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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?  (Read 11768 times)


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2018, 03:19:33 PM »

Good luck Lisa xx


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #46 on: May 29, 2018, 05:39:42 PM »

Thanks daisydot,I've sent him a really big email lol,after reading my problems he will probably retire before my appointment 😂xx


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #47 on: May 29, 2018, 05:42:06 PM »

That's a good one keep your sense of humour Lisa it'll help when nothing else seems to xx
He's a lovely man so hopefully he'll be able to offer you some kind of advice good luck xx


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2018, 06:06:23 PM »

Hi Lisa
Are you feeling any better?  :-*


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2018, 06:50:18 PM »

Hi darlingbabs,I'm still on the rollercoaster of life,anxiety,aches and pains,depressed all the usual,I wish I could say I'm fine,but what's the point of lying. How are you feeling,any better? xx


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2018, 07:50:56 AM »

Oh I am sorry to hear that. I am actually feeling much better. The combined pill I have been put on has shut down my cycle so I don't seem to get fluctuations now and, although it was a horrific week getting used to it, I have had 3 good days in a row now. I have also been put on a very small amount of testosterone as my level was 0 and I put that on yesterday so looking forward to see if that makes a difference. Fingers crossed for you x


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #51 on: June 09, 2018, 08:12:39 AM »

So glad that you are feeling much better  :)xx


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #52 on: June 09, 2018, 10:22:25 AM »

Hi Lisa

You won't know me as I'm not around here much nowadays, but I totally recognise everything you describe. If you can be bothered have a search of my posts and you will read a very familiar story. Mine was a tortuous journey of worsening PMS as I turned 40 + my periods becoming very light + dreadful insomnia + crippling anxiety + suicidal ideation. No one knew what to do with me. Everyone assumed I was just having a nervous breakdown, although otherwise my life was very good. I went to pieces and had to be signed off work for 6 months, and my Mum basically moved in to run our home and take care of our DCs as I couldn't function. I was terrified all day, every day.

I also ended up under the care of a psychiatric nurse and started on a cocktail of various ADs + a low dose of Quietistic. Nothing worked, I just got worse. But very occasionally I would get a blessed few days where I would mysteriously feel 'normal' again. No one else believed it was hormonal, but I remembered feeling similarly desperate and despairing after my first DC was born years ago.

So I ended up at Prof Studd's rooms and he was quite abrupt but 100% confident and reassuring that he could cure me. He told me I belonged to a group of women who were too sensitive to progesterone fluctuations, and that the peri menopause was to blame for all my misery. He assured me he saw women just like me (and worse) every day. He started me on 3 pumps of Oestrogel + 100mg of Utrogestan for 7 days per month + little blob of testosterone gel. To be honest, it didn't do much. So 2 very long months later he increased my dose to 4 pumps - whilst, at the same time, my new GP changed my AD to a low dose of sertraline.

That was exactly 2 years ago today, and I have never looked back. Within 24 hours I felt something flicker back to life in my head. Within a week I felt able for my Mum to move back to her home again and could function better (albeit still quite limited). The anxiety just drained away. The insomnia just disappeared. I went back to work and just became 'me' again. There were a few setbacks, and some days I still struggled hugely and, like you, lived in fear of going back to that terrible black place I had been in before.

But, 2 years on I am back to normal and infact even better than before. Looking back, even before my full peri symptoms hit I had felt low and flat for years. Early menopause runs in my family, and from 35 onwards my lowering oestrogen had obviously affected me.

Today, I seem to have settled into a pattern of feeling great for 6-7 weeks, then every other month I get a dip of feeling flat and bleak for a week or  so (but just like normal PMS again). So, I think my medication is controlling my cycle 95% of the time but presumably my own progesterone still causes problems sometimes?

I hope my story gives you hope. I am now evangelical about informing women of the potential dangers that hormones can cause to mental health. I am sure that with the right medication you will get over this.


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #53 on: June 09, 2018, 10:42:27 AM »

Lovely informative post GypsyRoseLee xx


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #54 on: June 09, 2018, 11:39:42 AM »

Hello Ladies.

I just wanted to say I also appreciate your post GypsyRoseLee. I followed your journey when you were struggling and it's very kind of you to help other women by telling your story and giving us all hope!

I'm so pleased that you found the answer to your problems and wish you continued good health.

Take care.



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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #55 on: June 09, 2018, 11:49:40 AM »

Thank you. I am just passionate now about getting this OUT THERE!!! Hormones can cause total havoc in women's lives. Back in the 60s my poor Great Aunt ended up being committed to an asylum for a while with what I now 100% believe to be erratic behaviour caused by hormonal fluctuations during her peri menopause. The very same nearly happened to my Grandmother (her sister) and my Mum suffered terribly with 'her nerves' in her early 40s but miraculously recovered after a full BSO + hysterectomy and going on HRT.

This is often an inherited, dangerous 'disease' and women and HCPs need to be informed.

I have my suspicions that poor Kate Spade was a sufferer and I am certain that Marian Keyes is too.


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #56 on: June 09, 2018, 12:26:16 PM »


Mine is a very similar story to yours and I found your posts very helpful. I'm finally 🤞🏻on the right track. So a big hug and thank you from me.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2018, 12:28:27 PM by Robin »


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #57 on: June 09, 2018, 01:00:47 PM »

GRL, I just want you to know that I am in tears reading how much you've improved since last I was here. Truly. That is absolutely wonderful and if anyone deserves to feel better, it is you after all you have been through. xxxx


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #58 on: June 09, 2018, 01:16:02 PM »

GRL this too sounds exactly like me but I had never had a cycle until my late 30s as I had been on depo provera from 16 so no ovulation, or pregnant. My psychiatrist changed my medication 7 times with various different combinations over 10  months to absolutely no avail. It is (fingers crossed) only since I have had my cycle turned off again via a combined birth control pill that I have felt normal in the last 2 wks of my monthly cycle. It is literally like having a pair of dry dark glasses suddenly removed and the physical and proverbial weight lifted off my shoulders. I am also 2 days into testosterone therapy as my testosterone level was 0.

What I don't understand is how psychiatrists/GPs/anyone don't know anything about this? They know what PMS is but this is really primarily about the mood symptoms of anhedonia, depression, generalised anxiety, panic attacks etc

There must be so many women in their late 30s/early 40s who are experiencing this.

I would love to know what can be done about this and how awareness can be raised amongst healthcare professionals (at the very least).

Any ideas/organisations / suggestions do please let me know as I am also passionate about getting this out there to assist all those women who are sitting there in fear and silence and wondering what on earth is happening to them?


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Re: Cyclical depression and anxiety,John studd theory?
« Reply #59 on: June 09, 2018, 02:33:19 PM »

So sorry to read your experiences too, Darlingbabs.  :(

There has been a certain amount of interest in highlighting the menopause in the media (often stories from celebs), but no one has really covered the real dark depths of menopause and the appalling 'treatment' women have received from GP's and even some gynaecologists and subsequently being sent to psychiatrists (myself included after my surgical menopause induced by oopherectomy at age 46). I had high hopes for Kirsty Wark's 'Menopause and Me', but found it far too lukewarm.

I am passionate about raising awareness regarding surgical menopause personally, and have been thinking about the platforms that can be used to get the message out there. If we can brainstorm the 'menopause message' in general here and how this could be achieved, that would be wonderful! xxxx
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