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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: 19 Months on HRT experience update and Mirena Coil questions- help needed  (Read 3168 times)


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Hello   :)

I'm aware that there are many posts and I've read a fair few but I haven't found any answers to the questions I have.

Some of you may know I was taking 1 pump of Oestrogel and 1 Utrogestan pill continuously which caused terrible water retention (5/6kg), constantly bloated, terrible acne on my face, neck and back, sleepy/foggy and ALWAYS hungry, it was like I had a hole in my stomach and I never ever felt full. I do suffer from premature ovarian failure since my late teens early twenties, I'm 35 now. I've been on HRT since September 2016.

A year later from that regime, I was told by the same gyno to try taking 1 pump daily and 1 Utrogestan pill 17 days a month to see if that would improve any of the symptoms. I guess it didn't or maybe I didn't give it enough time for my body to adapt to the improved dosage because 3 months later around July I saw a new Gyno. I believe he accidentally suggested I take 1 or 2 pumps of Oestrogel and 1 Utrogestan pill for 12 days a month. By August, I felt so much better, I lost 6kg of water retention, the crazy hunger vanished and only had moderate hunger during the PMS phase, the acne calmed down, still get it but not as bad during the PMS a little worse, my stomach is nice and flat, I can fit into all my clothes. I thought, I can stick with this regime, it doesn't bother me. My gyno did suggest I try the Mirena because it essentially gets rid of all those side effects, plus I don't have to take the Utrogestan for five years, I said I'll think about it. He also said, people who have good experiences, don't post online and those that do have bad experiences, post it online- and I have read the horror stories, it's all I can mostly find. He told me to come back in six months for a DEXA and have the Mirena fitted, should I wish to. Annoyingly, I missed my appointment and had to wait until March for my next appointment. I was still on the 1 pump, 1 utro pill 12 days a month which worked well, the tiredness was manageable for those 12 days.

Come March, I'm seen by different gyno who was shocked and concerned that I was taking 1 pump and only 1 Utrogestan pill every 12 days. He said it was dangerous and that he has to follow the licensed dosage. He said to try 2 pumps of Oestrogel and 2 Utrogestan pills 12 days a month for three months and then he will see me in June. My DEXA result wasn't great either, spine -3 and hip not too bad -1. He needs to speak to his head consultant to see what he can do for me ( I stopped taking Alendronic to see how effective the HRT is and if it's worth taking- I feel like it's a waste of time for bones!). He did suggest that I could try Femostan if I wanted to change my HRT but I like the gel and get on with it, plus I don't want to take HRT in pill form or go through all the side effects again. I must say my immune system had improved dramatically and my vaginal dryness has gone, libido has improved a little and only noticeable a week before my period.

I have tried taking two utro pills 12 days a month and during that pill phase, I cannot cope; I am too sleepy, my memory is shot, I have no energy. I go to bed 6 pm6pm, in fact I sleep all weekend, I have no life or zest for life. That's the worst side effect for me on two pills. My acne, water retention and hungremainins the same during the PMS/pill phase as when I was taking 1 pill 12 days a month.

So, I was wondering if anyone wouldn't mind answering some questions and sharing their experiences as I am so scared of the side effects. I didn't cope with 5/6kg-water retention weight gain and bloat- I was so down and depressed like you wouldn't imagine. Just the thought of it give me anxiety and makes me want to avoid the Mirena and risk it by staying on 1 utro pill 12 days a month.

I'm aware that you can get a period for up to six months and I think during that time I can suffer from PMS, though once the periods stop, those PMS symptoms stop too.

My questions are quite obvious now!

Will I suffer from water retention, if so, is it only during the PMS phase? Did this side effect phase out after six months?

Will I be suffering from Hunger?

Will I suffer from acne and was it only during the PMS phase and did this side effect phase out after six months?

Will I suffer from bloat, if so, is it only during the PMS ph'se. Did this side effect phase out after six months?

Will my hair fall out?

Do most side effects phase out after six months?

Will it ruin my libido (don't have much now, so would like to keep whatever feelings I get!)?

What was your experience and do you have any tips?

One last question, if I increase my Oestrogel to 2 pumps, will I also suffer from water retention and large breasts I'm already naturally very large and hey did enlarge more but settled after a long while.

Sorry for such a long winded post but I thought the context would help.

Many thanks indavcen :)


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Hi! I cannot help cause I have no specific knowledge, I can share only some thoughts...
I wonder why you change gyns so often, I suggest to find the one you trust and to follow his instructions.
I also think to stay on the regime that suits you better. I have no experience with utrogestan, I am on Femoston 2/10 with no side effects at all.
Maybe you try another progestin that suits you better?


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I have had a mirena iud in situ for 18 months. The only side effect I have noticed is spotting whilst it settled down, for me this lasted up to a year post insertion but was preferable to the very heavy bleeding I had prior, so bearable.

The progesterone is delivered locally so, according to research, is much less likely to cause side effects.

I'm one of those women who is very happy with mirena who (apart from on here and another forum I belong to) doesn't shout it from the roof tops!


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I am very happy with my Mirena, I use three pumps of estrogel a day.
Apart from 4.5 months of daily spotting after it was fitted I have had no side bloating, weight gain, breast enlargement, and no issues with libido.
I would give it a try, I couldn't tolerate the utrogestan and that's why I switched to the Mirena.


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Hi! I cannot help cause I have no specific knowledge, I can share only some thoughts...
I wonder why you change gyns so often, I suggest to find the one you trust and to follow his instructions.
I also think to stay on the regime that suits you better. I have no experience with utrogestan, I am on Femoston 2/10 with no side effects at all.
Maybe you try another progestin that suits you better?

Hello Emerald :)

I feel happy and know none the better when it comes to HRT, I've only used Oestrogel and Utrogestan. I think the Oestrogel is good, not sure if that gives me mild acne, I do know it made me increase nearly 1.5 cup size bigger but that size is very close to when I had natural periods.

I initially went for a different treatment and the gyno was surprised that I wasn't on HRT and prescribed it to me. But, I no longer see her for the initial treatment and asked my GP to send me to a Gyno who would take care of my POF and medication. So, I had a new gyno but for my second appointment with him, I had a different gyno at the same hospital. I wasn't happy with that!

It interesting you have no side effects! No bloat, water retention, acne, mood swings, breast enlargement or tiredness? Do you have periods?  :)


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I have had a mirena iud in situ for 18 months. The only side effect I have noticed is spotting whilst it settled down, for me this lasted up to a year post insertion but was preferable to the very heavy bleeding I had prior, so bearable.

The progesterone is delivered locally so, according to research, is much less likely to cause side effects.

I'm one of those women who is very happy with mirena who (apart from on here and another forum I belong to) doesn't shout it from the roof tops!

This gives me hope :) I can deal with spotting and periods while it settles, it's all the other side effects listed in my post that really concerns me and the people who don't shout about it from the rooftops, I don't want to be that person, had enough when I started HRT. I wanted to quit but knew it had to settle. I felt depressed and suffered all the side effects listed in my post. I wanted to give up on life!

I am very happy with my Mirena, I use three pumps of estrogel a day.
Apart from 4.5 months of daily spotting after it was fitted I have had no side bloating, weight gain, breast enlargement, and no issues with libido.
I would give it a try, I couldn't tolerate the utrogestan and that's why I switched to the Mirena.

Thank you Tinkerbell :) You also give me hope. I want to be equally as lucky as you! I've been doing so much research and what I noticed was those who suffered from heavy periods and terrible cramps, did very well on the Mirena with hardly any side effects. My periods have always been light, so I do wonder if those with heavy periods, the Mirena balanced out their progestins and those with light periods, the Mirena gave them too much Progestin. Did you have heavy periods? :)

A person I know is now three months in on the Mirena, she suffered from very bad acne and a very puffy face. The GP prescribed a three-month course of acne medication that also acted as a diuretic. I think it worked because her weight never changed. I need to look into this as a preventive measure!

Thank you all for answering my questions :)