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Author Topic: What do you do?  (Read 2072 times)


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What do you do?
« on: May 22, 2018, 08:47:35 AM »

Was just thinking, anxiety and low mood seem to be very common when in peri. It seems to happen to a lot of ladies completely out of the blue.
How do you deal with it? When life has you wanting to curl up into a little ball and cry.
I tend to walk into a different room, even if it's just to put the kettle on or put washing in. I guess it's diversion tactics. When I feel this way I make myself phone a friend or lose myself in an email if I really can't face chatting. The body is amazing, but not so much when these bloomin hormones take you hostage.
So if you feel this way today, big hugs to you and may it soon pass.


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2018, 09:11:32 AM »

jenjog - what a good thread to start.  There are many strategies that one can use and it is about finding what works for you.  It's not just in peri that the anxiety and low mood emerge - I am very post meno and I simply can't cope with stress like I used to and my mood can fluctuate greatly adn my anxiety can be awful. To others I give the impression of being so in control  - I am doing the swan act - as this tends to help everything.  Some might call it the "stiff upper lip” but I call it ‘acting'.  I was a professional dancer, singer and actress so I use my training and often pretend outwardly that everything is OK, most of the time (though I will have a bit of a moan to the right people). What really makes my anxiety dreadful is feeling unwell - I am frightened of dementia and anything that might give physical disability e.g. osteoporosis.  Strangely I don't worry about cancer as I know early detection can often treat it with positive outcomes but the thought of anything degenerative is too terrifying.
For no reason at all, I woke last Saturday morning feeling totally despondent. I had to drag myself out of bed, make myself eat breakfast, but the heavy heart and overwhelming feeling that life was too hard was awful. I set myself some simply goals for the day and started with a brisk walk and by the afternoon the mood had lifted.
I do a lot of Mindfulness.. Posting on this forum can make me feel better.

AS mental health is very topical at the moment and treatment is still poor, sharing strategies to ‘get us through' is a great idea.  I look forward to more comments and ideas from others. DG x


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2018, 09:23:08 AM »

It's distraction strategies for me,go out a walk go window shopping anything that keeps me occupied is good but I'm hard work I've always had a very active brain and get bored very quickly,the forum works for me because it's stretches me if a new topic comes up and I enjoy the interaction with like minded ladies.I tried to have a conversation with my daughter the other day about hrt as she's of the age and in my opinion symptomatic but you know when you can see that disinterested glaze come over and then getting argumentative,completely uninterested so really the forum is my platform my escape route and my you I'm a great one for hiding things quite expertly.ask me how I am and I always reply good thank you how's you,big mistake lol I then get swamped with peoples problems when I'm feeling a bit “under the weather” myself,glutton for punishment least here I can sign out and go and wallow.big hugs to you too ladies xx


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2018, 10:18:58 AM »

Distraction here too - generally out into the garden and do something that needs doing out there. I also do a fair amount of 'self talk' at times when I am really bad with anxiety and feeling low 'this too will pass' type of stuff. Fresh air and being physically active are things that work a fair amount for me, but if I reach the 'bottom of the pit' and have no energy then just crying can release tension.


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2018, 10:23:16 AM »

Oh and I'm addicted to word game apps - I find that you really have to think for those and so takes your thought processes in another direction for a while.


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2018, 10:24:19 AM »

I tried “tapping” a long time ago apparently it's good for activating healing parts of your body.when you do it you say,”everyday in every way I am getting stronger” it's good as again it's a distraction technique (have a google).i also trawl through you tube for self help videos it's a wealth of information for people like me who sap it up,it can be very reassuring.x


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2018, 01:29:53 PM »

Background anxiety is probably due to my body being hungry so I try to remember to eat B4 my body needs sustenance.  Otherwise, once in the 'curled up ball' scenario, I have to take an emergency anti-anxiety tablet.

I can sometimes get on with housework which all dissipate it.


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2018, 02:02:23 PM »

Good thread
I find also distraction helps but only if the anxiety & mood are not really bad. Also reading a good book. But if it is severe I try & cry & talk to OH & that helps. Also as Dancinggirl said stress hits me big time nowadays whereas before I was such a laid back person & nothing used to bother me


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2018, 06:21:04 PM »

I had my first panic attack at age 3.   Relaxation therapy has helped in the past.  Listening to soothing music.  Walking.  Depends how bad the anxiety is, where I am at the time.........


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2018, 09:51:01 PM »

Drawing or cycling work for me


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2018, 10:48:00 AM »

Mindfulness is very good, I have a few short relaxation and anxiety exercises that I use quite regularly. I guess we are all different, but I hope by sharing our coping strategies we can all try and cope with are hormonaly bodies and minds. :)


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Re: What do you do?
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2018, 01:22:36 PM »

 :) Distraction seems to work for me too.  During the daytime It isn't too bad as I work full time so I have more than enough going on to keep me occupied.  But when at home and it's quiet with just me and the Hubby and I suddenly feel "one of those moods" coming, then I usually get up and either go for a walk or a drive or a long hot soak in the bath.  Walking I find is the best as it allows you some "me" time to clear your head.... I find myself regressing back to certain times in my life especially when my boys were still at home and the ups and downs having a family means.... Sometimes that makes me so angry... I don't know why but I always end up feeling that I have done my duty and that's it..... no golden handshake, no thanks, kiss my derriere.... nothing.... I have feelings of dare I say it.... being put on this earth to marry, give birth, keep house, keep the peace and then nothing....... I am sure lots of you can relate to these feelings......