ringing other clinics but my local one won't tell me if they prescribe it or not. They won't even tell me how long the waiting list is. I have an implant at the moment but would like gel in future as I don't want another scar. I thought the 6 month life-span would be plenty of time to be seen on the NHS but it seems that was too optimistic.
Hi sheila99. I remember many years ago before I had the hysterectomy my gp at the time used to give me a pain killing injection then put an implant into my tummy,about the size of a rice grain,he did this every month for about three months and then said yes I needed a hysterectomy but I can't remember much else I was so young and scared and in pain all the time and I'd no idea what and why this was being done I just trusted him and never questioned him.I wonder now if it was a hormone of some kind he was giving has left me with a small scar at the site.
Anyway I got an appointment exactly 6 months after my gp had referred me on the nhs even after I had told her in writing to cancel because I was staying with the private meno consultant and I explained to the gynies secretary when she phoned to ask why I'd cancelled that I'd no need for her and gp knew this and was waiting their time to point score.I go to mr parsons at Nuffield health in leamingtin spa he has no problem prescribing the T if that's what you need but he will make sure you've jumped through the hoops but I would think because you've had implants, your pretty much there to meet his criteria for 61 now and he's just recently prescribed for me age was never a barrier with him,I've decided at the moment not to continue with it because I don't like the feeling I get it's like I'm over aroused and I can't calm it down,know it's very early days but when I've stopped it that feeling goes away then it's back when I resume so I'm going with my instincts and stopping it for a while.good luck and I think you'll be one if the lucky ones with your gp if you do get it prescribed privately or otherwise I reckon she'll be happy to then give you it in the nhs ,my lot wouldn't.xx


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Hi Daisydot,
Was it Zoladex that he was giving you, perhaps?
Wilks x


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I genuinely don't know wilks but it certainly fits the bill when i checked it out.I don't regret having it then having the hysterectomy it was the best thing I ever did my pmt and pain was off the scale and that all was fine for ten years id say then I started with meno symptoms and the rest is history.thanks for finding that out for me though I always wondered but just didn't understand enough or what to ask.xx