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Author Topic: Extreme nausea  (Read 3411 times)


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Extreme nausea
« on: May 17, 2018, 06:53:46 AM »

Hi ladies,
Last Thursday it was like someone flicked a switch and I woke up feeling so absolutely awful. Terrible headache but worse still is the nausea, which I thought would pass when the headache went, it hasnt, if anything it's got worse!
I wake up and immediately feel so anxious and sick I have to run to the loo with diarohea (tmi, sorry!!). I have to go 2 or 3 times within the first hour of waking then that's usually it for the day. My anxiety settles but the nausea is constant. It feels exactly like when I was pregnant, even smells setting me off. I've not been sick but have had my head over the loo a couple of times this morning thinking I was going to be. I'm struggling to eat as I feel so sick all the time, so am going with little often but I'm even struggling with that. I've lost no end of weight just in this week which isn't good for me as I struggle to keep weight on.
I'm going to try to get an appt with my GP but as that in itself is an impossible task, I wondered if anyone has had the same and has any tips? I'll literally try anything!! Thanks in advance xx

Oh and also, probably not relevant but I woke on Tuesday with blood all over my pillow from a nosebleed I must have had in the night, never had one before in my life! Feel like I'm falling apart ☹️


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2018, 06:57:25 AM »

You should ask for an emergency appointment KAH they have to give you one if you explain your feeling so bad,it will at the least put your mind at rest it's not fair your suffering this the stress of worrying won't be helping.its probably a nasty bug there's a few around again but go get it checked it may even be migraine.good luck xx


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2018, 06:58:17 AM »

Hi nausea was my worst menopause symptom. It was horrendous but my GP wouldn't believe that it was caused by menopause! I felt sick constantly and couldn't eat. I took Cyclizine tablets which helped a bit.

HRT has got rid of the nausea and the other awful symptoms.


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2018, 07:08:36 AM »

Hi nausea was my worst menopause symptom. It was horrendous but my GP wouldn't believe that it was caused by menopause! I felt sick constantly and couldn't eat. I took Cyclizine tablets which helped a bit.

HRT has got rid of the nausea and the other awful symptoms.
Thank you ladies. Dotty were they prescribed by the doc or over the counter?


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2018, 07:19:51 AM »

Prescribed by doc but I think you can buy them over the counter.


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2018, 08:20:57 AM »

Nausea was awful for me in Peri and during a migraine dr prescribed anti-nausea meds.  I carried on taking them on days where nausea would really affect my day and they worked brilliantly. 

Edit: I was already on hrt but you n peri hormones fluctuate
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 09:51:14 AM by Annie0710 »

Abba Fan

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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2018, 08:23:27 AM »

Yes, you can buy cyclizine over the counter, I never found it much help for my nausea, only HRT sorted mine.


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2018, 09:54:20 AM »

Don't you have a local NHS Walk in Centre you could go to? Often if they feel you need to see a Dr they are able to ring your surgery and get an emergency appointment for you.

When my anxiety is bad I often have to go to the loo 2-3 times in the morning and then ok rest of the day but that is also a symptom of IBS.



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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2018, 01:09:02 PM »

Managed to get an appt with my GP later this afternoon. I've spoken to her before about how I think it's hormones affecting me & giving me so many random symptoms but she's quite dismissive and says until my periods stop (they're still fairly regular), she won't consider anything. Any advice?


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2018, 02:33:36 PM »

You can have hrt before your periods stop! You need a sequi hrt. Write everything down and insist on a trial of hrt x


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2018, 02:39:21 PM »


Mary G

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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2018, 03:37:53 PM »

KAH, it is not usual to have loose bowels with a migraine.  Migraines, depression, anxiety, nausea, morning sickness type symptoms and many other menopause symptoms are all caused by low oestrogen, that is the common denominator.  Oestrogen acts like a control centre for so many vital bodily functions so when you become oestrogen deficient, all sorts of things start to go wrong and the only way to deal with it is to replace the lost oestrogen. 

I have never been pregnant so I don't know what it feels like but looking back I do remember having a type of mild morning sickness when I was on Angeliq and not getting enough oestrogen.  High doses of Oestrogel completed cured the problem.

Putting it in very basic terms, most peri and post menopausal women need a stable dose of oestrogen and sometimes a small amount of testosterone.  Unfortunately progesterone very often comes along and spoils the party. 


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2018, 05:11:54 PM »

As I feared, waste of bloody time!
She insists the nausea is a stomach bug and says all the other symptoms are probably part of my health anxiety rather than hormone related! It didn't help that I forgot my list!! I'll put below what's on my list of symptoms I think are hormonal and please be honest, does it sound like peri to you......
*Night sweats (started a couple of years ago, stopped after a year or so but recently started again)
*terrible headaches
*aches everywhere but especially legs and neck
*increased anxiety
*either not being able to sleep or sleeping for England!
*memory issues
*vaginal dryness
*itchy skin (only sometimes)
*horrendous nausea
*hair thinning
*facial hair
*acne on neck and in scalp
*nosebleeds (a new symptom started this week!)

There's probably more but as my brain no longer works properly, I can't think!



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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2018, 05:15:33 PM »

Yes it does sound like peri

My Nan suffered nosebleeds during meno and I suffered nosebleeds during puberty ! X


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Re: Extreme nausea
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2018, 05:35:21 PM »

Yes those are all menopausal symptoms . Can you see a different GP?
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