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Author Topic: Replens any one used??  (Read 27710 times)


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2018, 08:11:47 PM »

When you say ‘residue', what exactly do you mean? When using any vaginal moisturiser, there should be some slight discharge, much the same as you would have had during the reproductive years.
If you are getting a white cottage cheese or lumpy discharge, then you probably have thrush. Thrush will make you feel sore and itchy.  In this hot weather it is important to allow the air to your intimate area, so no tight trousers and try not to sit down for too long.  Riding a bike can really aggravate our ‘lady bits' I'm afraid as it can get very hot and sweaty around that area.
Use the moisturiser daily after showering ( don't take baths) and use the Multi Gyn every 2-3 days to keep the flora balance right. DG x


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2018, 06:56:04 AM »

Let me explain more Dancinggirl. About two months ago I first noticed being sore ‘high up inside me'. At first thought I had thrush...too much wine over a couple of weekends...but no discharge that I've had before with thrush (usually after antibiotics). I did treat myself with diflucan as thinking this was probably it, early stages, so to speak.
Things didn't improve and beginning of June I ride home in tears because I felt so sore inside and now irritated outside too.
Went to doctor on the Friday for more patches and he said to try Replens.
First coupon of doses, I still felt sore, but after third and  fourth dose it all began to feel much better. The residue/wet paper/cottage cheese effect that people have mentioned and leaflet mentioned, was bad to begin with then by Saturday just gone, only a little bit. I assumed I was very dry down in my vagina and thought I would take a few doses to clear dry cells.
I was asking more, if the Yes VM cleared cells in same goo/mush inside me...or whether it was more like normal vagunal mucus and didn't go clumpy!
I've always worn panty liners my whole adult life but this past month, I've had no normal vaginal mucus staining at all!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 08:10:15 AM by SEU666 »


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2018, 07:24:18 AM »

Hi SEU666,

I had the same issue with replens and the shedding never stopped while I was using it.
I use the yes products and don't have the same issue with them at all.

It does sound very much like you have VA and I've found the only thing that works for me is local estrogen. Vaginal moisturisers may help alongside the estrogen but are usually not enough on their own.

That is my experience but we're all different of course.



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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2018, 07:29:00 AM »

Sorry I didn't read the whole thread so ignore most of what I said 🙄 But to answer your question no yes products don't cause skin shedding it's like just the remains from using replens and will stop in a few days


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2018, 07:54:26 AM »

Hi SEU666
The moisturisers are not exactly ‘clearing the cells' they are putting back moisture that allows for some lubrication - so this will bring some discharge and if there is any build up of fungus, or other matter, this will come out with the discharge. 
The problem is that even if you are on systemic HRT the urogenital area will often still become atrophied  and dry - not every women is affected badly and some seem to be lucky and not get too many problems. With the menopause the vaginal area becomes more dry, the flora balance is therefore not as it was during our productive years and so less able to combat mild infections like bacterial vaginitis ( which is seldom treated as will often clear itself) or thrush. The skin also thins and becomes more prone to irritation. Scented soaps and washes, wearing tight trousers etc. encourage infections like thrush so the intimate area is no longer combating the onslaught of day to day life.
Vaginal oestrogen will plump up the skin in and around the vagina and can also improve bladder function. The local Oestrogen will also help to maintain some natural vaginal secretions which helps  to keep things healthy.   
Vaginal Moisturisers don't simply clear things out, they help to maintain some natural moisture and the flora balance and therefore reduce the chance of thrush and infections taking hold. I believe the vaginal moisturisers that were deemed the most beneficial in studies are the YES products, SYLK, and Replens but ideally they need to be used in conjunction with local oestrogen to get maximum benefit. Using local oestrogen and the moisturisers should give some clear or slightly yellow discharge but regular and continuous use is essential to maintain the whole area. It's also essential to avoid too much sugar, alcohol, caffeine and fruit juices as these will also encourage infections, particularly UTIs - burning and soreness is often to do with some sort of infection.
There is no quick fix and sadly it is a matter of maintenance and avoiding activities that aggregate things.
I'm afraid I speak from 20 years experience of this problem due to premature menopause and despite being in systemic HRT - the various doctors I saw did not diagnose urogenital atrophy and therefore did not give me the treatment I needed.
It wasn't until I saw a practise nurse at my new GP practise 6 years ago, who was used to dealing with so many older women, that I finally got the local oestrogen I needed.
I had discovered Multi Gyn Actigel some years before and this had been really helpful when BV and thrush emerged but is too acidic to use daily. I now use Vagifem 2-3 times a week and SYLK at least once a day after the shower, and i am now more comfortable than I have been for years but I still get flare ups of soreness and burning and I then use the Multi Gyn again.

Keep using the YES moisturiser once or twice a day, everyday and wear loose trousers or skirts. Your panty liners need to be very thin (preferably unscented) so the area can breathe and change these regularly through the day.  Take showers not baths and drink plenty of water.
Coconut oil is good to moisturise the skin near the intimate area as well.
DG x


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2018, 08:04:03 AM »

The package insert on replens mentions the sloughing of dry skin cells initially but I used it for quite a long time and it happened continually
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 08:06:31 AM by Robin »


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2018, 08:26:51 AM »

Thank you Robin and Dancinggirl.
Liners I use are unscented and thin and changed regular throughout the day.  Mostly before due to dampness from vaginal mucus (had few swabs done and always been clear) or uncertainty of when period would start as always been irregular, but changed more due to sweat lately. Even change my underwear during the day whilst it's been so hot.
I will continue with the Yes VM and not Replens, and re book to see GP when I get back from holiday.
I drink loads of water, about 1.5-2 litres a day, decaf coffee but admit to one or two more glasses of wine than I used to...hubby a bit of a bad influence where that's concerned! More will power needed in my part!
Will look at Multi Gyn actigel.
I've never had BV before but mucus that was there when I was very sore didn't smell bad, but guess it could have been irritating none the less.
DG...20 year's, oh my gosh, thank goodness you've found a regime to work and are finally more comfortable.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 12:23:20 PM by SEU666 »


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2018, 11:37:54 AM »

Just saw the doctor today and after an examination he's given me 7 days on thrush tablets. Seems to think that's the problem. I never had thrush that was yellow before always white. I made him laugh when I said God even my thrush had gone off at this age  ;D


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2018, 02:32:11 PM »

Did he do a swab?

I had a few treatments for thrush and BV before I started on vagifem. They seemed to work, but it just came back 2/3 weeks later.  I had two swabs and both came back clear.  No big issues on vagifem, just niggles that are sorted with the Multi-gyne actigel and Dermol on the outside.


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2018, 05:04:53 PM »

Symptoms of UTIs, BV and thrush but without actual infection present, are classic signs of urigemtual atrophy. Swabs and urine tests should be properly tested and if all is clear then these symptoms are atrophy related and local oestrogen with vaginal moisturisers should be prescribed. GPs really should be up to speed on this :bang: :bang: :bang: DG x


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2018, 08:39:21 AM »

That's very interesting. Swabs were taken so hopefully I will get an answer. If at the end of all this I still find the discharge returns then I can only conclude that I need Vagifem as well as the systemic HRT. Had a phone call with a friend yesterday who had her last period a year ago and never experienced a single menopausal symptom. Crumbs. How is that possible? 😱


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2018, 09:06:57 AM »

Little update..the Yes VM seems to be much better but was wondering if you ladies found that the Vaginal soreness got worse when you had a period??

I've a Mirena and normally have the brown blood but at the moment I've got cramps (last three days) and one or two very light spots (beige), but feel really quite sore inside!
Has no dark blood last ‘period' and none so far this time, which is 9 days late!
Used VM applicator last night, so good blob inside, sorry, so to speak!

I've booked a GP appointment for next Friday, but if this extra soreness is another indication that Vagifem might be needed, then I'd like to be prepared as I think I will have to push my GP for me to try it.
I don't want to leave it too long and so I'm feeling majorly uncomfortable if the right decision is to try the Estrogen vaginally.

Thanks again ladies xx
« Last Edit: July 12, 2018, 09:10:22 AM by SEU666 »


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2018, 09:14:01 AM »

For many women systemic HRT is not enough to help urogenital atrophy so I would definitely ask for Vagifem. The NICE guidelines clearly state that it should be offered even if a women is on systemic HRT.  DG x


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2018, 09:25:24 AM »

I really would give the Vagifem a try, why do you think your GP won't let you try it?


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Re: Replens any one used??
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2018, 12:01:30 PM »

My last visit for more patches at the beginning of June,  GP said he didn't want to give me higher hrt at the moment and said to try Replens...said he didn't know much about Vaginal moisturisers!

I don't particularly like this GP, other one is male too, so other than changing practices, not much choice.

On his last words, I Want to know my rights, so I can insist on trying Vagifem if he puts up objections.
I don't want higher patches as flushes controlled, I have odd ones now and then now, no night sweats, have constant tiredness and belly up and down like a balloon, anxiety settled and moods more even.
Been having peri symptoms for last 7 years, so hoping end in sight, and if I can manage on 50mg estrodot, then I want to stay in it and not go higher.
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