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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Weird Fears Anyone?  (Read 9233 times)


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2018, 12:24:57 PM »

Hello jillydoll and KSB.

Thank you ladies for your responses.

I agree that the logical part of our brains is trying to help us identify and avoid anything that makes us feel anxious. For me the weird fears only arise if I am already feeling jittery and when the sensations suddenly disappear ( as they often do ) I am calm and reasonable again.

I will keep searching for the solution to this horrible problem and if I find something that definitely works I'll be sure to let you all know!

Thanks again ladies for your time and take care.


Hinari hot flush

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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2018, 09:29:18 PM »

I find the slightest wee thing can cause me to get a bit worked up but I find it worse when im in new situations or getting over a flush


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2018, 11:58:30 AM »

I had already been feeling anxious yesterday evening and had to turn a DVD off which I had been looking forward to watching.  I was in a bit of a state in the middle of the night, where the sight or sound of this and that made me feel scared and anxious. With the very light mornings, I just couldn't sleep, which got me even worse and brought on the usual symptoms.  What eventually got me back to sleep was slowly day-dreaming my way through my childhood home, room by room, up the stairs and down the corridor, out into the garden. Nice, really..........took away all my anxiety and relaxed me completely. :)


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2018, 03:13:44 PM »

The other thing.  When counting coppers to change into silver, it crosses my mind that the coins will be upset when put into the 'wrong' piles  :-\.  It's copper for goodness sake  :kick:  ::)

KSB - these feelings are different 4 me to the panic attacks.  I would worry on 1 busy stretch of road as there is no where to pull off, it's twisty and windy and people drive faster than they should do.  Add to that my body being hungry and the worry would begin prior to even getting in the
car  :(.


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2018, 04:34:16 PM »

Hello Hinari hot flush and dulciana and thank you for your comments.

My internal shaking is really persistent today unfortunately. I can't work out if the jittery feelings bring on my anxiety or if the anxiety causes the jitters but  it is at these times that I become panicky and fearful. One thing I do know is that all  the distressing feelings can suddenly disappear and I am left wondering what I was so upset about! 

Thanks again ladies and I wish you all a calm and pleasant evening.



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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2018, 04:59:43 PM »

I've had this experience and so has a friend of mine I think it's fall of oestrogen  levels , an irrational fear spreads over you and makes you really scared for no apparent reason they are known as the doom and gloom feelings because that's exactly how you feel at that precise moment, mine dissapeared after increasing My Hrt. I've also had feelings of somebody watching me when I've been at home with just me and my Husband, another one when we bought some wicker baskets for storage, whilst my husband was putting them together the smell of them made me feel very scared so much so that I went upstairs until they were built and then used air freshener
To get rid of smell.

When I was unaware I was in peri menopause I was even scared to leave the house!!!



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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2018, 06:31:49 PM »

Hello Smokey1234 and welcome to the forum.

Your comment about an irrational fear and feeling scared for no reason certainly resonates with me!

I am pleased that your symptoms resolved after increasing your HRT and hopefully I'll feel better as I increase my dose. No wonder we think we are going mad at this time in our lives!

Thanks again for posting and take care.



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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2018, 09:28:41 AM »

Oh yes! This is exactly how I'm feeling right now. Just suddenly crept up on me and I feel completely irrational!!

I've just posted a question actually as I was feeling so rubbish.

I've even cancelled the man that was coming to trim the hedge as I just cannot face the extra burden of having to talk to him! It's ridiculous!! Help what has happened to me? It's like some one has kidnapped the rational me?!?!

Oh phew... it's not just me! Was beginning to really doubt my sanity there for a minute!

I wonder if my meds need adjustment (2 pumps Estradiol, 100mg Utrogestan Daily).

Can't go on like this.... is it just a bump in the road?



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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2018, 07:13:02 PM »

The potato thing I can relate to. It is the association part of your brain "remembering" that you felt panicky at the moment you looked at them. My friend is scared to drive on the motorway because that's where she had her first panic attack. The brain associates remembers and pictures fear and tricks us into thinking we fear that very thing. You just felt anxious at that precise moment and it could easily have been something else. It is anxiety and low serotonin you're not mad xx

Oh, KSB, I completely sympathise with your friend.  The last time I drove on a motorway - eight years ago - I had a panic attack each time I passed a slip road, four in all.  I can remember feeling as though each one was going to be my last moment.  I haven't driven on a motorway since then and quite frankly, I couldn't do it now.     :-\


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2018, 08:26:56 PM »

Sometimes I vaguely think 'is this the last time we will go on a drive and get back safely'  :-\


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2018, 05:18:15 PM »

Omg Jeanie I would have been sick on the spot,I hate the bloody things xx


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2018, 05:22:33 PM »

I have that one CLKD,
Wheather I'm in the car or not, or it's my son driving,
I nearly always say ‘thank you ‘ for getting them or us back safely.
It drives me mad sometimes, especially if my son has left, and he rings later,
1st thing I think of is ‘he's been in a crash!'...
I never used to be like that....never...


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2018, 05:36:27 PM »

As for the spiders........
I have a massive phobia of those pesky things..
I check my room every night before I get into bed.
They scare the hell out of me.  :'(
I was cleaning the bedroom once, and hanging on the wall was a picture of my granddaughter,
So, as I gave it the once over with a cloth, I swear I heard a hiss, well, I jumped
out of my skin, when I looked there was a big dirty spider living behind it. >:(
I had actually touched it, i screamed, OH came running up stairs, I was standing in
a total off my head state, trembling. When my OH had got it in a glass or something
it had a big baulb like thing on its god it was big un....never seen one like that before in my life, and how long it had been there for was anyone's guess. :o
When I cleaned the picture after, it had made a massive web all over the back .
I couldn't even clean that without screaming...... :'(

This is why, I hate  :(

I wonder how many times it had come out at night when we were in bed asleep... :'( :'( :'(


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2018, 10:36:34 PM »

How many do we swallow in the night  :o ......... I am OK once I know which way they are moving.  It's going back to our Cave Days you know, when we had to be aware of what was likely to scuttle or crawl ........... that fight/flight response remains.  Many years ago I was expecting visitors so decided to dust the pictures hanging on the walls in the dining room - a spider shot out from behind  :o I swear it wasn't English  ;D as it grappled with the feather duster!  I got DH to step on it on the patio as I don't think that the Vet would have believed me had one of the dogs/ :catscratch: stood on it !  We eat a lot of bananas  :-\

Life is fragile.


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Re: Weird Fears Anyone?
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2018, 07:30:19 AM »

I think anxiety tells us nasty lies, and even worse manages to convince us that they're true, and worst of all that they always will be true. And even though we know all this we fall for it every time. Truly evil.

I do try to tell myself ‘This will not bother you at all when you feel better' or ‘you are only thinking this way because you're anxious' but then the little voice in my head says ‘Ah, but what if this is the one time you never feel better again' and the whole thing becomes a vicious circle - being anxious about being anxious.

So hard for someone who has never experienced it to understand as it sounds so self-absorbed. But there are lots of lovely people on this forum who do, thank goodness x
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