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Author Topic: Elleste duet  (Read 1815 times)


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Elleste duet
« on: May 04, 2018, 07:07:33 PM »

Just a question and any past experiences or advice I thank you all in advance
I've been prescribed Elleste Duet 1mg
Ive bleed everyday since Christmas , huge clots most days , pain , light days (although  still change pads every hr)and other menopausal symptoms
Consultant offered Merina , abrasion , zoladex and I had 2 weeks to decide
Returned and said would try merina and after examining was told  my body would likely  expel merina as my lining is so thick ,along with  my heavy bleeding also  thought abrasion the equipment would not work and 6 months waiting list and he change mind about zoladex .
So hence said HRT for 4 mths to get me regular and would review
I'm just so confused as when I read info it's all for post menopause and they are saying I'm peri menopause as I've had bleeding (since  2012 I've been having eractic periods and all menopausal symptoms)
I've now taken it for 7 days and I'm more tired than before ( actually fell asleep whilst at work  :o not good as a TA
Thinking my actute bone pain is easier ,mood and sweats the same and bleeding still profoundly
Am I wishing this to work to soon ?
Will I ever stop bleeding
I was given a lHysteroscopy last November and given the all clear to the big C but lining extremely thick
All I get is well you have Endometrial hyperplasia so !!!!!!!
Does anyone know when I will stop bleeding? How does the green and white pills work ??
Thank you all for any advice
Also was told to visit GP for repeat prescriptions and bloods for anemia!!!!


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Re: Elleste duet
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2018, 05:40:54 AM »

Hi jules,I don't have any experience of this,but I have just typed in elleste duet bleeding in the search bar and there r lots of comments there.hope this helps.
       Lisa x


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Re: Elleste duet
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2018, 07:49:59 AM »

Hi Jules18,
I was on Elleste Duet 1mg Sequential HRT for nearly a year due to severe menopause symptoms that started at 44, then my periods stopped completely at 45, and I went on hrt at 46. It stopped all my symptoms so it was god sent, but my bleeds were a bit erratic and heavier my periods used to be and after the initial 6 months they were supposed to settle into a regular pattern but didn't, so investigations started and I also was found to have simple hyperplasia without atypia and endometrial thickness 6mm, and all hell broke lose.

The white pills are estrogen only
The green pills are estrogen and progestin
The ideal bleed pattern is to start the bleed after you've finished the green pills but not everyone fits into that box nicely!

The endometrial thickness is down to too much estrogen and not enough opposition from progestin. You didn't say if you are on 1mg or 2mg Elleste?
The erratic bleeding is acceptable in the first 6 months but after that it's investigated because the thickened endometrial lining could become a problem but don't panic, there's a lot that can be done.
What is the latest in your situation?
AndieKC xx


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Re: Elleste duet
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2018, 07:53:16 AM »

Jules, I be just realised that you did say it's 1mg Elleste so it is the lowest dose you are on already.

The Mirena is recommended for the endometrial thickening and hyperplasia  - did they tell you how thick is lining ? And which kind of hyperplasia you have?

There is simple and complex hyperplasia and it can with atypia (worse) or without atypia (better).

Hope it helps


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Re: Elleste duet
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2018, 07:09:16 AM »

Thanks Andie KC
I've never been told actually what the combination of the tablets were just
Well if the consultant says take them do so !!!
GP so very unsympathetic and unhelpful
When I asked for a repeat prescription the GP wasn't going to prescribe until confirmation from consultant even though I had letter from consultant confirming my consultation ( there's hadn't arrived  >:( ) was then told the surgery would be calling me back to do full health cq before anymore repeat prescriptions would be issued
Let's just say no call back , and when I challenged was told well your on a repeat so don't worry !!!!

You asked about my lining when I was last scan I was told my thickness was approximately 16mm

I have been taking the Ellest since April and some of my symptoms are better
(Moods) flushes seem to increase on certain days of taking tablets
I'm not bleeding as much in between said periods , but still not 100% regular
I do have an extremely heavy bleed with big clots the 1st 7-10 days after the green tablets so I'm assuming this is my period and then I spot throughout still

I'm hoping I maybe prescribed something to help with this ?

How long do you think I would be allowed to stay on this medication?

Thanks for any advice in this rocky journey us ladies have to take
