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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets  (Read 1748 times)


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Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« on: March 30, 2018, 09:16:23 AM »

My menopause consultant is recommending I change from my current HRT preparations (Estrodot 150 and weekly sachet of testogel) to implants inserted approx every 6 months (insertion intervals to be determined by blood test after 5 months). I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with HRT delivered in this way. I'm particularly concerned about the testosterone and overdosing. Once the pellet is in it can't be removed! Thanks in advance.


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Re: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2018, 06:41:20 PM »

Hiya, my consultant suggested the same (who did you see, if you don't mind me asking?)

I declined for now - was worried about the same thing. You can't take it out and that scares me; would rather find a way of raising my levels in a way that i had control over.

I don't think it's about overdosing but for me, more about potential side effects and not being able to reverse them.


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Re: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2018, 07:50:46 PM »

Consultant is Mr Cust at Royal Derby Hospital. I've been reading some positive reports so I'm going to give it a go. When I said overdosing I was meaning the side effects from having too much testosterone. However Ive had no problems with the gel (aside from headaches to begin with) so I think it will be worth the risk. Lots of people saying they have felt their best on pellets.

I asked a friend on facebook who I knew had them and she said this "I had heard lots of horror stories about hair growth etc but i can honestly say that having the pellets was the best decision.  I tried patches and tablets with the testosterone gels and felt no better for it.  The pellets get straight into the body and I feel so much more 'human' when I have them.  I have both the oestrogen and testosterone as I suffered with being tired all the time and have had no side effects in fact my skins so much nicer  now the only thing I've noticed is my underarm hair comes through quicker!"

I just have to wait for an appointment now :-)


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Re: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2018, 08:46:17 PM »

That's interesting; has the gel not worked?

Will you be able to get it on NHS?

What symptoms are you trying to resolve.

It sounds like you should try it.



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Re: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2018, 07:30:14 PM »

Yes the gel has worked. My mood has improved no end and although still don't have the energy I used to have it's heaps better than it was. Libido was ok before but that has improved too. I would have stuck with the gel but he wanted to offer me this. It's appealing to me because applying the gel every day is a bit of a faff. And the patches (I wear two at a time) are unsightly. It's all through the NHS. I'm in surgical menopause.


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Re: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2018, 05:52:34 PM »

hi waterdaggers,

can I pick your brains?  ;)

I seem to be the same as you!!, I have worn 2 x 100mcg evorel patches for the last year after gradually increasing since my surgical menopause in June 15.  I go and see nick Panay in London every 6 months and last Thursday I agreed to have oestrogen pellet inserted (I'm sticking to gel testosterone for now)


did you go ahead with pellet? I have had it in for 1 week and was told to wean off the patches over the next 2 weeks.  I took the patches down to 150 after 3 days then on Wednesday at 1 week I went down to 100.  well holy shit I felt awful, shaky, sick, headache, brain fog, muscle weakness, achy joints, just bloody awful, so I put on 25 (125) yesterday and still felt bad then this morning I added another 25 (150 again). I still feel horrific!, anxious, depressed, negative thought pattern,   :'( I feel like I did at my worst after surgery.

how do you feel? I'm now freaking out that its the pellet causing the symptoms and not me lowering the patches.  :-\  Not sure what to do!!

sarah xxx


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Re: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2018, 06:46:53 PM »

Hi Sazduggs,

Sorry I only just noticed your message today after searching pellets! I had mine implanted today! Gulp. I've read a few of your posts so can see you have had issues. However my meno consultant (NHS) immediately took my patch off as soon as he'd finished implanting the pellets. He didn't say I needed to wean off patches. I asked if I will feel their effects straight away and he said they will slowly dissolve and take effect as the oestrogen from my patch wears away. So it's possible you were getting too much oestrogen? This was a while ago so I'm thinking you have the issue resolved now anyway. Would be interesting to hear how you are feeling now? Also do you know what dose of E and T you had? I had 50 E and 100 T. I'm wondering if the E will be high enough. Anyway I hope you are feeling ok. I'm really hoping that the pellets will help me have a decent nights sleep for once!


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Re: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2018, 07:57:39 PM »


I had a 50 E inserted, it's been 7 weeks now. I spoke to the clinic and hey said to put a 25 patch on which I have done and I feel much better.

They said pellets are cumulative and that it normally takes until the second one to work at peak.

My next one is being inserted at the 4 month point in August.

I hope yours gives you the relief you need xxx


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Re: Oestrogen/Testosterone pellets
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2018, 09:30:01 AM »

Glad to hear things have settled for you anyway even if you're having to use a patch as well. That's better than too much! I feel horrendous this morning, nauseous and headache that's not going with pain killers. I'm at work and wishing I wasn't! Do you think they have kicked in already or is it because E has gone low? I have only a 25 patch on. Maybe I should take that off since he said I didn't need to wear a patch at all. I wish I had just had E now and left the T for now. Do you use testogel instead? Also he's not planning to reinsert mine for 6 months! Not looking forward to this. I think once all the right timings and dosing have been worked out pellets will be great but in the meantime 😞😫.... not liking it!