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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: I need to rant  (Read 5695 times)


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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2018, 10:12:47 AM »

Then don't do it sadieloiuse I wouldn' all means if they confront you then you'd have to have a rethink but if your doing ok then don't rock the boat.
I've used up my allocation of local gps now there's just no where else for me to go even if I was prepared to go further which I am but they won't accept outsiders on their lists regardless.ive tried believe me.xx


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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2018, 10:22:12 AM »

Bit contraversial and just a thought to highlight the issues in the mainstream but has anyone thought about going to the press?

I suspect the fact that GPs are not prescribing as per consultants requests and effectively witholding oestrogen medication would pique their interest and add further weight to highlighting your situation.

Someone I think mentioned radio 2 did a piece or maybe one of the newspapers....

Please don't all berate me at once... It really was just a thought.



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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2018, 10:27:44 AM »

Bit contraversial and just a thought to highlight the issues in the mainstream but has anyone thought about going to the press?

I suspect the fact that GPs are not prescribing as per consultants requests and effectively witholding oestrogen medication would pique their interest and add further weight to highlighting your situation.

Someone I think mentioned radio 2 did a piece or maybe one of the newspapers....

Please don't all berate me at once... It really was just a thought.



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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2018, 10:45:58 AM »

This post fills me with dread.  I moved house 18 months ago but haven't admitted to my gp I now live in another town.  I have a redirection on my post and still use my old address (actually still own the house but rent it out).  This is solely because my doctors understand my medical needs and it's near my work.  I am dreading having to sign up with a new doctor and having to explain everything again when everything is just starting to go right for me  :'(

Keep as you are !
I had no choice.  We privately rent and had redirection mail for a while but I had to tell the hospital my new address at an outpatients appt (redirection had ended) and obviously then gp knew.  I tried to stay, saying I still worked near surgery but they refused.

My son and his partner have moved to this town and I said to my DIL not to move surgery to this one.  She's lucky as her mum still lives in the house so all correspondence can be forwarded. 

We only have 2 surgery's at this town I moved to and the popular one can't take any new patients until they review their list in 2019, I think I'll go on their waiting list if they have one.  I've changed my pharmacy back to my old one too as this Lloyd's are atrocious, never order meds on time and are rude.  My old pharmacy said to go to Dr so and so at this other surgery as he knows him and he is happy to  prescribe oestrogen and testosterone, I could've cried telling him they're full and can't take any more patients xx


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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2018, 11:20:19 AM »

Hello ladies.

I agree with you all. The NHS is being destroyed to make way for an American style insurance system. The US health insurance companies make a fortune for their shareholders but the service is third rate. I know from another forum that  American patients spend more time battling their insurers than their doctors and  the insurer can refuse to cover a treatment meaning the patient either has to go without or find the extra money from somewhere , they refer to it as paying out of pocket.

As we are ranting ladies I am going to say something controversial so please forgive me. In my opinion if we want properly funded public services the British people need to wake up and stop voting Tory! There, I said it and I  feel better already lol.

Sending hugs to you all.



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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2018, 11:49:44 AM »

We have a devolved NHS here in Scotland and it's an adysmal shambles just the same. The track record for mental health is truly atrocious too - questions are being asked at Holyrood and enquiries being undertaken but it will lead exactly nowhere. This is their 'stock approach' to such matters (we are of course under an SNP Government here so I don't think it really makes a lot of difference when a system is broken beyond repair).  xxxx

Mary G

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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2018, 01:56:44 PM »

Annie, I will moderate my language and say that is effing disgusting.  Of course you need to complain to the practice manager but I doubt you want to get involved in a dispute, you just want the medication that you need.  I hope you get them to see sense but if not, my advice is take control and buy it yourself - I remember we talked about this on my buying HRT in Spain thread.

This goes a long way to explaining why my 'Buying HRT in Spain' thread has had over 19,000 views as of now.  My GP was also bloody useless and didn't know the first thing about HRT so I just walked to a pharmacy in Spain and bought HRT myself and I am very, very glad that I did, it was the right decision and unlike my alleged GP, I knew exactly what I was doing.

I know precisely what Daisydot means, some members say on here that you don't need to seek help privately, you can get what you need from your GP.  You certainly could have fooled me.  Time and Time again we have women on here who have had the most appalling and verging on negligent treatment from their GPs.  Take Lisa1966 for example, she has been left in a terrible situation and was given a 12 day course of norethisterone from a GP who didn't have a clue about HRT.  Many GPs seem just seem to google HRT and then take a wide guess and prescribe the first thing that comes into their heads or just prescribe the cheapest stuff.

As for NHS funding, I noticed on the news last night that Hunt is making noises about increasing NHS spending (£350M?) but I doubt much of it will go towards treating menopausal women. 

Abba Fan

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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2018, 02:14:49 PM »

After the terrible treatment I received at my GP when my hormone trouble started I would never step foot in an NHS surgery again, I pay my private doc £55 and he prescribes me everything I need. My husband and I pay 40% in taxes and as far as health goes we get nothing back in return, it's bloody disgusting!

Daisydot, how much is the testosterone in Spain? I never thought to ask for it at the pharmacy in Spain.


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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2018, 03:40:28 PM »

Hi Rosti your in no way going to get bereated from anyone here that's not what we should do to anyone with an opinion they're all worth airing.
It's a lovely idea but unfortunately the only way we can get the help we need is by paying for it this is such a financially motivated world now.I see all these consultants and meno experts shake their fists and say it's terrible it's shcking that women have no voice over these meno issues so we'll be there to help them get the treatment they so need and deserve,Yes for a bloody price you will.Why should we pay you upwards of £200 consultation fees when we helped pay to train you and support you as young add insult to a njury we then go armed with your recommendations to our gp and their worthless ,so then we have to ask you for private prescriotions that yet again we pay through the nose for at a time in our lives when we have very little income if any because the same government that won't support us with this also ripped off our pensions. As far as I'm concerned you private consultants have found yourselves a nice little earner at our expense instead of getting off your backsides and pushing for well woman clinics with properly trained meno staff that are available for us all via a system we've paid for.


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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2018, 03:56:18 PM »

Ladies, please feel free to rant away
& hijack away, I did my vent and I'm finding it interesting reading all your replies

Mary G, Daisydot and Tempest have been really helpful today to me and I feel better knowing I can buy this in Spain.  It actually might be worth me nipping over on a cheap flight a few times a year and not fight for it here but I will still try, not just for me but for other women and my daughters generation, she is 31 this year so potentially 10-15 years away from starting this nightmare herself

I've still not heard from the Surgery which I'm not surprised at, going by their average of taking 5 days to look at a repeat request using their online system maybe I'll hear back sometime in July xxx


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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2018, 04:04:59 PM »

My nhs appointment took 6 months Annie then people wonder why I went private,I could have been dead and buried in that time,x

Mary G

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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2018, 04:34:08 PM »

Some very interesting observations on here and there is nothing wrong with ranting, what else can you do?  It is worth remembering that GPs are public sector workers and your taxes are paying their salaries.  They should be subjected to the same scrutiny and accountability as other public sector workers and not be given a God like status and made untouchable.  This is exceptionalism at its very worst.  Some of the prescription cock ups we read on here are truly frightening.

I agree that women should not have to pay for private treatment in an ideal world but we are not in an ideal world and you have to do what is best for you.  Given the choice between waiting months for an appointment with an NHS menopause clinic and seeing a menopause specialist in a couple of weeks what are you going to do? 

Women come on here in a vulnerable state and are looking for solutions, not to join an NHS pressure group. 

Well done Tempest for getting back on track, it's great to have you back.  Annie, I'm glad I was able to help.


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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2018, 04:49:11 PM »

Thank you so much, Mary G! :) :thankyou: xxxx


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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2018, 07:41:43 PM »

Thanks Mary G, your knowledge and experience is great & helpful

Re my nhs referral:  they referred me in March, I thought it'd take forever so the same time I contacted Louise Newsons clinic, she's fully booked til sept so I am on her waiting list for her new clinic, haven't heard anything.  A few weeks ago nhs called me offering me last Tuesday, but it was the worst day ever for me to take time off of work so they've given me 26th June,  that impressed me, 3 months on the list !



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Re: I need to rant
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2018, 09:32:19 PM »

I'm not surprised you're ranting. I'm speechless.
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