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Author Topic: Hi  (Read 1760 times)


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« on: June 08, 2018, 12:27:25 PM »

Hi All
 I came across the forum after being prescribed ovestin cream and dr questioned if I could be perimenapausal. I'm 46 but looking at the other posts and symptoms I think this started about 3.5 years ago.
 It's a really long story but lost my dad in 2014 he had Parkinson's and the final 6 months were really stressful. My periods stopped altogether but put it down to either pill or stress or combination of both. 2015 periods started again but really heavy and lasted longer with spotting most days inbetween.  Bloods done and told not hormones but as I'd asked to get tubes tied they recommended mirina so got it fitted in July. Smear done all ok but feeling crap, sore shoulders neck & back sent for xray told wesr & tear in vertibrae of neck and back given amitypilene to help with insomnia & gabipentan for pain. Developed peanut butter allergy October told avoid it. Legs started to swell knees and ankles and pain in shoulders worse went to chiropractor/massage therapist absolute agony told loads of bumps/knots in muscles of back, shoulders, neck and arms. Gp put me on pregablon December. 2016 January reaction to pregabalin eyes syarted to swell so stopped. Possibly fybromyalgia? Given norityptiline for sleep. February fluoxitine for depression and palexia for pain after trying pregablon at lower dose first, signed off work (I'm doing my phd) for 6 months. October back to studies, off medication did CBT. Still not sleeping average 5 hours a night taking dormasean (valarium) rather than zolpiden on prescription. Carried on like this, stiff and sore every day, fatigued, irritable and irregular periods. Stress and urge incontinence started last year, now have to wear pads every day. Developed apple allergy & sex drive went & started noticing quite dry down there last year too, orgasm became elusive concept and distant memory. Was really fatigued at start of year and felt like I had a shirt on that was too tight. Dr found goitre in March and said she thought it was hormonal referred to endocrinologist (appointment 19 June) referred to immunology for allergy & possible epipen. Bloods showed apple, peanut & orange allergy. C reactive protein raised (5) blood sugar raised (7.8)but not over in fasting (5.7) and blood pressure the top one was high. I got my own thyroid blood ones done & they were all ìn range bit I am significantly vitamin d insufficient (28). Smear ok but nurse had difficulty locating cervix & was sorer than before but i was dry.. Saw gp this week about vitamin d and mentioned no sex drive and that's when she said could be perimenapause and prescribed ovistan she's also referring me to a menapause clinic.
I just want to know what's wrong, I feel fat (gone from a 12 in 2014 to a 16/18 now) old unattractive, stiff and sore and knackered all the time. It's like somethings sucked the joy out of life and the energy out of me.
It's early days for vitamin d and ovistin cream but hopefully these will make a difference. I've gp again in July. Anyone had their thyroid swell? 
Sorry it's such a long post and a huge moan.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2018, 12:55:33 PM »

Hi and welcome

You poor thing! Sounds very much like menopause symptoms along with maybe another condition ? It's worth trying a low dose hrt to see if there's any improvement

There does seem to be either a connection or maybe pure coincidence but I had no menopause symptoms until a couple of months after I lost my dad suddenly (mum had already passed away), maybe the shock/trauma brings the inevitable on abruptly I don't know ?

But have a read of the available treatments in the tabs at the top and do some research.  I had all sorts of appts during the early Peri time, cardiologists, neurologist, gynaecologist, othopaedic, orthoptics ..... lol geez I've been through them all ! Literally felt like I was falling to bits and ridiculously fast.  Such a nasty scary time for some women suffering so badly xx


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Re: Hi
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2018, 01:23:38 PM »

Hi Loki  :welcomemm:

Just to say you should start to notice a difference with the Vitamin D. What amount were you given? Is it the high amount for 15 days? I've twice been deficient in Vitamin D. I can tell when it's happening again as I get very tired, low mood (almost depressed) and aching joints. This last time, I had an aching right hip for nearly a year. That has now gone since I've been on the vitamin D and the Nurse told me very low vit D causes osteomalacia which is softening of the bones and it does effect the hip.

The first time I was low, I've since been told that I wasn't prescribed the right dosage and that's why I got it again. This time with the 22,000 IU dosage, I felt better really quickly. My mood lifted, the joint pains (especially hip) went and I just had more get up and go. I have been told that in the winter months I should take an over the counter vit D supplement.

Also, low Vit D can make people gain weight. Hopefully you will start to feel better but if you haven't been given the high dosage (22,000 IU for 15 days then one a month for 5 months) I would query it as I didn't notice much of an improvement when I was on the lower dosage.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2018, 04:33:05 PM »

Hi Annie
Thanks for replying. Yes that's exactly how I feel, falling to bits fast and nobody has the superglue. I too believe there has been a connection between losing dad and everything starting and like you my mum had already passed. I know I did suffer depression after but believe it was a combined result of the grief and feeling so rubbish and doctors asking me what I wanted them to do and that's a quote from the male gp I saw in 2015 when they were advising me to get marina fitted. Needless to say I do not see him anymore. I have asked to be referred to sleep clinic as well but was told they prefer to keep things in-house
 Thankfully this female gp probably about my age is referring me.
Hi snooze
No I didn't get high strength it's invita d3 800 at 1 a day. I didnt want to push it during my appointment as i was so pleased that they even looked at my private blood test as ive heard some gps wont. My calcium hasn't been checked either and as my thyroid is swollen and i have the endocrinologist in 2 weeks i suppose they might just start me slowly. I will be asking tbe endocrinologist to increasr it if parathyroid is fine.
Glad to know if it is the vitamin d causing hip and bone symptoms and low mood these get better quickly with increased levels. 
Thank you both so much for welcoming me.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2018, 04:54:24 PM »

The 800, 1 a day is  what I got prescribed the first time but my Dr didn't actually tell me my result but I learnt this time it was 31. Apparently anything below 30 should be given the high strength course. The Practice Nurse told me this time around that she was surprised the GP didn't give me the higher dose last time seeing as I was 31 as although I was above the low level, it was only by 1 and that's probably why I became low again. This last time, my level was 27. I must admit, this time with the higher dose I noticed the benefits straight away so if I was you, I would ask for the higher dose seeing as the recommended dose for your level is 22,000 IU for 15 days then 1 a month for 5 months. I have a few friends who have also been on this dose. Low Vit D does seem really common nowadays. The Nurse said it's because of our poor weather but we seem to be having a good run of sun at the moment so important to get out and top up your levels in the natural sunlight!

Another thing, once I topped up my Vit D I have been sleeping so much better.

It sounds to me like you are peri menopausal. My first symptoms were similar to yours when I was around your age. It's a long process. It can last upto 10 years! Have you seen the list of peri menopause symptoms?

My last visit to the Practice Nurse was because I was concerned I had put on weight and couldn't lose it so I asked for my thyroid to be checked. She ordered bloods to check for all sorts but the only thing that came back again was the low Vit D. She advised that I needed to check my calorie intake even though I felt like I had cut out loads, I just wasn't losing. Well the Vit D may have kick started it and I cut out some more calories and I managed to start losing weight but it's a very slow process! I also have low sex drive and find it hard to achieve the kind or orgasm I used to have. Also very dry down below! GP prescribed 'YES' lubricant.

Hopefully, you will start to get some answers soon and there are a few ladies on here who have Fibromyalgia. It does sound like you've posssibly got this and it can actually occur after a bereavement.



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Re: Hi
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2018, 10:25:08 PM »

Hi snooze
I will definitely ask the endo to up my vitamin d dose on 19 June as I don't go back to see the gp until 6 July. Are there guidelines for the high strength course in case I need to argue my point. I have looked but all i can find is from the vitamin d council and im not sure if gp would take these into account. NICE say not to even test for this on a routine basis. I suppose as it's so common this is an nhs funding issue.
Yes I've gone through the 34 symptoms and have rather a lot, gp asked me if id any other menapause symptoms apart from no pibido and dryness but other than flushes i didnt know wehat they all were and as i get cold flushes rather than hot i said i didnt think so. I think i was in shock as well. My plan was to print it off for next time i see her and go through all symptoms. Thank you so much for your help.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2018, 08:06:03 PM »

Hi Loki,
I'm not sure if  there are any guidelines. My Practice Nurse just informed me that if it's under 30, then the high dose should be given. I would show your GP the info from the Vit D Council but I would also say that you know of other people who have been under 30 and were given the higher dose.
Interesting NICE says not to test on a routine basis. When I first went to the GP with symptoms of peri menopause and joint aches the Nurse said she would send me for blood tests and check my Vitamin D (and other things obviously). I had never been aware of symptoms of low Vit D until I found out I was low but she told me it's very common now due to the lack of sunshine in the UK (this was obviously before our recent spate of good weather!).
