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Author Topic: Help with Ovestin please  (Read 6944 times)


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Help with Ovestin please
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:32:53 AM »

Thank goodness I've found this blog. Months of misery before I realised that thousands suffer from the same problems as I do.
I had to change GPs in the end and then was lucky enough to find one who said the simple words "You are suffering from an oestrogen deficiency. Within days of starting Ovestin, my symptoms (pelvic pain, cloudy urine with no infection, irritation, soreness and pain in vaginal and urethral area, inability to sit down, stand up or walk for any length of time) improved - it was like a miracle, I got my life back. BUT after six months on Ovestin and feeling so much better, I stopped the cream for one week and to my horror my symptoms came back very suddenly. I got up six times in the night,cloudy urine,  pain and  soreness in vaginal are, everything just like before.
I went back on Ovestin immediately one week ago and things are slightly better,but it seemed to work much faster last time. This times I am still very sore, can't do sex for fear that it will get even worse and hurt too much, and feel miserable. Does anyone know if it's normal to take longer to get an effect? I can be patient but am feeling really depressed. I'm an my late 60's and have a man friend I don't often see because he works on the other side of the Atlantic. Time together is precious and it's now! Has anyone got an encouraging word or any advice. Is it normal to get the symptoms back so quickly, and will they go away again? Help, please.


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2018, 11:24:35 AM »

Hi Bridge48, and welcome to the forum.

I know exactly where you're coming from, I'm in my late 60s too and have the full works for urogenital atrophy: Estring at the moment (was on Vagifem until recently), estriol cream for the undercarriage, vaginal moisturisers and systemic HRT. I got a bit lazy with the estriol cream and developed all the old symptoms of vulval soreness and got a full-blown UTI which tested positive for E. coli. I'm now on ABs for the UTI and back on the cream every night and I think things are slowly improving. You can't let up with the treatment, ever!

You need to do a 14 day reload with the Ovestin before dropping back to whatever it takes to keep symptoms under control. You might also like to try a vaginal moisturiser (Yes and Sylk seem to be the best brands) but not at the same time as the Ovestin. Things might take a while to settle down again, but you'll get there. I am so sorry this has come at such a bad time for you.

We are two naughty girls, let this be a lesson to us  ::)

JP x


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2018, 11:26:18 AM »

Hi Bridge48 sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this is a lifelong thing called you've seen from experience the minute you stop the treatment the vaginal atrophy flares up again,it's because all your membranes in your body dry up through lack of need to use some form of treatment for life now to maintain the lubrication both inside and outside.You probably also suffer from dry eyes dry sinus anywahere there's membranes is effected.
If your wanting to be active in the bedroom,amongst other places lol,always use lubrication like yes or sylk as it will stop you tearing up inside with the friction,sorry have to be graphic sometimes on here,it's like very fine paper cuts you have inside and outside the vagina because the skin is now so paper thin almost translucent,I'm always down there with a mirror lol.
So anyway local oestrogen such as vagifem or estriol cream along with any hrt you may be on is a necessity now.go back and see your gp and ask for it and good luck.xx


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2018, 11:29:28 AM »

Good advice from joaniepat too even though she's naughty have you tried sweetcures dmannose that's the alternative to antibiotic treatments for ecoli infections and it's very effective for a lot of ladies,it gave me the trots at first but it doesn't do that with everyone.hope you both make a speedy recovery xx


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2018, 12:54:30 PM »

Thanks, Daisydot. I have got some D mannose, could have been using that, but the last two UTIs were enterococcal infections. However, a telephone appointment with GP today confirmed E. coli. Rats! You were saying the other day that you had a flare up of VA. How are you now? Better I hope?
JP x


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2018, 02:22:54 PM »

That's good you know what alternatives you have to hand jp I hope it clears up quickly for you it really is a pain in the butt isn't it.
I think because id gotten badly constipated I must have strained and triggered it again it was horrible like all the good work I'd done was undone.I tried the vagisil medicated cream,I know dg said it causes reactions and I thought I'll be the bloody one who reacts but I had to try something,and one application seemed to solve it overnight I was so lucky.
I then remembered I also had some tubes of ovestin cream a friend had sent me from Spain so at the first sign of anything now I'll slap that on too.Its been such a manic few weeks between hospitals tests and consultants I can't think straight sometimes and I'm naturally dopey anyway lol.Im determined I'm not going on holiday with a sore nee naw on Thursday lol.My sisters in Spain just now and she's ordered me some lenzetto to try but I'm planning to buy it when I get there on Thursday, well I'll order it on Friday,so hopefully we'll get it through ok as we have only hand luggage but it shouldn't be a problem if it is I'll just book a case through lol I'm determined to get it lol.keep well jp and enjoy this lovely weather. :sunny: :foryou:


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2018, 02:44:59 PM »

You need to do a two week reload and possibly up your weekly dosage too.
I took a long time to get my VA under control and you have to accept that it is going to have to be life long maintenance, I darent let my routine of full HRT/ daily Vagifem and Ovestin four times a week slip otherwise I will not be able to sleep, sit, walk and certainly no bedroom activities!


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2018, 07:14:15 PM »

Hi Bridge48

I posted on your other thread - you posted twice in the same section and I saw the other one first! At least I've said the same as the others (without the naughty bits  ::) !)

Hurdity x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2018, 07:25:18 PM »

Do keep up with the treatment.  The dose may not be enough so some ladies find that putting 2 up a couple of times a week keeps symptoms at bay. 

Over the counter pain relief can help too.


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2018, 09:19:06 AM »

Thank you all so much. What a wonderful find this forum is. I went through months of worry, imaging the worst, before I found it.
It's such a comfort to know I'm not alone and that these horrible symptoms are 'normal' but not dangerous. You are all such a great support. I just wander about all the millions of women all over the world who are carrying their pain and suffering alone, with no-one to share it with. And many of our GPs seem to have no education in this field. The GP I transferred away from, talked about bladder cancer without even examining me, didn't seem to have a clue about my symptoms and told me I could request a specialist but it would take 10 months to see one! I changed to a different practice and following examination, was diagnosed instantly by a lovely sympathetic female GP. But I was told to stop the cream after four months. Unfortunately this recent flare up happened one week after stopping,away from home so I had no-one to ask for advice. I've been back on Ovestin for a week now, (luckily I still had some in my sponge bag) , and things are slowly improving although there's still a lot of soreness and need to pee. Bad timing since I see my man friend infrequently because he lives and works on the other side of the world, and ten precious days have been wasted in a certain area. Luckily he is kind and understanding because I daren't do anything with him yet! I really feel there is a need to educate young women into what to expect later in life and what they can do in advance to avoid this unpleasant condition. Love and good health to all my new friends on Menopause Matters xx


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2018, 09:29:44 AM »

Funny you should mention dry eyes. I have that too and hadn't made the connection. Thanks


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2018, 07:01:35 AM »

Hi ladies, I'm a fellow VA sufferer 😢 it really is miserable isn't it!
Mine started being symptomatic a year ago, almost 18 months after starting systemic HRT oiestrogel and Mirena.... totally threw me

I'm now on estring too and had a course of 4 Mona Lisa laser treatments really has helped internal and external skin quality and colour, but still have occasional flare ups, like now!....this one started last week, no apparent reason, as had been following my maintenance routine if estriol cream every morning externally, and emu oil.

Its always the external skin around perineum and bottom area, gets so sore and burns/stings, and sometimes red and rashy's the pits, and how to settle it is always a problem, I know canesten hydrocortisone works fir my, but also thins the skin, and last thing I want is cracked skin again, that's just insult to injury!

So at the moment, I'm persevering with estriole (peas sized amount morning and night) layered with vagisil (lydocaine to try and numb things a bit) and then my good ole emu oil

Hoping it will settle soon, doesn't help that bladder sensitivity and occasional little leaks mean I have to wear Tena pads, or more recently, another reason I thought I'd cracked it, I discovered icon undies, and protech dry undies, which do away with pads and are softer against the sensitive skin, but still slightly thicker than ordinary knickers in the crotch area.

Never knew anything about vaginal atrophy as part of menopause until it hit me last year..... so much of our misery and suffering as women has been taboo for too long, no wonder treatment is limited! 😡😡😡


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2018, 07:54:23 AM »

Lip, I wonder if you are reacting to any of the ingredients in Vagisil? It contains perfume, amongst other undesirables, and you probably realise you should not be using perfumed products on the vulval area. You may be able to get a better lidocaine ointment on prescription.
JP x


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Re: Help with Ovestin please
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2018, 03:51:26 PM »

Thanks JP. I rarely use vagisil, only for relief when I have a flare up, it's so sore sometimes, and always the outer skin, including the skin around my bottom.

So difficult when a routine works for a while, then suddenly wham! A flare up fir no apparent reason, then it's panic to settle it down? What to use?